Dennis & Ray Ray

We discuss life. Sports and random topics of news. One Dominican and one Jamaican. We speak on real life situations. Things that shapes you. News, sport, hip hop

Padre Ray

Una mirada de las cosas de la vida diaria desde la Palabra de Dios y la enseñanza de la Iglesia. Bienvenidos.

Norman Dares

Hello everybody , you can download all my episode of my podcast , subscribe , and join me on FaceBook :

Roidston Norman

Mindfulness, awareness and shenanigans.

Norman Hamilton

Welcome to Norman Hamilton, where amazing things happen.

Fpc Norman

Weekly sermon audio from First Presbyterian Church in Norman, Oklahoma.

Jessye Norman

One of the most distinguished musical artist of our time, the singer Jessye Norman was born in Augusta, Georgia. As a ten-year-old child, she was spellbound by a recording of the...

Run Norman

Hi All, a little something, as my friends are in want of a submission...

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