Prof. explica! Física para o 3º ano do Ensino Médio – Leis de Newton

"Prof. explica!” é uma série de e-books elaborados por professores altamente capacitados, que tem por objetivo tirar dúvidas nas disciplinas cursadas por alunos dos ensinos...

Aristopia: A Romance-History of the New World by HOLFORD, Castello Newton

Aristopia (published 1895) is truly an alternative history. It is an imagination of how the continent of North America might have developed if one man with the vision, altruism...

Intelectuais Fronteiriços: Lídia Besouchet E Newton Freitas: Exílio, Engajamento Político E Mediações Culturais Entre O Brasil E A Argentina (1938-1950)

Intelectuais fronteiriços... apresenta a trajetória de vida do casal Lídia Besouchet e Newton Freitas, sua a militância de esquerda e o trabalho cultural realizado por eles no...

Os Hábitos Secretos Dos Gênios: Aprenda A Identificar E Lapidar Suas Habilidades Como Einstein, Isaac Newton, Virginia Woolf, Walt Disney E Muitos Outros

Einstein. Beethoven. Picasso. Jobs. A palavra “gênio” remete a esses nomes icônicos, de pessoas cujas contribuições culturais moldaram a sociedade de forma irreversível....

Fourth Trimester Podcast: The First Months And Beyond | Parenting | Newborn Baby | Postpartum | Doula

My name is Sarah Trott. I'm a new mama to a vivacious baby girl and this podcast is all about postpartum care for the few months following birth, the time period also known as the...

The Happiest Baby On The Block: The New Way To Calm Crying And Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep Longer

Never again will you have to stand by helplessly while your little baby cries and cries. There is a way to calm most crying babies . . . usually in minutes! Thousands of parents,...

Sleep Routines For Baby And You: How To Help Your Child Sleep Through The Night And Finally Get The Rest You Crave (from Newborn To School Age)

The secret to raising a sound sleeper, even if it is bedtime, is currently a nightmare. Read on...Do you wonder what it’s like to sleep without your baby wailing through the...

First Time Mom No-panic Guide Truth To Be Told, No One Really Knows What To Expect When Expecting. Be A Rock Star Mom With This Monthly Pregnancy And Newborn Survival Guide

Do you feel anxious thinking about the chaos that will come for your first motherhood? Are you scared because you don’t know anything about pregnancy and newborns? Then you need...

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