
Às vezes é preciso chegar ao fundo do poço para conseguir se reerguer.Alexia Willians foi abandonada e desprezada por todos, depois que o pai lhe expulsou de casa e ela teve...

Stephan Kaiser

Experto en romper paradigmas. Foco en habilidades blandas: liderazgo, motivación y oratoria.

Axel Valladares

Un podcast hecho, por mi, para ustedes

Kaiser Waldon

Recordings of my dj sets at Gigs plus mixtapes curated to take you on a journey.


In this podcast i’ll be talking about me transition from middle school to high school

Aidan Alvarez

Welcome to Aidan Alvarez, where amazing things happen.

Rene Alvarez

I will be talking about suicide and YouTube drama

Axel Lenixs

Welcome to the Axel Lenixs podcast, i talk about stuff happening in life. Mostly related to Horror,Funny and Gaming stuff. Sit back and have fun

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