The Secret Within You: The Healing Sun: Guided Healing Meditation For Healing The Solar Plexus And Regaining Your Purpose, Inner Power And Confidence

Just below the diaphragm and the ribcage, above the navel, there is a nerve junction known as the solar plexus. The nerves of this plexus radiate out like the rays of the sun.This...

The Secret Within You: Like A Flowing River: Guided Healing Meditation For Dissolving Energy Blocks And Harmonising The Energy Flow

The Secret within You: Like a Flowing River is a guided healing meditation for dissolving energy blocks and harmonising the energy flow, thus helping unlock the potential of...

The Secret Within You - Bathing In Frequencies Of Wellbeing: Guided Healing Meditation For Pain Relief

The guided healing meditation Bathing in Frequencies of Wellbeing helps you to gradually relax and increase the vibrational frequency of your body to relieve discomfort and...

The Secret Within You - Incredible Immunity: Guided Healing Meditation For A Powerful Immune System Boost

This guided meditation reconnects you to forgotten fountains of healing hidden within you.Through imageries and powerful suggestions given to your subconscious mind in a state of...

The Secret Within You - Healing The Heart: Guided Healing Meditation For Dissolving Painful Emotions And Past Traumas, Healing The Inner Child, Soul Forgiveness, Deep Self-acceptance, And Opening Up To Love

The Secret within You - Healing the Heart is a guided meditation for dissolving painful emotions and past traumas, healing the inner child, soul forgiveness, deep self-acceptance,...

The Secret Within You - Peacefully Present: Guided Grounding Meditation For Deep Tranquility And Connecting To Your Inner Stillness To Dissolve Stress, Overthinking And Fears

Being often conditioned to feel we are never enough in some areas of our life, we often feel we have too much to do and too little time, which makes us become physically and...

Doña Milagros

Doña Milagros cuenta las zozobras de Benicio Neira, padre de una familia numerosa, en una pequeña ciudad de provincias, que se ve arrastrado apasionadamente por su vecina Doña...

Doña Perfecta

Doña Perfecta es una novela de Benito Pérez Galdós. Narra la historia de una viuda de provincias que trama junto con su hermano, residente en Madrid, un casamiento por...

Doña Berta

Doña Berta es un cuento corto de Leopoldo Alas, Clarín. Agrupado en coordenadas estilísticas con los relatos Superchería y Cuervo, se ajusta a la «nouvelle» europea de...

Doña Milagros

Doña Milagros es una novela de Emilia Pardo Bazán. Junto con Memorias de un solterón, conforma una bilogía sobre el tema de las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres a través...

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