Flugel's Psychoanalytic Study of the Family (1921) was acclaimed by Eric Berne for its insights into the Oedipus complex.PREFACEThe circumstances that have led to the...
Po Bronson takes us on an extraordinary journey Calling upon his gift for powerful nonfiction narrative and philosophical insight Po Bronson explores the incredibly...
Procrastination. Disorganization. Distractibility. Millions of adults have long considered these the hallmarks of a lack of self-discipline. But for many, these and other problems...
If ideas of health and triumphant achievement are brought into consciousness, we at the same time experience a state of energy, a feeling of courage and capability and joy and a...
At the beginning a misconception must be removed from the path. Many people, if not most, look on literary taste as an elegant accomplishment, by acquiring which they will...
In his discussion of the general psychological causes of revolution, LeBon draws detailed illustrations of fundamental points from the French Revolution, especially the period...
Attention Ladies!Are you tired of being ignored, not taken seriously, feeling like a victim, and saying yes when you want to say no?Instead, would you like to know how to get your...
It is explained why men and women see infidelity differently.
Sharlene Sema Raston is the author of the book ‘’On the Road to Enlightenment’’, Licensed Life Coach and NLP Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.CBT works by changing people's attitudes and their behavior by focusing on the thoughts, images, beliefs and attitudes that are held (a person's...