After a brutally cold winter, spring finally arrives, and for a family of bears, that means fun in the sun! But all is not fun and games when the youngest bear, “Booby,” finds...
'The Red Radish' is the second of three stories in ‘Silly Stories About Vegetables Book 1’ written by British author Paul Cook - author of the 'Pete the Bee Stories'. This...
Pongo, a spirited young orang-utan, loves his life in the rainforest. His days are spent alongside his mother in the magical tropics of Borneo. Playing amongst the vines, eating...
This is a fictional book written to encourage readers to share their creativity or gift with others. It highlights the fact that there is a process of discovering your gift. At...
Pete the Bee Book 7 is a collection of five short stories about Pete the bee who lives in a barn on an animal rescue farm written by British author Paul Cook. Pete shares many...
'Pete the Bee: Books 4-7' is a collection of twenty short stories taken from the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh 'Pete the Bee' books written by British author Paul Cook.Pete the...
Listen as Crabby tells a hotch potch of delightful tales from The Shellies Compendium of Strange Tales. Visit places from somewhere Near There. Marvel as brave pirates have a...
'A Stick of Rhubarb' is the first of three stories in ‘Silly Stories About Vegetables Book 1’ written by British author Paul Cook - author of the 'Pete the Bee Stories'. The...
Solo medalist winner in the young adult category of the 2015 New Apple Book Awards!Finalist in the 2016 IPNE Book Awards.In the first of a new series of books, military brat and...
Poor little Harry! The cold, gray, wintry city streets are no place for a young dog to wander. He’s lonely, hungry, and in desperate need of a home. But when a young woman...