Truth Does Not Belong To An Individual: Brockwood Park And Gstaad 1975

"Truth does not belong to an individual - 27 September 1975• Krishnamurti’s ‘process’ and his early years.• Suffering.• The Indian tradition says that there is a...

Violence, Pleasure And Fear: Santa Monica 1971 - Public Talk 2

"Violence, pleasure and fear - 7 March 1971• We have accepted violence as a way of life and yet at the same time we wantpeace.• Can one live a life in which there is no...

Westminster Whore

In 2009, a 24 year old blonde beauty Fernley Valentine, and his gingerhaired cuteasbutton, angelic face friend Jamie Vaughan, a year younger, decide to quite the rag trade as top...

What Is A Chaste Mind?: Saanen 1974 - Public Discussion 5

"What is a chaste mind? - 4 August 1974• The word ‘chaste’ means pure, clean, untouched.• Have we a chaste mind, a mind that has not been hurt, has no image, is freefrom...

What Is Order?: Malibu 1970 - Small Group Discussion 7

"What is order? - 28 March 1970 • Orderanddisorder.• Why does the mind accumulate?• How do you receive something that is not of the mind?"

What Is Our Responsibility?: Saanen 1974 - Public Discussion 3

"What is our responsibility? - 2 August 1974 Duration: 93 minutes• Q: How do I put the feeling of responsibility into action?• We approach a problem from the outer to the...

What Is The Substance Of Thought?: Brockwood Park And Gstaad 1975 - Dialogue 8

"What is the substance of thought? - 25 July 1975 • What is the basic reason for thought to be fragmented?• What is the substance of thought? Is it a material process, a...

What Is Truth And What Is Reality?: Brockwood Park And Gstaad 1975 - Dialogue 1

"What is truth and what is reality - 18 May 1975• What is truth and what is reality?• Anything that thought thinks about or reflects upon or projects, that is reality.And that...

What Makes One Control?: Malibu 1970 - Small Group Discussion 3

"What makes one control? - 14 March 1970 • Violence• Why do you control?• Security means to be in a state in which there is no choice at all.• The mind has become...

What Will Make Me See That Thought Breeds Frustration?: Gstaad 1965 - Small Group Discussion 3

"What will make me see that thought breeds frustration? - 21 August 1965 • What is the function of thought?• Can the mind see the fact that thought will always breed...

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