The hidden history of Wall Street and the White House comes down to a single, powerful, quintessentially American concept: confidence. Both centers of power, tapping brazen...
Red Dove, Listen to the Wind is a captivating middle grade historical novel set in the Dakota Territory of the 1890s, against the backdrop of Wounded Knee. It is the tale of a...
It is the late summer of 1863 and the third year of the war in North America. In the wake of the defeat at Gettysburg, Robert E. Lee has returned, with his Confederate army, to...
The history of India's struggle for freedom is usually told from the perspective of the non-violent movement. Yet, the story of armed resistance to colonial occupation is just as...
In this seventh book in the series, boys learn about The Korean War (1950-53) also known as the “The Forgotten War.” Despite more than 2 million casualties, most...
The history of India is long and complicated. It dates back to thousands of years before Christ, according to historical analysts, and it involves wars, peoples, different...
A groundbreaking, revelatory history of Abraham Lincoln’s plan to secure a just and lasting peace after the Civil War—a vision that inspired future presidents as well...
Discover how—and why—Black, Indigenous, and people of color in America experience societal, economic, and infrastructural inequality throughout history covering...
'Eject! Eject!' When the call is made to abandon an aircraft, it's only the beginning of the story... From the Sunday Times bestselling writer John...
Los escandinavos del mundo antiguo tenían muchos dioses y diosas a los que adoraban. ¿Tienes curiosidad por saber cuáles veneraban tanto?Bueno, en esta guía, eso es...