Maxims And Reflections
  • Por Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
  • Editor: Passerino

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German writer and statesman. Translated by Thomas Bailey Saunders 

The Necessary Tools For Success -the Self Help Guide
  • Por Thomas Jackson
  • Editor: Thomas Jackson

This book will provide you with the necessary tools for success!Success is one of the most desired need that we all want to go after and achieve but the journey to be successful...

I Shall Not Die
  • Por Gabriel Agbo
  • Editor: Tektime

It is not yet over. God has not finished with you. You are not dying now. Yes, you are not. This book is to reassure you that He still has a plan for your life. It doesn’t...

Self Esteem Workbook:the 30 Day Challenge To Master Self Improvement,discipline & Development
  • Editor: Mark Nathan

Do you wake up dreading the day?Do you feel discouraged with what you've accomplished in life?Do you want greater self-esteem, productivity, and joy in daily...

The Moorland Cottage
  • Por Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
  • Editor: Kore Enterprises

Maggie Browne, the daughter of a deceased clergyman, is encouraged to give up her own life and passions and devote herself to her brother Edward. Through the example and guidance...

Journaling : The Super Easy Five Minute Basics To Journaling Like A Pro In 30 Days
  • Por Scott Green
  • Editor: Scott Green

Keeping a journal is a very useful path towards self-improvement. However, this is only when journaling becomes a habit, and not something that is done just once. Essentially,...

Foundation Stones To Happiness And Success
  • Por James Allen
  • Editor: FV Éditions

"To live out the teaching of this book faithfully in every detail of life will lead one to more than happiness and success — even to Blessedness, Satisfaction and Peace." Lilly...

The Geese That Lay The Golden Eggs: Romance Scams
  • Por Mirta B. Bono
  • Editor: Tektime

Romance scams, or “Prince Charming” scams, are increasing exponentially and sweeping over every continent. From the United States to Australia, from Europe to Asia. It...

Relationship Has Significance Only When It Is A Process Of Self-revelation
  • Por Jiddu Krishnamurti
  • Duración: 0:37:00
  • Narrador: Jiddu Krishnamurti
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

Relationship has significance only when it is a process of self-revelation - 17 July 1949 • Where there is authority there can be no discovery of something new. • Relationship...

Charles Spurgeon's Meditations On The Easter Story
  • Por Charles Spurgeon
  • Duración: 1:24:49
  • Narrador: Christopher Glyn
  • Editor: SAGA Egmont

Beautifully and devotionally read by Christopher Glyn, this is a unique compilation of 21 readings from Charles Spurgeon's classic "Morning and Evening" devotionals on the theme...

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