Sylvia Stark is a reporter determined to find a real story when she interviews Cinderella's Wicked Stepmother, Charlotte. Her life turns upside down when she discovers the...
"Sarah Baxter has everything she ever wanted. A gorgeous billionaire who wants to marry her, a thriving business, and a happy family. But she still hasn’t met Tyler’s parents...
Centuries ago a great castle was built in the mountains of Germany’s Black Forest. Its ancient guardians still thrive in its walls forever protecting its dark secrets, holding...
Gillian and Philip Summers are your ordinary suburban couple who have a dark secret. Gill meets someone new and this threatens to reveal everything about their dark secret.
Emerging from the winter storm, it appeared to be a sanctuary, shelter from the freezing blizzard and the ravages of a desperate, final battle. But instead, the beckoning gates of...
Lake On The Moon: The War Of The Worlds Audio Drama Sequel. A New Martian Menace Invades Earth in Volume 2 of The Martian Diaries.When a Martian cylinder lands on Horsell Common,...
When the lord of the big cock came out fucking, the whole region was upset. Here the deeds of this gentleman are narrated, a lord whose mayor entertainment was the deflowering of...
This erotica bundle contains books 9 - 16 of the 'Age Gap Breeding' series, where naughty adult nymphs get taken by mature, seasoned men. Read how the pairs go at it in sinful,...
The original interplanetary swashbuckler:John Carter is a fighting man of Earth (or is he?) transported suddenly to the surface of a strange planet full of fierce green giants,...
A collection of twelve short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, first published on 14 October 1892. It contains the earliest short stories featuring the consulting detective Sherlock...