Анна На Шее
  • Por Антон Чехов
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Молодая девушка, заботливая и любящая дочь и сестра, кардинально меняет свое отношение к близким...

The Idiot
  • Por Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The Idiot, one of Dostoyevsky's finest and most brilliant literary achievements of the Golden Age of Russian literature.

Стихи Под Стеклом (poems Under Glass)
  • Por Anastasia Volnaya
  • Editor: Maxim Zheltov

В данной книге представлены поэтические образы Анастасии Вольной и иллюстрации художника –...

  • Por Антон Чехов
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Однажды, возвратившись с прогулки, она становится свидетельницей того, как ее комнату обыскивает...

The Gentle Spirit: A Fantastic Story
  • Por Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Can too much love be fatal? You are about to find out in this exquisite psychological drama between the owner of a pawnshop and his wife. The narrator's marriage started out...

Hadji Murad
  • Por Leo Tolstoy
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The story follows a separatist guerrilla Murat who falls out with his own commander and eventually sides with the Imperial Russian forces in hope of saving his family. Tolstoy...

  • Por Антон Чехов
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Молодая рыжая собака — помесь такса с дворняжкой — очень похожая мордой на лисицу» по кличке...

  • Por Антон Чехов
  • Editor: Interactive Media

На свадьбе у Ольги Ивановны были все ее друзья и добрые знакомые. — Посмотрите на него: не и правда...

The Death Of Ivan Ilyich
  • Por Leo Tolstoy
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Ivan Ilyich, a high court judge, becomes seriously ill and faces a long and gruelling battle with death. The Death of Ivan Ilyich is more than a story about death, however. It...

The Godson
  • Por Leo Tolstoy
  • Editor: Interactive Media

A son was born to a poor peasant. He rejoiced and went to a neighbour to ask him to stand as godfather to the boy. The neighbour refused. He did not want to be godfather to a poor...

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