Kibbe On Liberty



Libertarian Matt Kibbe puts aside politics to have mostly honest conversations with mostly interesting people. Mostly because its really hard to be honest and interesting at the same time. Mostly because we want to have some fun, even as we argue about things that really matter you know, things like beer. Kibbe digs a little deeper with guests from all over the political spectrum: Right, Left, and libertarian; smart, independent people who dont give a damn about your preferred political tribe. Lets listen and learn together. Subscribe to Kibbe on Liberty, the counter-counter-revolution of social media. Because endless virtue-signaling is a total buzzkill.


  • Ep 226 | The COVID Aristocracy | Guest: Jeffrey Tucker

    10/05/2023 Duración: 01h08min

    America prides itself on being a classless society. We abolished the peer system of England and replaced it with the concept of social mobility and the belief that all men are created equal. But in March 2020, the country was suddenly and forcibly divided into essential and non-essential workers. One class was expected fix pipes and remove garbage while the other watched Netflix and waited around for their groceries to be delivered by virus-ridden serfs. Matt Kibbe talks with Jeffrey Tucker, founder and president of the Brownstone Institute, about the surprising ways in which public health policy transformed the most egalitarian and meritocratic society on the planet into one in which your social status is not determined by your effort, intelligence, or ingenuity, but by the dictates of some cloistered bureaucrat.

  • Ep 225 | Exposing Fauci’s COVID Cover-Up | Guest: Sen. Rand Paul

    03/05/2023 Duración: 37min

    In a New York Times interview, Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed that he sleeps just fine, but if he’s at all concerned about the devastating consequences of his actions, he should have a lot of sleepless nights. Matt Kibbe and Sen. Rand Paul discuss the series of terrible decisions Fauci made during his handling of the pandemic and his continued equivocation and evasion under questioning. As ranking Republican on the Homeland Security Committee, Sen. Paul is demanding answers: Where did the novel coronavirus actually come from? Who funded it? Is gain-of-function research still going on, and could it lead to more man-made viruses being released in the future?

  • Ep 224 | Markets, Not Mandates, Will Save the Environment | Guest: Chris Barnard

    26/04/2023 Duración: 45min

    For decades, we’ve been told that only top-down mandates from the government can organize people to protect the environment, but in many cases, the federal government actually does more harm than good. Matt Kibbe talks with Chris Barnard of the American Conservation Coalition about the ways in which free-market innovation is a superior form of environmental protection. Not only do innovators and entrepreneurs — despite being held back by bureaucratic red tape and anti-nuclear bias — have the tools to produce better and cleaner technology, but free markets also create the conditions in which ordinary people can afford to care about the environment in the first place. It’s hard to get people to care about a potential environmental catastrophe in the future if they are struggling to put food on the table today. Building a strong economy and achieving energy independence are two of the best ways to practice responsible ecology.

  • Ep 223 | When Artists Aren't Allowed to Think | Guest: Clifton Duncan

    19/04/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    The world of the arts is one in which creativity and original thinking should be valued above all else. But in fact, it's one of the industries that most enforces conformity and obedience. Matt Kibbe is joined by Clifton Duncan, a classically trained theater and television actor who found this out to his cost. When he refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine, he found his thriving career suddenly grinding to a halt, as managers, agents, and casting directors shunned him for failing to toe the party line. Duncan talks about the culture of the New York theater scene, the inability of free thinkers to speak out, and his new documentary, "Follow the Science," which exposes the muddled thinking, or lack thereof, behind the uniformity of opinion surrounding COVID lockdown policies.

  • Ep 222 | The Banking System Is a House of Cards | Guest: Peter St. Onge

    12/04/2023 Duración: 59min

    In the midst of yet another American banking crisis, the so-called experts are at a loss to explain how these crises keep happening. But there is an answer, and it’s one that Austrian economists have known for more than a century. Matt Kibbe talks to Peter St. Onge, research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, who explains how our system of fractional reserve banking is a house of cards that is founded on the lie that the same dollar can be in two places at once. Simply put, the banks are so fragile because they are already insolvent—even when things seem to be going well. This issue can be solved, but it requires rethinking the way we bank and getting the government out of the money business.

  • Ep 221 | TikTok Ban Empowers Government Speech Police | Guest: Robby Soave

    05/04/2023 Duración: 55min

    The war against Big Tech is in full swing. Republicans in Congress are attempting to pass the Restrict Act, a dangerous piece of legislation that would not only allow them to ban TikTok, the China-controlled social media app, but would also give them broad powers to regulate Americans’ speech online and silence dissenting voices. Matt Kibbe is joined by Robby Soave, senior editor at Reason Magazine, to talk about why this is a really, really bad idea. The beauty of the internet is that it has given us access to a multitude of voices and a diversity of opinion absent from the old network news channels. But there are those who want to take all that away in order to enforce a single narrative, whether it be about the policies surrounding COVID-19 or the war in Ukraine. Tech companies restricting speech is certainly a concern, but as we’ve learned from the “Twitter Files,” almost all of the worst examples of online censorship were performed at the urging of the FBI and other government agencies. The last thing de

  • Ep 220 | How We Avoided a Second Housing Crisis | Guest: Mark Calabria

    29/03/2023 Duración: 01h35s

    The housing crash of 2008, leading into the Great Recession, was one of the worst economic crises in the last hundred years. As governments around the world locked down their economies during the COVID-19 pandemic, the stage was set for a similar collapse in the real estate market, yet for the most part, it didn’t happen. Mark Calabria, author of “Shelter from the Storm,” talks with Matt Kibbe about the ways in which some policymakers were able to avoid making the mistakes of their predecessors, and avoid making a bad situation even worse. This points to the importance of having libertarians and those skeptical of big government in positions of authority within the very bureaucracies they would like to eliminate altogether. Shelter from the Storm:

  • Ep 219 | How Comic Books Can Save the World | Guest: Matt Battaglia

    22/03/2023 Duración: 52min

    From Eadweard Muybridge’s experiments with sequential photography to the earliest motion pictures, the power of sequential images to tell stories and communicate ideas has long been recognized. The medium of comics, once thought to be fit only for children, has emerged as a rich and vibrant source of creativity and passion among artists and writers. Matt Kibbe is joined by Matt Battaglia, executive producer at Free the People and author of the new book "House on Fire," to talk about art, creativity, and the ways in which comics can both predict the future and respond to the various challenges faced by 21st-century American society. House on Fire:

  • Ep 218 | The Threat of a Central Digital Currency | Guest: Rep. Warren Davidson

    15/03/2023 Duración: 53min

    Cryptocurrency has the potential to liberate millions of people from the government’s money system, but there are some who want to use that very tool for evil instead of good. Matt Kibbe talks to Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio) about the possibility of the Federal Reserve creating its own digital currency that would be controlled by the federal government. In addition to being prone to massive inflation, a central bank digital currency would be used to track your every purchase and could be denied to people who behave in ways that the state deems undesirable. In Canada, truckers were locked out of their bank accounts for protesting COVID policy. Imagine if Justin Trudeau had the ability to deactivate the very dollars in their pockets as well.

  • Ep 217 | The Case for a National Popular Vote | Guest: Saul Anuzis

    08/03/2023 Duración: 57min

    Election integrity, fairness, and representation are increasingly important issues in the minds of American voters, with several recent presidential election results mired in controversy and an unwillingness to accept the results. One point of contention with many is that the candidate who receives the most votes nationally does not always end up becoming president. Saul Anuzis, senior adviser for National Popular Vote, believes that changing this would result in a system that better represents the desires and interests of the American people. He and Matt Kibbe discuss whether a national popular vote would help to enfranchise more people and reduce pandering to swing states, or whether the current Electoral College system is necessary to protect the interests of rural voters.

  • Ep 216 | Trans Radicalism Is Bad for Trans Women | Guest: Sara Higdon

    01/03/2023 Duración: 56min

    The gender ideology movement has become extremely influential (and extremely radical!), but how much do the activists we see on college campuses and teaching elementary schools actually represent transgender people? Matt Kibbe is joined by Sara Higdon, a trans woman and the host of “TRANSform to Freedom,” who explains why she does not believe that gender is fluid, that women can become men, or that biological men should compete in women’s sports. Trans adults should be treated with respect and compassion, but that does not mean that men calling themselves women should automatically and unquestioningly gain access to all female spaces, or that drugs and surgery should be forced on young children. According to Higdon, this extreme ideology is actually a setback for people like her, who just want to live and let live.

  • Ep 215 | Keep Your Government Hands Off My Crypto | Guest: Paul Atkins

    22/02/2023 Duración: 49min

    As inflation rages on, many people regard cryptocurrency as a silver bullet to escape the tyranny of fiat currency. But what happens when government tries to take over that tool for its own purposes? Matt Kibbe is joined by Paul Atkins, CEO and founder of Potomac Global Partners, to discuss the prospects for cryptocurrency in the near future, the FTX scandal, and the consequences of government attempts to control and regulate this exciting new market of competing currencies.

  • Ep 214 | Should We Fear AI Art? | Guests: Sean Robinson & Carson Grubaugh

    15/02/2023 Duración: 01h18min

    Midjourney and other artificially intelligent image generators are sending shock waves through the art industry as creators wonder whether they will soon be replaced by machines and whether human creativity and purpose are themselves endangered by technology. Matt Kibbe and the Free the People team are joined by artists Sean Robinson and Carson Grubaugh, who recently published the AI generated comic “The Abolition of Man,” to discuss and debate whether we should be optimistic or pessimistic about artificial intelligence’s role in the creative sphere going forward. Just how concerned should we be? Watch Part 2 on LivingtheLine:

  • Ep 213 | In Search of Monsters to Destroy | Guest: Chris Coyne

    08/02/2023 Duración: 01h15min

    We are told that the world is full of dangers that only the U.S. military can neutralize — that our very freedoms depend on sending young men and women overseas to fight and die. But what if we have been actively seeking out, or even creating, these dangers in order to perpetuate the power of the military-industrial complex? Matt Kibbe talks to Chris Coyne, author of “In Search of Monsters to Destroy,” about the sometimes-hidden incentives that drive the political machine toward war at any cost. Cronyism, corporatism, and the need to distract from problems at home makes foreign enemies, real or imaginary, an attractive prospect for people with an interest in winning elections and wielding power over the American people. In Search of Monsters to Destroy:

  • Ep 212 | The NIH’s Campaign of Animal Abuse | Guest: Justin Goodman

    01/02/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    When people talk about the need for government-sponsored medicine, they’ll often use words like “compassionate” and “humane,” but neither of those terms describe what’s been happening at the National Institutes of Health. Matt Kibbe and Justin Goodman, senior vice president of the White Coat Waste Project, talk about some of the horrific cases of animal cruelty and abuse that the government has been financing for years. We’re not just talking about fruit flies and nematode worms here. Dogs and cats are being tortured and killed, often with little to no scientific justification. And your tax dollars are paying for it. The mission of the White Coat Waste Project is to shine a light on these disgusting practices and hopefully put a stop to them once and for all.

  • Ep 211 | The Myth of Left and Right | Guests: Verlan and Hyrum Lewis

    25/01/2023 Duración: 53min

    Why are we taught that communism and fascism are opposites when both have led to the deaths of millions? Are conservatives for free markets or for corporatism? Is the Left anti-war or pro-war? Matt Kibbe is joined by Verlan and Hyrum Lewis, authors of “The Myth of Left and Right: How the Political Spectrum Misleads and Harms America,” to explain how the entire concept of the Left-Right political spectrum is a fantasy. Political tribes are not about ideas or philosophy. They are about supporting your team while demonizing the other — independent of any issue or political position. The delusion of the political spectrum is not only wrong but dangerous, preventing people from compromising, working across the aisle, or even recognizing the basic humanity of their political opponents. The Myth of Left and Right:

  • Ep 210 | The New Church Committee | Guest: Rep. Thomas Massie

    18/01/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    Matt Kibbe talks to Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) about the recent fight over the Speaker of the House election. One of the concessions Kevin McCarthy offered in order to secure the position was the formation of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, which is being likened to the Frank Church Committee, designed to investigate the CIA in the 1970s. This new committee will be focused on identifying ways in which the federal government is violating the civil liberties of American citizens, and putting a stop to it.

  • Ep 209 | How COVID Drove the World Insane | Guest: Justin Hart

    11/01/2023 Duración: 55min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Justin Hart, author of “Gone Viral: How COVID Drove the World Insane,” to talk about the wide range of irrational behavior we saw during the pandemic, from shutting down the economy and quarantining the healthy rather than the sick to blindly trusting models that turned out to be grossly wrong and demonizing anyone who didn’t agree with the official narrative. The last three years have not only been a blow to our freedoms, but to our mental and physical health, and yet these problems continue to be ignored by the very people who were supposed to be looking out for us. The question of how so many smart people got this issue so wrong is one we have to keep asking if we want to prevent it from happening again in the future. Gone Viral: How COVID Drove the World Insane:

  • Ep 208 | A Historic Fight for Speaker of the House | Guest: Rep. Chip Roy

    04/01/2023 Duración: 27min

    Matt Kibbe gives his analysis of the current election for Speaker of the House taking place in the U.S. Capitol, then is joined by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) for an inside look at the proceedings. For the first time in a hundred years, Congress has been unable to decide on a Speaker after multiple ballots. While insiders assumed that Rep. Kevin McCarthy would be the obvious choice for Speaker, he is having trouble securing the votes for the job, with members of the House Freedom Caucus demanding concessions in exchange for their support. There’s a lot at stake here, including how Congress goes about budgeting and spending taxpayer funding, transparency, and the ability of all Members to make their voices heard.

  • Ep 207 | Leaving the Left for Liberty | Guest: Sienna Mae Heath

    28/12/2022 Duración: 01h05min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Sienna Mae Heath, host of “Leaving the Left for Liberty,” to talk about their different strategies for communicating ideas of liberty to the public and whether we should focus on a fact-based analysis or a more emotional approach that appeals to people’s intuitions about how the world works. On a practical level, both communication styles are necessary — both separately and together — with the heart and mind united in a single, perfect sphere. As a woman of Iranian descent, Sienna also reflects on the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement currently threatening to topple Iran’s authoritarian theocratic regime. Leaving the Left for Liberty:

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