Mom To Mom Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 73:37:42
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Hey, there! We're Kate Battistelli, September McCarthy, and Jamie Erickson--three generations of moms who have experienced nearly every season of motherhood. We dont have all the answers, but you can be sure that well always point you to the One who does.


  • We're Back!!

    09/09/2024 Duración: 18min

    The Mom to Mom Podcast is back with Season 6!! Kate, September and Jamie are excited and ready to dive into a fresh new season focusing on the need for steadfastness—in our faith and motherhood. In today's episode we're catching you up on what’s been happening in our lives and previewing where we’re headed next in this new season. Whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or are just tuning in for the first time, we invite you to come along with us as we talk about the real-life joys and challenges of motherhood, faith, homeschooling, and everything in between. "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." -Hebrews 10:24 Thank you to this season's sponsor, BJU Press. You can find them at

  • {Rewind} Ep. 12: Meal Planning Hacks for the Busy Mom

    22/08/2023 Duración: 50min

    With full fall schedules just around the corner, now's the best time to get into a good meal-planning rhythm. We've gathered up our best tricks and tips for putting dinner on the table with ease and have put them all in this jam-packed episode. By just putting a few systems in place, you can not only save your sanity, but also your time, your budget, and in some ways, your waistline and health because a plan will help you eliminate the need to eat out or eat easy. This episode originally aired in Season 1 of our show. Be sure to head to for the show notes.

  • {Rewind} Ep. 11: Marriage & Motherhood

    08/08/2023 Duración: 40min

    We all know a great and godly marriage takes work. And it’s also fair to say that motherhood is a full-time job of its own as well. It’s a delicate balance. How DO we find the time, the space, the energy, and the focus to keep both relationships healthy and strong?  Is it possible? This episode originally aired in Season 1 of our show. Be sure to head to for the show notes.

  • {Rewind} Ep. 5: Mom Overwhelm

    25/07/2023 Duración: 36min

    Today we’re chatting about the overwhelm of motherhood. Between the three of us, we have 16 children and have experienced more than our share of overwhelm in our mothering journeys. This episode originally aired in Season 1 of our show. Be sure to head to for the show notes.

  • {Rewind} Ep. 9: Summertime Self-care for Moms

    11/07/2023 Duración: 40min

    We are mothers but we aren’t superwomen and we’re not supposed to be. When we are recharged, we're better able to cope with the issues that are bound to come up during the summer. In this episode, Kate, September, and Jamie share their best tips for using summer to refuel. This episode originally aired in Season 1 of our show. Be sure to head to for the show notes.

  • Ep. 106: Personal Convictions vs. Biblical Commands in Motherhood

    27/06/2023 Duración: 40min

    There are plenty of issues that can divide Christian moms, with well-meaning and Jesus loving women on both sides of any argument. Yet the debate runs deeper than the typical "mommy wars" because at the heart of the division is our commitment to God and His Word. Today, we’re going to be talking about the differences between personal convictions (sometimes called freedoms) and Biblical commands. As we chat, we’re not necessarily going to share our individual beliefs about specific issues, but rather how to put our convictions in their rightful place. This episode will conclude season 5 of the Mom to Mom podcast. In the coming months, Kate, September, and Jamie will be taking a hiatus to enjoy some rest. They'll be back in September with new episodes, eager to join the conversation around the long and wide table of motherhood. In the meantime, we all hope you’ll still tune in as we rewind through some of the most popular episodes of the first four years.

  • Ep. 105: Q&A 2023 Edition

    20/06/2023 Duración: 31min

    Recently, Kate, September, and Jamie had the privilege of hosting a Q&A panel at the Teach Them Diligently convention in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. The room was packed with moms eager to ask them some hard questions about mothering, faith, homeschooling, discipleship, and so much more. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to get to all of the questions and there were several that were quite universal, so they thought it would be beneficial to discuss them on the podcast. In this episode, they return to that stack of questions and do their best to answer them as if we were still sitting down with mothers in real-time. Just as in the live Q&A, they do "shoot from the hip" with no preparation or background, not knowing all the nuances behind the question or your specific set of circumstances. Take their thoughts as a gentle invitation to explore further on your own. Thank you so much for listening. We are winding down season 5 of the show and are in process of planning season 6, so if these or any o

  • Ep. 104: Online vs. Real-Life Titus 2 Mentors

    06/06/2023 Duración: 38min

    In the American church, there's been a growing, gaping hole between the generations. Older women often feel disconnected and irrelevant to younger women, easily intimidated by modern technology and navigating social media and it’s easy for many to feel out of touch. Many younger women feel like they’re doing just fine on their own and don’t see the need for biblical mentorship. Others find that when they do ask an older woman to mentor them, they get turned down and they wind up navigating as best they can but desperate for help from someone who’s been there and done that. Our goal in this episode is to encourage the hearts of both older and younger women and give strategies to help you connect and share creative ways to bridge the massive gap between the generations. You can also find us on Instagram, on Facebook, or at our website at We would love to hear from you, so reach out and we will reach back to you.

  • Ep. 103: The Side Hustle

    23/05/2023 Duración: 27min

    Our culture in general seems obsessed with the idea of "hustle." But for some of us, a side hustle can make all the difference in meeting our desire to stay-at-home with our kids as well as providing additional income or bringing personal satisfaction in an area of interest outside of motherhood. Listen as Jamie, Kate and September delve into the topic of side-hustles (specifically for stay-at-home moms) and share insights and practical tips on how to balance family life and side-hustles, as well as how to identify profitable opportunities that may be better suited than others to you and your family. As always, we’d love to connect with you! Join the conversation on Instagram and Facebook. 

  • Ep. 102: Teaching Life Skills

    09/05/2023 Duración: 39min

    We live in a crazy, mixed-up world, vastly different from the world 20 years ago. Back then, there were no cell phones, only very rudimentary computers, no internet or social media and the world seemed much calmer as we all had more time to spend in face-to-face communication. We weren’t looking more at our phones and less at the world around us, the way many of us do today. Just stand in line at a restaurant or sit at your gate in the airport: ninety percent of people are staring at their phones rather than interacting with the ones around them! But even 20 years ago, parents still needed to impart basic life skills to children, skills all kids need to learn before they move into life as an adult. There are several critical ones that Kate, Jamie, and September are going to chat about today. Listen as they hit on some of the major topics for the current culture we are living in right now. For more information and resources mentioned in this episode, see the show notes at our Mom to Mom Podcast website.

  • Ep. 101: Parenting Adult Children

    25/04/2023 Duración: 37min

    Months after Jamie wrote her first book, Homeschool Bravely, she was being interviewed on a podcast. And while she doesn’t remember much about that particular show, she does remember one particular question the host lobbed her way. She was asked, do you still have fears when it comes to your mothering? The podcaster was specifically referring to fears about homeschooling, and so Jamie's answer took the conversation in a different direction than she was shooting for. Jamie answered, “Yep, I fear what will happen when everything I have poured into them over the years is now theirs to do with as they will. I pray they will hold fast to their faith and the truth of God’s Word. I pray 2 Timothy 3:14 for them, “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it.” But then we have to let those fears go, give them to the Holy Spirit and trust that in God’s great love for them, He’ll continue to chase after them even when our role in their lives shifts. Tha

  • Ep. 100: Discipleship Begins at Home with Leslie Nunnery

    11/04/2023 Duración: 39min

    For Christian families, discipleship that goes to a child’s heart will give them a passion for Jesus like nothing else.  We mamas do our utmost to raise our children according to biblical principles and standards as we do our best to model Christ’s love to them and everyone in our lives. To chat all about how to focus on discipleship and why it’s so critical for our kids, we’re welcoming Leslie Nunnery, an author and mom of four who along with her husband, David, founded Teach Them Diligently, the nation's premier source for gospel-centered homeschool events. Leslie has been on our podcast before, on Episode 53 which is all about finding your parenting vision and is well worth listening to. She’s the author of two books and she’s written multiple homeschool courses. But whether you homeschool or not, Leslie is full of wisdom about how we can focus on discipleship and why it’s absolutely critical to Christian families, especially in the times we live in.  Visit Teach Them Diligently, for resources and expe

  • Ep. 99: No Fuss Ideas for a Christ-Centered Easter

    28/03/2023 Duración: 34min

    A few years into her mothering, Jamie decided that she wanted to put more emphasis on Easter in her home. It bothered her that Christmas–the day set aside to remember the birth of Christ--had become an entire season of celebration and yet Easter–the day honoring His ultimate sacrifice on the cross and His miraculous resurrection was just defined by most of the evangelical church, herself included, with a few lilies at the front of the sanctuary, maybe some new dress clothes most kids didn’t want to wear, and a basket of candy. She wanted her kids to see that both moments of Christ’s life–His birth and His death–were equally important in their faith. In this episode, Kate, September, and Jamie chat about Easter and how they’ve found ways to center the season on Christ. We’d love to know how you mark the sacredness of Easter in the ordinary of your days. Find us on Facebook or Instagram and tell us all about it!

  • Ep. 98: Providing Rest for Caregivers of the Disabled with Jess Ronne

    14/03/2023 Duración: 35min

    Today we’re welcoming Jess Ronne to the podcast. Jess is the author of Sunlight Burning at Midnight,  founder of a non-profit, and mom of 8 including  her son, Lucas, born with profound disabilities. Jess became a widow and single mom at 33, after losing her husband to a brain tumor. She had 4 children under 6, and after several years, she met Ryan Ronne, a widower with 3 children. They married and had a child together in 2015. At that point, her son Lucas was entering puberty, and raising him became more challenging every day. She and Ryan sought out resources and support for caregivers, but, try as they might, they couldn’t find any community  for caregivers desperate for a break. So she founded her own non-profit, The Lucas Project, to help families with special needs. She realized early on, her efforts needed to include respite care for the caregivers, advice to help all of us to recognize their needs, and practical ways we can help.  Not only do disabled individuals need lifelong care

  • Ep. 97: No More Entitled Kids

    28/02/2023 Duración: 35min

    “But so-and-so has one.” “It’s all your fault.” “That’s not fair.” As moms, we’ve all heard these dramatic declarations on occasion–often at full volume and packaged in tears. But while in their immaturity, kids can be prone to selfishness, if left unchecked these self-seeking desires can morph into an unholy trinity of Me, Myself, and I.  Today, Kate, September, and Jamie chat about curbing this “self” epidemic prevalent in our culture in adults and kids alike. Some folks would call this me-first attitude "privileged." Others might use the word “spoiled.” But for the sake of this conversation, they'll use the word "entitled." We’d love to meet you on Instagram or Facebook, so feel free to follow us there. And, we’d be deeply grateful if you left us a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Spotify, and shared our podcast with other moms who’d love to join us.

  • Ep. 96: Sexual Intimacy in Marriage with Francie Winslow

    14/02/2023 Duración: 30min

    Mamas, God designed sex and it is a great gift to us in marriage, but sometimes it can also lead to frustrations and hurt feelings.  The world has such a fractured view of sex, but we think part of the reason sex has become so distorted in our culture is that we’re not having these kinds of conversations.   We're sure you can tell by the title of this episode that this is not going to be a G-rated discussion! Now would be a great time to hit pause if there are kids around and find a way to listen privately, perhaps even alone with your spouse. We’re talking about sex today with our friend Francie Winslow, the host of the Heaven in Your Home podcast and an outspoken advocate for Biblical intimacy between husbands and wives. Join us for this hard, yet importantly honest, discussion.  Find more from Francie at her website, and as always, join the conversation with us on Instagram at @momtomompodcast.

  • Ep. 95: Healthy Eating

    31/01/2023 Duración: 34min

    It can be a big challenge coming up with healthy meals for your family day after day. But we all want our families to be as healthy as they can, right? Food has a huge impact on maintaining our health and gives us the energy to tackle all the tasks we deal with every day. It’s tough, yes, but it’s certainly not impossible to make healthy choices,  and I'm sure many of you are doing it successfully. But what about the woman who’s not? Her day can quickly get overwhelming, especially when she’s got littles at home. Or, maybe she works or has a part-time job and the time to prepare simply slips away. It's easy to feel guilty and anxious about what you’re eating and feeding your family, and we certainly don’t want this episode to put any more pressure on you than you might be putting on yourself. But, it’s an important area to examine and see what simple changes might work for you and your family.  So, lets dive in and chat about the proactive things we can start to do to eat healthier. Also listen to E

  • Ep. 94: Body Image

    17/01/2023 Duración: 27min

    As women, we live in a world of confusion and comparison over our bodies. Even our womanhood is under “attack.” Raising girls in this next generation with healthy body image is even more challenging in a day when social media heavily influences what we see, think and choose to do or not to do with our minds and our bodies because a healthy body image begins in the mind! A lot of times, women in our circles speak of childbirth or motherhood as an attack on their body image, but we have been doing some deep thinking on this and if we are being completely honest, any struggles we had with our bodies began long before we had any children! Listen in this episode as we discuss our own struggles with body image, and share some of the ways we've found to make peace with how God has fearfully and wonderfully created us!  You can join the conversation over on Instagram at @momtomompodcast!

  • Ep. 93: Must-Have Books for Moms

    03/01/2023 Duración: 35min

    In episode 92, The Well-Read Mother with Jennifer Pepito, Jennifer shared with us all about how reading great books has shaped her motherhood. As we alluded to in that episode, we have been shaped by books too! So in this episode, we want to flip the mic back around and have our chance to share with you some of the books we continue to go back to – books that have mothered us.   Be sure to grab our list of the many favorites that we just couldn’t get to in this recording – books that maybe didn’t fit one of these specific categories but which has walked through a different season with each of us! The list is at the show notes for this episode on The Mom to Mom Podcast website.

  • Ep. 92: The Well-Read Mother with Jennifer Pepito

    20/12/2022 Duración: 32min

    The best kind of mentor for motherhood is a real life one, but sometimes that’s just not possible. When needed, a book can be a great alternative.  Fortunately, we've had Titus 2 examples and the wisdom of other trusted women in our lives because we’ve always surrounded ourselves with good books. Voices of encouragement, discipleship, and practical help have rung out to us from these pages and have helped shape our day-to-day faithfulness to our husbands, our children, our ministry commitments, our walk with the Lord…pretty much every area of our lives! In today's episode, Jamie Erickson and September McCarthy speak with Jennifer Pepito, author of Mothering By the Book: the Power in Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy. They discuss the importance of reading aloud to your kids, making time for personal reading in the busyness of our day, and options for the mom who isn't a reader. We’d love to know what books have been meaningful to you. Which ones do you find yourself going back to again and

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