Oxygen for Women is hosted by Perry Janssen Psychotherapist for 30 years, an expert in psychology, mindfulness, meditation, personal growth strategies and skills, creativity and humor. Mother, stepmother, artist, personal development coach, and writer these conversations are aimed at helping women navigate the ever changing terrain of life.Everything from motherhood or not- through all the major transitions that might happen in your life. Work, relationships, love, sex,, marriage, divorce, empty-nesting, menopause, midlife and all that goes with the territory of being a women in this world.Unlock the creativity buried inside you and move to the next level of your life with joy and passion.
How to Transform Your Life through the Creative Series: A Story of Transforming Divorce, Addiction, and Codependency
12/06/2019 Duración: 16minFinding good tools to help us through life’s challenges can be difficult. We are not taught emotional intelligence as children or how to deal with emotions. However, this is the education we needed the most and didn’t get. As a psychotherapist for 30 years, Perry has brought together some of the most affective tools to help during those times that are the most difficult. One of the tools she uses the most is creativity. While talk therapy can help, creativity can expedite the process as well as create more energy, life purpose, and make personal growth more fun. In this episode Perry talks about a coaching client who was having difficulty in her marriage. She had codependency tendencies and her husband was an alcoholic. Through Perry’s guidance and using creative tools her client was able to move through depression, codependency, relationship issues into a much more creative vibrant life, as well as recovery herself and purpose. Today her life is entirely transformed and she now has the tools to create
The Creative Series: Transforming Weight Issues with Creative Tools EP:16
29/05/2019 Duración: 22minUsing creative tools is one of the most powerful ways to create true shifts with people. Einstein said "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” So I use a variety of creative tools that help get people out of their habitual thinking and into something that will transform their issues at the core. This podcast is about one (of many) women I have coached into transformational weight loss. However, we did entered into the root cause. The techniques I used with her were writing, journal prompts, creative modalities, embodied mindfulness, which she turned into a blog ultimately to share her transformational journey. She was someone who was raised to “be happy, nice, and a good girl.” But she didn’t know how to deal with the range of life’s challenges and feelings. Her journey was about reclaiming her SELF and life in a full way and ultimately coming home to herself. Weight loss, body issues are rarely about just food. 70% of women in this country are
Get More Energy! EP: 15
21/05/2019 Duración: 16minMany women I know are regularly telling me how tired they are. Most of them ask how they can get more energy so they can do all they want to in their lives. There are 4 factors covered in this podcast. People Food Passion Activities While they're are many factors that build energy, in this podcast I focus on how these 3 areas drain your energy. In order to build your energy, you also need to look at what my be draining you. No matter how much energy you try to build, if you have things that are constantly draining you, your energy won’t last. Like a boat, no matter how hard you paddle, if you have holes in the boat it will not move forward.
A Meditation to Help Relieve Insomnia, Anxiety and Panic Attacks EP:14
14/05/2019 Duración: 18minMeditation for everything especially anxiety, insomnia, and panic attacks. Many people think there are only a few meditations, however, there are many and for different types of challenges we experience in our lives. Today this podcast focuses on a meditation that is a mix of mindfulness and meditation. It is especially helpful for people who are struggling with insomnia, difficulties getting to sleep, anxiety and panic attacks. Meditation is scientifically proven to expand your life span, lower stress levels, reduce blood pressure, help with addictions, emotional eating, weight loss, depression, and so much more. It is one of the healthiest practices that you can add to your life as well as improve your quality of life.
Changing Patterns That Keep You Stuck EP:13
07/05/2019 Duración: 20minOne of the questions I get asked the most is why can’t I change a pattern.. eating, relationship issues, self-care etc. Today we are talking about Changing Patterns that keep you stuck. Change—as much as we want it, can be difficult. Many people come in and say they want real change. Just like we see in New Years Resolutions every year but the rate that people keep those resolutions deteriorates rapidly less than 25% But changing patterns can be very challenging. While many people want change.. actually doing the work to shift your life can be really tough. There is a difference between realizing that you need to change and actually doing the work to change. Many people think that having an aha moment means that they have changed. But when it comes to doing the work, people want it now. We want instant gratification. We want our wifi now, our food now.. Even as I have been creating courses for women—I keep hearing that you need to create something that has immediate change—kind of like the t
How to have more Joy and Happiness EP:12
30/04/2019 Duración: 16minWhen people are trying to lose weight they usually have a weight set-point that can be challenging to move. Not unlike weight, we also have emotional set-points as well. Our ability to have more joy, happiness, intimacy, love and more can all have a point that can be moved to higher levels. How we grew, schools, churches, and our culture can all contribute to us having a certain set point. In order to adjust our set-point it is important to understand what our childhood was like regarding these states. Many people are unaware of how they may be keeping limits on their happiness and joy. We can create self-sabotage unconsciously to keep our set-point. Doing self-awareness practices is one of the first steps to being able to shift our set-point into a happier life.
Women Dealing with Anger EP:11
23/04/2019 Duración: 25minMost of our culture teaches that feelings are right/wrong, bad/good, and positive or negative. Feelings are information that are crucial to our psychological health. While cumulative anger needs to be worked with, anger in general is actually woundedness, trauma, or hurt underneath. By repressing it, you may not find out what you are really needed. Feelings are one of your greatest teachers to finding out what it is that you truly need to heal and to track the original wound. If we are taught that anger is bad then we do what it takes to repress it…through different methods from food, drugs, alcohol or watching screens obsessively, as stuffing anger doesn’t resolve it. It will actually be internalized or taken out on other people if not dealt with. Much of how we deal with anger ends up creating more suffering either psychologically or physically. Learning healthy ways to deal with feelings is crucial to your health.
Introduction To Meditation EP: 10
17/04/2019 Duración: 21minPerry has been a 30 year practitioner and teacher of meditation Meditation has tremendous benefits from the physical to the psychological. Blood pressure, digestive disorders, IBS, heart issues, structural issues are just a few of the physical issues that mediations can help. Depression, anxiety, eating issues, addiction are just of the few psychological issues that can benefit with certain kinds of meditation. Not all meditations are for all people. There are many types of meditation so don’t get discouraged if one doesn’t work for you. In this podcast is an intro meditation.
Dealing With Grief EP9
02/04/2019 Duración: 20minWe experience a range of grief. From divorce, empty-nesting, death, our bodies changing, and transitions. Grief can be a very tough experience. Why? Because we are not taught emotional intelligence or how to deal with feelings. We are taught that feelings are bad/good, right/wrong, and positive/negative. Feelings are information to help us deal with what is challenging us and to find out what is truly needed. Perry sees many people incapacitated by grief but there are healthy ways to deal with it, even though we may have scars. There are two approaches that Perry takes in this podcast. These approaches are based in mindfulness. The first is the wave theory. The second is the ingredient approach. We hope you enjoy this episode. In April Perry will be running a free mediation challenge. If interested contact her at
A Key to Joy
26/03/2019 Duración: 21minOne of my primary goals has been to find what brings people through trauma, depression, life transitions, empty-nesting, anxiety, quality and quantity of life and a variety of other life challenges etc.. I’m a research fanatic and am always researching things that will help my clients and students.. One area that may be obvious but I find lacking in many women is the creative and remembering play. While many think as you mature, being creative and playing are for kids, it is actual crucial to the enjoyment of life. * It can help balance out the rough times. * It helps neuroplasticity in the brain * It usually is last on the list but should be a priority * It gives energy * It boosts the immune system * It decreases stress. Our psychology and physiology are enhanced and it adds to our joy and happiness.
Resilience and the Heart Ep: 7
19/03/2019 Duración: 21minWhile we have a physical heart, in my experience we also have a psychological heart. How we treat this heart impacts our ability to be resilience. Resilience is not about being tough. It is ultimately about how we get through challenges and what our well-being is like on the other end of the challenge. How we deal with feelings, how we treat ourselves, and Emotional Intelligence are 3 components that determine healthy Resilience. Tune in to learn more.
One Top Tip for Getting through Conflict and Better Communication EP6
12/03/2019 Duración: 19minConflict is inevitable. And Communication is crucial. However, we are not taught in our education system to work with either. Every relationship has conflict at some point or another and healthy communication can make or break the relationship. One of the most important tips that I see for relationships has to do with assumptions. People assume they “know” the other person and jump to conclusions so quickly that understanding what is really happening in any conflict is much more complicated. In all the years I have been a therapist, I have never found conflict to be a black and white story. People bring their histories, past wounds, and familial patterns into conflict and the ways they communicate. This affects our ability to create understanding between people and shuts down truly listening and seeing the person in more reality. Healthy communication has the potential to create true connection and a deeper emotional intimacy. Check out the podcast to learn how to work with conflict and communication i
An Honest Conversation About Sex, Desire and Libido
05/03/2019 Duración: 19minToday's episode is brought to you by my e-book, Five Secrets Every Woman Over 44 Should Know. Today we're talking about sex and libido and women. I cannot tell you how many women have come to me over 30 years and talked about libido and sex. Most of the time what I hear from women is that they are wondering if there is something wrong with them. They can go for years suffering in silence. One of the things that is tough is that people are uncomfortable talking about sex. I've had so many couples come in who have been married 30 years and still find it very difficult to talk about sex. Today Perry covers one aspect to help you with this important but often secret, hidden issue. While there are a variety of issues that can be part of libido, this is one that is rarely talked about. Perry shares a client story about a woman who was looking for answers. Her libido was pretty flat, and she kept thinking something was wrong with her. She wondered about what kind of medication she could take or what she could d
Understanding Authenticity in Relationships
26/02/2019 Duración: 24minSacrificing Your authenticity in relationships? Did you know you may have codependency or over-caretaking tendencies? In today’s episode we take a look at one aspect of codependency. * Do you edit your feelings for the sake of keeping your relationships? * Do you minimize who you are and your needs in relationships? Many women are raised to attend to their relationships at all cost.. particularly at the high cost of minimizing yourself. This can leave you drained, open to other people’s judgements and rejection and ultimately sacrificing yourself. Authenticity is the soul and health of a true relationship. Healthy relationships allow two people to be who they are and not minimizing and editing yourself, opinions, and feelings so that the relationship seems happy. Ultimately, this creates an erosion in you and your relationships, while resentments cumulate.. Usually, at the root of codependency is fear. It is better to work with the fear than the ultimate consequence of your physical and psychologi
You are Your Primary Relationship and Why Ignoring That is Hurting You
18/02/2019 Duración: 21minYou have to wake with yourself every day. When you can have your own back, it can transform your life. It’s an understanding of what’s best for you. When you learn to do this regularly all parts of your life get better. Relationships with others can improve. Physical issues and emotional problems will be reduced if not completely eliminated. Including yourself is a daily practice that can change everything. Many issues like anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, migraines and more are related to our lack of inner knowing. When we aren’t in touch with ourselves, or when we don’t pay attention or over-ride what our body is trying to tell us, the message will always show up in other ways. A first step can be journaling. No need to edit or be concerned with the narrative. Learn to write what you feel. If you learned to separate your feelings or over ride them, this can be hard at first. A question to get things going is easy to remember. Use the acronym HALT. The next time you are feeling anxious, or depressed
Why is Saying NO so Hard?
12/02/2019 Duración: 21minThis is a BIG topic How we are raised makes a big impact on our ability to say no. How were you treated when you said no when you were a kid? There is a developmental stage that children go through where they learn how to say no. If we don’t learn to say no we are affected from a psychological and neuropsychological point of view. Saying No is an important part of establishing boundaries for our health and well-being. If we override our “no” signals in the body and our feelings, we will pay a price as well as compromising ourself. Depression, anxiety, and numbing can become issues if we don’t learn the skill of saying NO. Taking a small step in an area that is manageable but pushes you forward is crucial. Yes, it will be uncomfortable but learn about the uncomfortable theory here.
Doing it Scared
30/01/2019 Duración: 17minAccording to neuroscientists, trying something new that is uncomfortable extends years to your life. When you have a healthy fear, not chronic fear this can add more vitality to your life. Not only that, but it creates more quality to your life. Living in the same pattern can put your life on auto-pilot. Many people want to stay in the comfort zone and don’t know how to deal doing something they might want to do if it brings them fear. By using the skill of the incremental theory this can make the fear more manageable. Learn how I faced one of my fears when I started my radio show, and how I got through it. Future tripping and anticipatory anxiety are 2 main factors that make the fear worse and can create fight, flight, or freeze. Let me know one way you did something that scared you.