Ignite Rogers

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Ignite Church in Rogers, Arkansas is a body of believers with a mission to Ignite people with a passion for Jesus, illuminate kingdom position and initiate God-given purpose.


  • Limiting the Unlimited One


    Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, "Let us go up at once and take the possession, for we are well able to overcome it. Numbers 13:30

  • The Testimony and The Advancing Kingdom


    Psalm 119:111 Your testimonies I have taken as a heritage forever, For they are the rejoicing of my heart.

  • No Lack In Him


    No Lack In Him

  • Kingdom 101 Pt.8


    Kingdom 101 Pt.8 Recap Matthew 6:19–24 TPT 19 “Don’t keep hoarding for yourselves earthly treasures that can be stolen by thieves. Material wealth eventually rusts, decays, and loses its value. 20 Instead, stockpile heavenly treasures for yourselves that cannot be stolen and will never rust, decay, or lose their value. 21 For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure. 22 “The eyes of your spirit allow revelation-light to enter into your being. If your heart is unclouded, the light floods in! 23 But if your eyes are focused on money, the light cannot penetrate and darkness takes its place. How profound will be the darkness within you if the light of truth cannot enter! 24 “How could you worship two gods at the same time? You will have to hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You can’t worship the true God while enslaved to the god of money!” Matthew 6:31–33 TPT 31 “So then, forsake your worries! Why would you say, ‘What will we eat?’ or

  • Kingdom 101 Pt.7- Review


    Kingdom 101 Pt.7- Review

  • Set Our Hearts On Him


    Set Our Hearts On Him

  • Kingdom 101 Pt.6 KEYS Cont.


    Our understanding of The Kingdom affects the way we go about our every day lives. It is vital that we have a solid foundation of understanding of who we are and what we are created for. Review: •A Kingdom perspective begins and ends with Jesus!  •Everything in The Kingdom is; In Him, Though Him, By Him, and For Him!  •Your understanding of who you are and what you were created for is in direct correlation to your understanding of Who HE is and what HE has done. •Your understanding of who you are affects your ability to accomplish the will of God in the earth. •The will of God is The Kingdom being established and manifested on the earth just as it is in heaven.  •I know I am being led by The Spirit when I have a desire to pursue spiritual realities!  •The realm you focus on will ultimately be the realm you live from.  Key Phrases: •You can’t feel sorry for yourself and fight at the same time •If you are in the midst of a battle i

  • Kingdom 101 Pt.5: KEYS


    Pastor Curtis has continued to walk us through the Kingdom Principles series. Our understanding of The Kingdom affects the way we go about our every day lives. It is vital that we have a solid foundation of understanding of who we are and what we are created for. Review: •A Kingdom perspective begins and ends with Jesus!  •Everything in The Kingdom is; In Him, Though Him, By Him, and For Him!  •Your understanding of who you are and what you were created for is in direct correlation to your understanding of Who HE is and what HE has done. •Your understanding of who you are affects your ability to accomplish the will of God in the earth. •The will of God is The Kingdom being established and manifested on the earth just as it is in heaven.  •I know I am being led by The Spirit when I have a desire to pursue spiritual realities!  •The realm you focus on will ultimately be the realm you live from.  Key Phrases: •You can’t feel sorry for yo

  • Kingdom 101 Part 4


    Kingdom 101 Pt.4 Sunday, July 10, 2022   Big Idea: This week, pastor Curtis reminded us that just being born again does not equip you to take territory. If you will take territory, you first have to start with the assurance that everything you need, to defeat every enemy, has already been deposited inside of you. In fact, the indication of a fight just means you’re equipped to win the fight you are in. Furthermore, your experiences have purpose attached to them. So, it is your responsibility to take a stand. Challenge: You can’t feel sorry for yourself and fight at the same time. Identify any areas where you may be feeling sorry for yourself, encourage yourself in the Lord and stand.                      Be conscious of your “fighting stance”. Are you fighting from a place of rest or a place of unrest; fear, anxiety, striving? Remind yourself that the work has already been accomplished in Christ. Retire any thought or action that is

  • Kingdom 101 Pt.3- Mindset on The Kingdom


    Big Idea:  The past 2 weeks, Pastor Curtis has been talking on the Kingdom of God referenced in Matthew 16. He has challenged us to align our thoughts, attitude and belief systems with these Kingdom realities. When we do this, we invite the will of God to be done in and through our lives. A Kingdom perspective comes by supernatural revelation that begins and ends with Jesus. To live this out fully we must understand who He is and who we are in Him. This is why Paul’s prayers for believers always centered around understanding who Jesus was and what He had accomplished.  Challenge:  Ask God to continue to reveal the Kingdom to you in ways you’ve never seen before. As He reveals wrong mindsets, agreements or blind spots, ask Him to forgive you and continue to desire more revelation and illumination into the reality of the Kingdom.

  • Kingdom 101 Pt.2: Mindset on The Kingdom


    Title: Kingdom 101 Pt.2 “Mindset of The Kingdom” Main Idea:  In this weeks sermon Pastor Curtis challenged us to align our thought life with the Kingdom so that we can actively walk in Kingdom reality in our daily lives. When we do this we are the we invite the will of God to be done in and through us. Quotes -What you focus on will ultimately determine the reality you live in. When -The Kingdom becomes priority it will impact your reality.  -A Kingdom Perspective Releases Kingdom Reality.  -A Kingdom perspective comes by supernatural revelation.  -A religious mindset will never manifest the reality of The Kingdom of Heaven in the earth! -Passive Christianity has no place in The Kingdom of God!  -Life in the Kingdom is really about returning to the governing authority of -God in the earth and learning how to live and function in that authority. Key Verses: Matthew 16:13-19 Luke 12:31-32 1 Corinthians 2:16

  • Squaring Up- Mid Year Fast


    Squaring Up_ Mid Year Fast June 12, 2022   Big Idea: Understanding, accepting and accurately living in the Kingdom of God is the heart of Ignite Church. God has been revealing what that looks like to us on a deeper level over the past several months. This week we talked about the upcoming fast and the prophetic direction God has released for this time. We have an invitation in this time to square up to Him. To square up to His truths, His timing, His goodness, His purity. We also discussed squaring up our agreements to His. We have thousands of opportunities daily through our thoughts and interactions with others to agree with Kingdom life and freedom or agree with the anti-Christ agenda. We empower what we agree with. Let’s agree with Kingdom realties and renew our minds to a Kingdom default in all areas of our life. While 1 wee

  • Kingdom 101 Pt.1: The Priority of God


    “Kingdom 101 Pt.1: The Priority of God” Sunday, May 29, 2022   Big Idea: This week, we emphasized that the Kingdom is God’s priority. In fact, Jesus came preaching, not just the gospel but The Gospel of the Kingdom in particular. He preached “repent (the greek word metanoeo, meaning change your mind/change your thinking) for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. However, in the west, we have reduced His message to “repent” and obsessing over our sinfulness. Instead, we who have repented should now set our sights on advancing in the things of the Kingdom, because it is now at hand; within reach. So, we should receive forgiveness, set our minds on the spirit, renew our minds to Kingdom reality & stand fast in our liberty, because God has so much more for us. God is with us and for us. The Kingdom is at hand. Receive and act on what He reveals to you. Challenge: Determine within yourself to cease any over occupation with sin and set your heart towards seeking/desiring the Kingdom. Pray that God

  • Exposing The Spirit of Strife Pt.5/Behold


    “Behold” Big Idea: Despite constant opportunities in our daily lives to allow and partner with distraction,  as children of God, we are called to behold Him. Behold means to look upon intently. As we look upon Jesus, what we are seeing is an accurate representation of who we are. In this weeks sermon Pastor Curtis challenged us to keep our minds set on God, to take every thought captive and refuse to engage in interactions that lead to strife in our lives. When we keep our minds fixed on God we experience the supernatural manifestation of the Spirit-we experience Peace. Connection to the Spirit leads to the peace of the Spirit. One of the greatest weapons we have is to keep our minds set on Him. Challenge: 1. Behold God. Determine to keep your mind/imagination set on Him. 2. Take every thought captive and refuse to let strife in. 3. Refuse to engage in gossip. 4. Don’t take on other peoples offenses. Quotes and Key Points: As you are looking upon Jesus, what you are seeing is an accurate repr

  • Exposing The Spirit of Strife Pt.4/Seeds of Strife


    Exposing The Spirit of Strife Pt.4/Seeds of Strife

  • Exposing The Spirit of Strife Pt.3/Honor: A Kingdom Standard


    Exposing The Spirit of Strife Pt.3/Honor: A Kingdom Standard

  • Exposing The Spirit of Strife Pt.2


    Exposing The Spirit of Strife Pt.2

  • Exposing The Spirit of Strife Pt.1


    Exposing The Spirit of Strife Pt.1

  • IN Him, BY Him, THROUGH Him, FOR Him Pt.5


    IN Him, BY Him, THROUGH Him, FOR Him Pt.5

  • IN Him, BY Him, THROUGH Him, FOR Him Pt.4


    IN Him, BY Him, THROUGH Him, FOR Him Pt.4

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