What does it really mean to follow Jesus? Find out here. Listen to past sermons from Rooftop Church in St. Louis, MO. Rooftop is a place where you can bring your doubts and questions. We'll work through them with you.
The Way Back, Part 4: "Eat, Pray, Love"
14/03/2021We are all seekers. Seeking fulfillment. Seeking happiness. Seeking God. Perhaps we can find these things in money, sex, or people... But before we accept that, let’s see what Isaiah has to say
The Way Back, Part 3: "Our Hope Is Our Strength"
07/03/2021As God seeks to lead his people out of exile in Babylon, and re-establish a relationship with them, he gives them important things to do on “the way back.” One of those is to hope. His people would need hope that things could turn out better than they had in the past. We also need hope. But hope is hard? In a world of darkness and gloom, where can we find out hope?
The Way Back, Part 2: "Fear Less and Trust More"
28/02/2021"Do not fear" is one of the most common commands in the Bible, and in the book of Isaiah. As God seeks to reestablish his covenant relationship with his people, they need to learn to trust him and not be afraid of where he will take them. But trusting God is hard, and the world is a scary place inspiring much fear. How do we learn to trust God and fear less? Pastor Matt gives six things we can do.
The Way Back, Part 1: "Lament: The First Step on the Way Back"
21/02/2021The Israelites have been in Exile for 70 years and want to return home. God is ready for them to return, but in order to do so, they have to learn how to get there. This week we begin a new series called “The Way Back”, and the first step on “The Way Back” is to LAMENT. While we don’t talk about LAMENT often as Christians, it is essential in our relationship with God. This week will talk about just that.
What Happened, Part 7: "We Are the Temple"
14/02/2021The nation of Judah is finally out of their divine timeout and this is the moment they have longed for, this is the fulfillment of the prophecy Isaiah had predicted over 100 years earlier: The moment that they can rebuild their holy temple! But as construction begins it becomes clear that Isaiah and God meant something else entirely.
What Happened, Part 6: "Heading Home"
07/02/2021Following the destruction of their captors in Babylon, the people of Judah have the chance to return home to Jerusalem. But going home can be hard. It was a long journey? Would they head home to Zion, or stay back in Babylon? Sometimes we face a similar question in our own spiritual journey.
What Happened, Part 5: "Bringing Down Baghdad"
31/01/2021Following the exile of God’s people to Babylon, God does not just leave them there. He has a plan to bring them back. First that involves destroying their enemies, the Babylonians. Isaiah predicts the city’s destruction in chapter 47 of his book. As we’ll see, the fall of Babylon comes to mean so much more in the Bible, and it should to us.
What Happened, Part 4: "Living in Exile"
24/01/2021The people of Judah are now living in Exile in Babylon, and God has an important message for them. What we realize, is that God’s message is the same for us today.
What Happened, Part 3: "The Fall of Hometree"
17/01/2021The Fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC was a devastating event for God’s people. God had sent the prophet Isaiah to warn his people that it would happen if they did not change their ways. But they didn’t, and it did. What does the destruction of Jerusalem say about God? And what does it mean for us?
What Happened, Part 2: "What Assyria?"
10/01/2021Are your troubles overwhelming you? Find out what King Hezekiah did when threatened by the Assyrians and what it means for us when our hearts are under siege.
What Happened, Part 1: "Pride Comes Before the Fall"
03/01/2021What do Apollo Creed and King Hezekiah have in common? Find out as we examine Isaiah 39 together in the next series in our study of Isaiah called "What Happened".
The Lord Is, Part 6: "The God of All Comfort"
27/12/2020The experience of 2020 has left most people longing for a little comfort. Isaiah tells us that God will comfort us, but what does that look like ad what should we expect?
Christmas Eve: "The Lord Is With Us"
24/12/2020The Bible says that Jesus came into the world as Immanuel, God with us—in fulfillment of the prophecy. What prophecy? Where does it come from? What does it mean?
The Lord Is, Part 5: "My Name Is Zealous"
20/12/2020The book of Isaiah tells us that God is both a zealous and jealous God. Both of those words bring up uncomfortable images of religious zealots and jealous boyfriends. What does it mean that God is jealous and zealous, and why should we care?
The Lord Is, Part 4: "Mama Bear"
13/12/2020There really is nothing quite like the love of a mother. And in today’s message, we look at a passage of scripture from Isaiah where God likens himself not to ‘our Father who art in Heaven...” but rather, as a nursing mother.
The Lord Is, Part 3: "The Gods Are Angry"
06/12/2020The book of Isaiah describes a God who is holy, righteous, forgiving…and angry. Why is God so angry? Is he still angry? Should we be afraid of him? In this sermon we discuss what it means for us that God seems so angry in the Bible, and whether or not he still is.
The Lord Is, Part 2 - "Isaiah: Social Justice Warrior"
29/11/2020While social justice is a modern term, its origins like deep in the Old Testament, and in the heart of God himself. Learn about two of the most important words in the Old Testament, and what they mean about caring for the vulnerable in our world today.
The Lord Is, Part 1: "The Sovereignty of God" (Isaiah 40)
22/11/2020One of the most important things Isaiah told us about God is found in Isaiah 40. In this chapter Isaiah goes all out to try to describe the power and sovereignty that the creator God of the universe possesses.
Global Outreach Sunday: "Embracing Jesus" (Matthew 4:12-25)
15/11/2020Rev. Leroy Armstrong, Jr. of Proclaiming the Word Ministries challenges us to embrace Jesus as he calls us to reach the world.
Man On Fire, Part 4: "I Need Some Good News"
08/11/2020The people of Judah and Jerusalem were broken, beaten, and with their city in ruins, the people needed hope. Isaiah, on behalf of God, speaks giving His people hope for a better future, proclaiming “the year of the Lord’s favor.”