For The Many With Iain Dale & Jacqui Smith



LBC presenter Iain Dale and former Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith untangle the world of politics and media. Expect plenty of jokey banter and informed speculation.


  • Christmas Confidence

    16/12/2018 Duración: 01h13min

    Iain and Jacqui analyse Theresa May’s worst week ever, they have a stooshie about food banks, Iain talks about mental health and this episode sees the return of Dan #MoreDan. He dispenses his unique version of Christmas cheer to Jacqui…

  • Brexit & 36 Mince Pies

    09/12/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    Iain Dale look forward to the Brexit vote on Tuesday and speculate about what might happen afterwards. They also discuss who the next Tory leader might be, the demise of UKIP and the French riots. Jacqui extolls the virtues of roundabouts in Redditch and tell us about seeing the Buzzcocks live in 1977, while Iain reveals he once ate 36 mince pies in one day. And lots more!

  • Whipping & Boxing

    02/12/2018 Duración: 01h05min

    Iain and Jacqui preview this weeks parliamentary debate on Brexit and discuss how effective the whipping operation will be. They assess the likelihood of a TV debate going ahead, pay tribute to President Bush and comment on the resignation of Shadow Cabinet member Kate Osamor. Jacqui the reveals her love of Boxing and wonders if she can get Iain on the turn… Smut quota: Medium

  • Cannon Fodder

    25/11/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    Iain and Jacqui trawl over the EU Brexit deal and what happens if it doesn’t get through the Commons. They discuss Sadiq selling Boris’s Watercannon, John Hayes’ Knighthood, the jailing of Matthew Hedges in the UAE and they have a bit of a bitch about Owen Jones. As well as answering your questions, including what they’d have on their heraldic crests.

  • Darling Raabs of May

    18/11/2018 Duración: 58min

    Iain and Jacqui spent virtually the whole podcast analysing the state of play on Brexit and the Conservative leadership. However, fear not because at the end they lapse into their normal smut. Except it’s not normal. They’ve gone too far this week… Judge for yourselves. Smut Quota: Off the scale.  

  • JoJo & Turkeynecks

    11/11/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Iain and Jacqui look at the potential consequences of Jo Johnson’s resignation. They debate what would happen in the event of no deal on Brexit, as well as what happened in the US midterm elections. They ask why the commemorations to mark the centenary of the end of World War One haven’t been more extensive, and they answer a lot of your questions. Some of which provoke smut-tastic answers.

  • Griefcast Lite

    04/11/2018 Duración: 56min

    Iain & Jacqui mark the first anniversary of the For the Many podcast, but the celebrations are tinged with sadness. They analyse Tracey Crouch’s resignation, look back on the budget, wonder if David Cameron really wants to return to front line politics, as well as look at the latest Brexit developments, the US midterms and question if Andrew Marr was right to invite Arron Banks onto his programme. Lots of excellent listener questions too. Smut quota: Almost non existent.

  • Bonus: In Conversation with Jacqui Smith

    31/10/2018 Duración: 01h15min

    In association with the Progressive Britain Podcast, this is a recording of an event organised by Progress. It features an ‘In Conversation’ with Jacqui Smith and Margaret Beckett. The chair is Progress Deputy Director Stephanie Lloyd.

  • Budget Sex Toys

    29/10/2018 Duración: 01h08min

    Iain and Jacqui preview the budget but get rather side-tracked by the decision of Sainsbury’s to sell sex toys. Iain’s friend Dan makes a guest appearance with hilarious consequences. Iain and Jacqui eventually recover their equilibrium to talk about the US pipe bomb attacks, Theresa May, Jamal Khashoggi, the British high street, and they reveal… cue drumroll… what they eat for breakfast. Smut Quota: Astronomical.

  • Cleggbook

    21/10/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Iain amd Jacqui review the week’s Brexit developments and Iain wonders why Jacqui wasn’t on the People’s Vote march. Jacqui predicts that Jeremy Corbyn will stand down as Labour leader before the next election and will be replaced by Angela Rayner. They discuss the release of Anjem Choudary, the Huddersfield grooming gang sentences, Nick Clegg joining Facebook and John Bercow’s position. And they answer more questions from listeners than ever before. It’s the longest podcast so far, but possibly with the lowest smut quota so far. They promise to do better next week.

  • Murder In Istanbul

    14/10/2018 Duración: 52min

    Iain and Jacqui try to make sense of the murder of Jamal Kashoggi, they try to make sense of the government’s latest stance on Brexit and look ahead to the budget. Jacqui extolls the virtue of the new Dr Who, while Iain is bemused over the latest Strictly scandal. Smut quote: Medium

  • Dancing Queen

    07/10/2018 Duración: 01h02min

    Iain and Jacqui review the party conferences, talk about Russia, Brett Kavanaugh and car crashes they’ve been involved in.

  • Live from Birmingham

    30/09/2018 Duración: 48min

    Live from Birmingham at the Conservative Party Conference, Iain and Jacqui wonder if Boris Johnson is over cooking his goose, they reflect on Labour in Liverpool and the latest developments in the Novichok poisoning. They discuss Brett Kavanaugh’s chances of being confirmed for the Supreme Court. And Theo Usherwood invaded the podcast at the end.

  • The Lonely Goatherd

    23/09/2018 Duración: 57min

    Iain and Jacqui indulge in a bit of singing and ponder the consequences of the disastrous EU summit in Salzburg. They look ahead to the Labour Party conference and wonder what lies ahead for The Bodyguard. And they answer a shed load of your questions including which politician has the weakest handshake (you might be shocked by both their answers) and which is Iain’s favourite Abba track. Do podcasts get better than this? Smut Quota: Lowish.

  • The Arch Bishop…

    16/09/2018 Duración: 01h06s

    Iain and Jacqui are reunited to discuss the fallout from the Archbishop of Canterbury’s speech to the TUC conference and Iain recalls the occasion when he called Justin Welby a ‘c’ bomb. They preview the LibDem conference and speculate on Uncle Vince’s successor. They discuss the interview given by the two Russian Salisbury suspects and speculate on whether Salisbury is actually a mecca for gay weekends. Iain relates his hospital experience and Jacqui hankers after a VW Beetle. Smut Quota: High.

  • Liam & Iain Go Boristastic

    10/09/2018 Duración: 45min

    Iain Dale is joined by Liam Halligan for this week’s podcast. They spend a lot of effort trying to get to the root of Boris Johnson’s leadership plans and speculate on who is rivals might be. They discuss latest developments in Salisbury, the Swedish election result and various moves in the world of radio. And Iain tries to persuade you to subscribe to his new ‘Cross Question’ and ‘Iain Dale Book Club’ podcasts. Iain and Liam would like to apologise for the pure filth in this episode. Normal service will be resumed next week with Jacqui.

  • Iain Reveals All

    02/09/2018 Duración: 58min

    Iain reveals all the details of his change of show on LBC. He teases Jacqui about how many times she had it away with her bodyguard as Home Secretary – apparently the answer is a disappointing zero. They also discuss the latest woes for Jeremy Corbyn and whether other Labour MPs might follow Frank Field’s lead.

  • Jacqui’s Revelations

    26/08/2018 Duración: 55min

    Iain and Jacqui discuss Jeremy Corbyn’s plans for the media and his latest descent into anti-semitic controversy, Jacqui reveals she nearly stood down from Parliament and her memory of Alex Salmond after the Glasgow terror attack, and Iain says that Emmanuel Macron has something of the ‘Tommy two ways’ about him. They bid adieu to Ian Collins from LBC and congratulate Iain’s former PA Grant Tucker on his new position as Media & Entertainment Editor of The Sunday Times. And they ask, are ‘big tents’ a good thing for political parties.

  • Terror, or was it?

    19/08/2018 Duración: 55min

    Iain and Jacqui discuss the fallout from the alleged terror attack outside Parliament, they pull apart Iain’s week in Spain and answer some pretty direct questions, including will Iain still have a radio show when he returns from his week in Norfolk. A nation’s breath is baited.

  • Oh Boris…

    13/08/2018 Duración: 57min

    Jacqui and Iain tear into Boris in the way only they can, Jacqui reveals her maternal inadequacies, they discuss what to do if you discover your child’s a racist, and LBC’s political editor Theo Usherwood puts in a surprise guest appearance. Jacqui pushes Iain again on you know what, but you’ll have to listen to find out if she’s successful.

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