Warehouse And Operations As A Career



Sharing job and career experiences through discussion & participation


  • Lumper Trainer

    27/02/2020 Duración: 11min

    Another month is wrapping up folks!  We appreciate you stopping in with us again today!  I’m Marty with Warehouse and Operations as a Career.  We’ve had several questions lately about the front line management positions so I thought we’d talk about what those positions are and maybe I can share a few of the pros...

  • Transportation and Driving

    20/02/2020 Duración: 09min

    Hey all, Marty here with Warehouse and Operations as a career again!  We appreciate you checking in with us again, where are we at now, the 8th week of the year.  By now we should all be settled in with our goals, are you sticking to your play?  We only have 5 more weeks in...

  • Using that word again

    13/02/2020 Duración: 13min

    Warehouse and Operations as a Career the Podcast. Welcome back, I’m Marty, and I find myself over in Nevada this week.  Just a regular quarterly visit really.  I completed a couple of safety walks, checking some files and I had the opportunity to visit with a few recruiters and watch’em in action!  I always enjoy...

  • Our First Step

    06/02/2020 Duración: 14min

    Hey everyone, I’m Marty T Hawkins with   Warehouse and Operations as a Career.  I’m really excited about all the opportunities I’ve already seen in 2020.  Our Industry is rocking it!  A few weeks ago we learned about all the square footage being built and the different technologies that are being introduced, I think efficiencies is...

  • ABC – Tiered – Hourly

    30/01/2020 Duración: 11min

    Hey Hey, and welcome to week 5 of 2020! I’m Marty and you’re here with Warehouse and Operations as a career!  How’s everyone coming along with their 2020 plans & goals?  I’m off to a pretty good start, I think.  Everything’s written down and I’ve put dates alongside what I consider my stepping stones or...

  • Belly Switch, Deadman Brake, Equipment Data Plates, Forklift Strobe & LED Safety Lights

    23/01/2020 Duración: 11min

    How’s everyone doing this week?  Marty T Hawkins here with Warehouse and Operations as a Career where we talk about everything Operations, Warehousing and Transportation!  Last week we talked a little about the importance of a few tools that are important to our safety and success.  Today I thought we’d expand along the same line...

  • Things we tend to overlook, not really ignore

    16/01/2020 Duración: 13min

    Hello all, thanks for joining us here at Warehouse and Operations as a Career, I’m Marty and I thought we’d talk about a few things today that are sometimes overlooked, or maybe its just things we don’t realize are so important.  First up I want to mention wheel chocks.  If you’re not familiar with a wheel chock, or a...

  • New Year New Career Part 2

    09/01/2020 Duración: 22min

    Welcome back to Warehouse and Operations as a Career, I’m Marty and here we are in week 2 of a new decade and part 2 of our New Year New Career series.  Last week we talked about how much work it is to be looking for work.  It can be frustrating and time consuming.  A...

  • New Year New Career Part 1

    02/01/2020 Duración: 10min

    Welcome to Warehouse and Operations as a Career and to 2020!  I’m Marty and I thought we’d talk a little about seeking employment or finding a job today.  Its just not as easy as it sounds.  No matter what industry were in.  2 weeks ago, we talked about the millions of square feet of warehouse...

  • Get the Doors Closed

    26/12/2019 Duración: 22min

    In the world of warehousing, wither we’re in manufacturing, production or distribution we have a saying, Get the doors closed.  Our supervisors and managers use that amongst themselves and their bosses, that’s their primary goal for the shift.  Now that encompasses controlling their hours, meeting their production or productivity needs and setting the plate for...

  • Holidays & Work

    19/12/2019 Duración: 10min

    Welcome to week 51 of 2019 everybody, and to episode #169 of Warehouse and Operations as a Career and I’m Marty T Hawkins.  Next week we’ll find ourselves wrapped up in the Holidays and Christmas.  I know it’s pretty much a regular work week for a lot of us, well I guess there’s some time...

  • Thoughts on Pallets

    12/12/2019 Duración: 11min

    Warehouse and Operations as a Career, I’m Marty, and I had pallets on my mind this week, thought we’d talk about that for a minute today!  Back in March we looked into the history of the skid or pallet and talked about how it came to be, why there’s so many different sizes and its...

  • Scissor lifts – Recycling baler

    05/12/2019 Duración: 12min

    I was walking a facility earlier last month and saw one of the new model scissor lifts.  The plant manager asked me if I knew anything about one of these, and, well, I had to say no.  It may have had the most futuristic control console I’ve ever seen.  I’m Marty with you here today...

  • Burning Bridges we may need

    28/11/2019 Duración: 10min

    Hi Everyone!  Warehouse and Operations as a Career, I’m Marty, is everyone wrapping up their year?  Was it as prosperous as you’d hoped? Not just monetary wise but did we achieve the growth professionally that we aimed for?   If not you’re ready for 2020’ though right?   Well I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s put all...

  • PM’s

    21/11/2019 Duración: 11min

    Back at you with Warehouse and Operations as a Career, I’m Marty and I have no idea what all I’d like to talk about today!  I’m way behind again on our Q & A but I haven’t really pulled up anything.  You know what, lets start off with our PM’s or the preventative maintenance programs...

  • Horseplay – Earnings

    14/11/2019 Duración: 12min

    Have you ever been accused or caught horse playing at work? I’ve seen so many meme’s on social media this week I’d like to talk about that for a minute.  Welcome back everyone.  I’m Marty with Warehouse and Operations as a Career!  My first trip to HR was over a bit of horseplay.  Me and...

  • A Job is perfectly fine

    07/11/2019 Duración: 10min

    So, isn’t warehousing just another job, I know you can advance anywhere with any job but it’s just a paycheck when it’s all said and done?  Hi, I’m Marty with Warehouse and Operations as a Career.  If you’ve listened to any of our episodes you know we here at WAOC throw a little more passion...

  • WERC & Expo Thoughts

    31/10/2019 Duración: 10min

    Welcome back to Warehouse and Operations as a Career, I’m Marty T Hawkins and I thank you for taking the time to check back in with us today.  Last week WAOC had the privilege of attending the WERC conference in Grapevine, Tx.  We really enjoyed all the learning sessions and visiting with all the vendors. ...

  • Moves – Meetings – Certifications

    24/10/2019 Duración: 10min

    Welcome back to Warehouse and Operations as a Career!  I’m Marty, and I’d like to apologize for the background noise today up front, hey you got to record where you can right!  I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for the comments last week that were sent in, we really appreciate all the...

  • Commitment and Training

    17/10/2019 Duración: 10min

    Marty here with you at Warehouse and Operations as a Career!  Let’s see, what week are we in now, 42, wow…we have 10 weeks left to hit our goals!  I have a quick topic I’d like to talk about today but first I wanted to share that it’s been a tough week this week.  Sometimes...

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