If youve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element H A B I T! That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!Theres a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhDs and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.This is your chance to learn and apply The Habit Factor's insights and specific goal achievement methodology (plus, habit alignment technology) to achieve your biggest and most important goals faster than you ever thought possible! Check it out learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.comLook for our series: Step-by-step: How to Make 2018 a Breakthrough Year!
Persistance Is More Valuable Than…
10/08/2015 Duración: 32min“Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” ~Calvin CoolidgeIn your personal and professional life, almost nothing in the world will take the place of persistence.Persistence is more valuable than planning, IQ, knowledge, genius, and talent. Have you ever noticed that some "not-so-smart" people appear to be more successful than some really smart people? It can be frustrating if you're one of those "smart ones". And, it's easy to attribute good luck or chance as the reason these "dumb" people have made it. But, if you investigate further, chances are you will find that these "dumb" people have worked really hard for a really long time.What's the level of your persistence on a scale of 1 - 10? Do you start things but not finish them? Do you get easily side-tracked if you run into an obstacle?Here's the good news, persistence is a HABIT and like any other habit it can be intentionally developed.Guess how long it will take to develop persistence? The answer is you don't care. Do you know why? Because
Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork
03/08/2015 Duración: 29min"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." ~African ProverbThere are very few things in the world more powerful than that of a strong TEAM— a group of individuals committed to a clear, common goal.TOGETHER. EVERYONE. ACHIEVES. MORE. ~John MaxwellWhile it's tempting to be a "one-man band" or an "efficeincy machine" ultimately, one person can never keep up with the long term value that a TEAM provides. Join Martin and I as we discuss what makes a good team, what can destroy a team and important strategies for building your own dream team.According to the late, great Dr. Stephen Covey, (author, businessman, and speaker) there are three stages of maturity; dependence independence and ultimately, inter-dependance (the highest stage).Unfortunately, most individuals believe that independence is the pinnacle of maturity. It isn't.[Tweet "“The strength of the team is in each member and the strength of each member is in the team.” "]For the wise (you), the end-game is INTER-DEPENDEN
Silence and Concentration
27/07/2015 Duración: 24min“All of men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.” ~PascalIn this A.D.D., loud and crazy world it's often tough just to hear yourself think!The understanding and intentional application of SILENCE may be the most understated principle when it comes to wellness and creativity. Join Martin and I as we review some of the key ideas about how to use silence as a path to reflection, creativity, concentration and wellness.“Silence is a source of great strength” By letting energy settle, silence creates a space that allows for the concentration of energy as well as the contemplation of unlimited possibilities.One of the best ways to intentionally create silence in your life is to simply wake up earlier and allow yourself time to reflect and think. So, that's your challenge... should you chose to accept it, wake up at least a half hour earlier one or two days this week and notice the peace and insight the experience brings.[Tweet "“Everything emanates from silence. Everything returns to
Welcome to Your Energy Factor
20/07/2015 Duración: 20min“Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another.”CLICK TO TWEET Sometimes the best inspiration for unlocking the secrets to a more productive and fulfilling life can be found in nature. Join Martin and I as we share a new perspective on habit development and how to reverse engineer your goals.Brian Tracy likes to use the metaphor of a “Time Factory” and remind us that no matter how poorly we may have used our time yesterday, last week or even last year… tomorrow each of us will receive twenty-four fresh, new hours delivered to our doorstep.Here’s the catch; what good are the twenty-four hours if you are not physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually well?So, we decide to take the “Time Factory” metaphor just a step further and we imagine instead that we all have an “Energy Factory”.How will you design the widgets and the cogs in your energy factor? What do you want them to produce?Knowing that to enjoy a life well lived we should be designing the widgets and cogs in our factory to produce results in
Discovering Your Automatic Success Mechanism
13/07/2015 Duración: 22minSometimes it seems as though simply having a goal in mind can help you to get to where you want to be. Believe it or not, everyone has the ability to program themselves and create their own instinct-like behaviors. Join Martin and I as we explore the Automatic Success Mechanism (or ASM) and share how you can access it and reap its hidden benefits.Derived from Dr. Maxwell Maltz’ Psycho-cybernetics, the ASM is founded on the idea that each and every one of us has a built-in computer and all we have to do is understand how it works and then program it. Give yourself clear targets, forge the habits that support the goal and then trust that the many unknowns will find a way to work themselves out.[Tweet "“Success is 90% clarity.” "]By taping into the collective consciousness and applying your ASM, even when you can't see the full staircase, you can trust that just taking the first step the next step will come into view.Knowing how to use and trust the ASM frees you from the "paralysis by over-analysis" syndrome so
Super Conscious Connectivity
06/07/2015 Duración: 29minMany of the greatest thinkers and philosophers throughout history believed that ideas are "alive" and readily available in some sort of universal space which is often referred to as "infinite intelligence" or the Super-Conscious.Whatever you want to call it, chances are it exists! Emerson once noted, "There is a power above and behind us and we are the channel of its communication." There is a power above and behind us and we are the channel of its communication. —EMERSONThe best part is this "resource" isn't relegated to the super genius or the super-creative... it's available to everyone...all you have to do is connect to it!Perhaps you've wondered how Leonardo da Vinci could draw a helicopter centuries before one existed or how Edison had the insight for the lightbulb or Ford the carburetor or... and, on and on it goes.Even Albert Einstein once noted, "There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why.""A LEAP IN CONSCIOUSNESS".
What does Benjamin Franklin and a Hindu priest have in common?
29/06/2015 Duración: 25minThe art of tracking one's behaviors (habits) dates back hundreds of years ago and wasn't necessarily born with the iPhone or even The Habit Factor. In fact, one of the world's greatest minds, Benjamin Franklin famously wrote about the art of tracking his "virtues" in his own autobiography to refine his character.In this episode, Martin and I review the roots and similarities of tracking behaviors to help achieve personal goals and refine one's character... all through habit tracking.A renowned inventor, politician, scientist, author, and one of our nation’s founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin built quite the legacy. In spite of all of these remarkable achievements, can you guess the one thing he wanted to ensure he shared with the future generations?"I hope, therefore, that my descendants will followthis example and reap the benefits"Benjamin Franklin was referring to the long standing practice (which itself became a habit) of tracking his thirteen virtues over the course of the year. He would rotate from wee
3 Bad Habit Busting Tips
22/06/2015 Duración: 20minTrying to create new, effective habits is often associated with first trying to kill-off any existing bad habits that are holding us back. In this quick, high-value episode, Martin and I identify the three most important “MENTS” when it comes to busting those bad habits!“Birds of a feather flock together."EnvironMENTWhy would our environment influence our habits? Well, as our energy wanes throughout the day (along with our willpower), it is essential that your environment is tailored to support your new habits and goals. For example, if you're trying to lose weight, throwing out all of the potato chips in the pantry is a great start. The environMENT applies to all things--not just a new diet. When you surround yourself with like-minded people it provides a great support system to help you craft new habits.“A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit." ~Desiderius Erasmus2. ReplaceMENTQuitting any habit cold turkey is often difficult and ineffective because it leaves a void. When it comes
Four Monster Myths on Habit Development
15/06/2015 Duración: 26minWhile many do not consider the importance of habit development when it comes to goal achievement, those that do unfortunately are subject to the many great myths which surround the topic. In this episode, Martin and I review and dispel four monster myths about positive habit formation.1. It takes 21 days to develop a habit.This originated decades ago with, Psycho Cybernetics a terrific book by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. While it does not take 21 days to develop a habit it is safe to say you can START to develop a habit in 21 days. According to a study from the European Journal of Social Psychology, it takes, on average, 66 days. Research tells us though that it depends upon all sorts of criteria including; desire, skill and knowledge related to any particular habit.2. Cue- Routine-RewardCue, routine, reward and the related, "habit-loop" were largely popularized by The Power of Habit. The habit loop helps to illustrate what triggers and environments have been supporting past behaviors (habits) but the habit loop fails
Nick Palkowski | Podcasting Insights From The Master
08/06/2015 Duración: 46minThis episode has us turning the tables... in the coming weeks we'll begin to weave-in interviews of domain industry experts so we figured we might as well start with Nick Palkowski, podcast guru, expert in online marketing strategy and all-around-great guy!Things weren't always sunshine and rainbows for Nick. The first business he started in college, while a great learning experience, ultimately left him with $2 in his bank account and a jar of peanut butter. A jar of peanut butter. Those important lessons (from failure) taught Nick what not to do and what he needed to do differently. They proved invaluable and led him to launch his booming, full-time business Your Podcast Guru."The best way to grow your business is to consistently add value to your audience." @NickPalkowskiOne of the most important factors for Nick was understanding that success is a habit, meaning he recognized the importance of becoming a consistent and disciplined professional. Nick even shared his top three character traits and supportiv
The 8th Wind
01/06/2015 Duración: 21minAre you pushing yourself hard enough? Most people would respond with a resounding yes. While the idea of a second wind is fairly common, Martin and I explore the possibilities of having a third, fourth, fifth (even an eighth!) wind in this episode of The Habit Factor. “If you're going to doubt something, doubt your own limits.”Ever notice during exercise that even when you're tired, you can always dig a little deeper and find energy reserves to get you through to the finish line? By changing your state of mind you can radically change and increase your energy levels and persevere to the end of any project! Challenge your assumptions, your biases, and challenge the perceived limits that you have set for yourself. If you feel that you've been lulled in to a comfort zone of limitations, set increasingly extreme challenge for yourself and discover your eighth wind. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. “Life doesn't get easier. We just get stronger.” This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this wit
How Nature's Wisdom Can Make Your Life Easier
25/05/2015 Duración: 32minNo matter how close you live to big, green spaces, many of your struggles can be traced to how aligned you are with nature. Sparked by a conversation with his teenage daughter Martin and I delve review some clues that can very well make our life easier.“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”Anytime there is frustration and friction in your life it's important to check and compare how aligned your affairs and thoughts are with the natural world. In this episode, Martin shares some of his observations about nature and just how we might adapt them to our own situation. (12:00):PatiencesRhythmBusy, DiligentEconomy & EfficiencyThe cycle of lifeChange & metamorphosisStruggle creates strengthNature is flexible, adapting, and resilientEverything must flowUnityThere are many things we cannot controlBalanceThis week, we challenge you to take one of these observations and apply it to your life. Track it and see for yourself how effective you can be when you align yourself and your efforts with nature!
Philosophy & Habits of Thought
18/05/2015 Duración: 36minThe word “philosophy” comes from Ancient Greek and means “love of wisdom”.Unfortunately, the modern translation appears to have become slightly twisted to the point where the word might only connote some impractical college major.Yet, philosophy ought to be embraced by all who seek to live in a more "favorable" world for it is our own mental constructs (our own philosophy) that dictates how we think, feel and act. So, philosophy isn't just about talking or even thinking, its true meaning lies in the execution of the ideas and ideals.Today, Nick and I revisit the essence of philosophy and review some of the framework behind The Habit Factor franchise.“All men’s natures are alike, it's their habits that carry them far apart.”In this episode, Martin shares a handful of his favorite quotes and a few books that helped him to form a foundation for thought and action (a mixed philosophy that spans; Thoreau and Socrates to Kurt Vonnegut.Enjoy! This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscr
Got Leverage?
11/05/2015 Duración: 26min“Give me a long enough lever and a place to stand and I can move the world.” In the battle to get ahead, often the first step is finding a better way to leverage the only limiting resource everyone shares, TIME. Understanding how to properly leverage your time and ideas is a game changer and it's sure to boost your productivity. In this episode, Martin and I review some strategies to optimize your personal power (your ability to act on ideas) to help get the results you want! Touching on Dr. Stephen Covey’s "Quadrants of Effectiveness", Martin shares a few tips for deciding when and how to outsource (contract labor) to allow yourself more time to focus on the things most important to you. Or, if you're not quite ready to source other experts, there are simply more effective ways to plan and use your days. When you leverage your time more wisely, you simply take longer, more efficient steps toward your goal which accelerates your achievement and of course will have a life time effect on your achievement
6 Reasons to Create and Master Your Rituals
04/05/2015 Duración: 28min“Good things happen when planned, bad things happen on their own.” ~Quality is Free Tweet ThisThe path to leading a more efficient life is simply to harness the power of positive habits and rituals.Chances are very good you already have a set number of habits and rituals (particularly in the morning or evening). The question is, have they developed by choice or by chance? Are they by design or by default?Intentionally establishing positive routines in the morning and evening will help you to feel refreshed, balanced, connected and even, as a bi-product far more productive.In this episode, Martin and I review 6 reasons rituals are powerful and various tips for establishing them to help foster your efficiency and peace of mind. (7:10):…rituals are more energy efficient…they compound greatly w/out notice at first…they work with natural rhythms…help you to feel more connected…bring you mindfulness and mindlessness…they can be established consciously using the P.A.R.R. methodologyThis week, Martin and I challenge
Deadlines: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
27/04/2015 Duración: 22min“Goals are just dreams with deadlines.”A man named C. Northcote Parkinson once claimed that work expands to fill the time for its completion. While its human nature to procrastinate, there aren't enough people using deadlines to their advantage. Join author Martin Grunburg on this episode of Habits to Goals as he shares his strategies for accelerating productivity with deadlines.When you don't understand how deadlines can help you, sometimes they can hurt you. Avoid thinking in terms of all or nothing and accept that there will be times that you will need an extension. Maintain perspective and persevere with accountability groups and realistic timelines to transform deadlines into a positive force to empower your life.“There are no unreadable goals, just unreasonable deadlines.” This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
The Seven Habits Refresher Meets The Habit Factor
20/04/2015 Duración: 31minOne of the great inspirations for Grunburg’s The Habit Factor is Dr. Stephen Covey’s classic, bestselling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In this episode, Martin reviews some of the similarities and differences between the two works. (10:20).If, by chance you haven't read Covey's masterpiece (do so!) and, in the meantime, here is a quick synopsis (12:45):Be ProactiveBegin with the End in MindPut First Things FirstThink “Win-Win”Seek First to Understand than to be UnderstoodSynergizeSharpen the SawMartin then explains one of the reason The Habit Factor "had" to be written and how The Habit Factor "bookends" and complements The Seven Habits 11:52.Later we discuss how the first three habits focus on the "self" and the next three habits focus on fostering inter-dependence and teamwork. Finally, the seventh habit, "Sharpen the saw" is about renewal and allows for never ending growth and the ability to continually cycle and master each habit.Now, it's your turn! Are you being proactive? Are you b
7 Reasons Self Help Doesn’t Suck
13/04/2015 Duración: 29min“Everyone wants to improve the world, very few are willing to improve themselves.” Tweet ThisMany people write-off self-help thinking that positive thinking just sets you up for disappointment later.Zig Ziglar once put it brilliantly, "positive thinking won't allow you do everything, it only allows you to do everything better." For instance, positive thinking may not help you to dunk a basketball. But, it will make your efforts much improved.The beauty is self-help isn't just about "positive thinking". First and foremost, it's an acknowledgment that the person responsible for their growth and development is themselves.SELF HELP (at the proverbial end of the day) has been described as the only real help there is.Self-help is also about accepting one's self as they are and then acknowledging ways they might improve. The pursuit of self-help assures a certain amount of humility.“True nobility isn't about being better than others, it's about being better than you were before.” ~Wayne Dyer Tweet ThisSo, really, th
8 Breakthrough Strategies to Become Unstuck
06/04/2015 Duración: 27minWho hasn't felt STUCK before?The good news is, it's common and something everyone is likely to experience at some point. The bad news is, it's an uncomfortable awareness that you've lost momentum and enthusiasm is gone.That no matter what you try to do, nothing seems to move you or your career forward? Hence, you are STUCK.And, when you’re stuck, it's important to know that it's not just an emotional but also a physiological state. Sometimes it even makes us feel alone or isolated.“Motion creates emotion.” ~Tony Robbins Tweet ThisTo help you form some habits that will ultimately propel you forward, Martin and I review these eight tips to become UNSTUCK (time):More Accurate ThinkingMove!Use and Create RegretAvoid the Comparison GameRead Autobiographies and other books- keep learningChallenge FearAcknowledge and Accept the SituationTrack- Track - Track (Did we say Track!?)By tracking even your smallest, recurring behaviors (habits) that move your toward your goal, you build immediate momentum! Reaffirming exact
Making The Time to R.E.L.A.X.
30/03/2015 Duración: 23minIt seems everyone I know is "super-busy" and so many people are stressed-out... the question is, how many of them are making time to RELAX.“The best time to relax is when you don’t have the time.” Tweet ThisThe most productive people I know schedule spa days, massages and recreation in the midst of their hectic schedules. That's right, the SCHEDULE relaxation as though it were any other responsibility on their list—and it is. They don't wait for a time when things will slow down... they proactively make the time and slow things down.In order to be the best you can be in your personal and professional life, you must make the time to RELAX.“I have just five letters for you: R-E-L-A-X.” ~ Aaron Rodgers Tweet ThisUttered, Hall of Fame quarterback Aaron Rodgers after the Packers started the 2014 season 1-2. Whether it was because of his statement, imploring PACKER nation to chill or not, the team turned things around and made a great run through the playoffs.In this episode, Martin and I review the "B.R.A.D." ac