If youve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element H A B I T! That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!Theres a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhDs and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.This is your chance to learn and apply The Habit Factor's insights and specific goal achievement methodology (plus, habit alignment technology) to achieve your biggest and most important goals faster than you ever thought possible! Check it out learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.comLook for our series: Step-by-step: How to Make 2018 a Breakthrough Year!
How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #9, The Mastery Mindset)
15/01/2018 Duración: 34min"Be like water..." ~Bruce Lee [STEP #9, MASTERY, in this BREAKTHROUGH mini-series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best, Breakthrough New Year Ever!"] Step #9 = The Mastery Mindset! Step #1: Decide Step #2: Assess Step #3: Values, Mission and Vision Step #4: Passion & Purpose Step #5: Energy & Enthusiasm Step #6: GOALS! Step #7: HABIT! HABIT! HABIT! Step #8: HabitStrength™ When you think about the concept of "mastery" what comes to mind? Martin begins this show reviewing that invariably, after you go through each of the first 8 steps, you will come upon OBSTACLES. It's the true Master who regards obstacles as simply opportunities in disguise. Recall, that there are three great constants in life; change, choice and principles. Therefore the idea of mastery as a destination— an arrival point— can only be an illusion. If change is a constant, and it is, the idea of perpetual learning to become a "master" is essential. In this episode Martin recaps the very traits essential to the Mastery Mindset and even takes h
How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #8 HabitStrength™)
04/01/2018 Duración: 23min"Discipline is a habit. GRIT is a habit. The more good behaviors you can habituate the less you will need to rely on willpower." [STEP #8, (week #8) in the BREAKTHROUGH mini-series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best, Breakthrough New Year Ever!"] Step #OCHO = HabitStrength!! Step #1: Decide Step #2: Assess Step #3: Values, Mission and Vision Step #4: Passion & Purpose Step #5: Energy & Enthusiasm Step #6: GOALS! Step #7: HABIT! HABIT! HABIT! And, now we delve into... part deux of Habit; HabitStrength! Think about habit development just like muscle development. It isn't about a set number of days, it's about a process and the P.A.R.R. process/method we covered in the last episode. People don't go to the gym and ask, "How long will it take to develop my biceps?" No. They start with 15lbs and curl that weight until within a few weeks it feels light (they get stronger) so they up the weight to 20lbs then 25, 30, 35lbs, etc. Each successive week of planning, acting, recording and reassessing helps to develop t
How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #7) HABIT! HABIT! HABIT! ; )
28/12/2017 Duración: 37min"Cosmic Habit Force is the greatest of all natural laws. It is Nature's comptroller through which all other natural laws are coordinated.” ~Napoleon Hill [STEP #7, (week #7) in the BREAKTHROUGH mini-series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best, Breakthrough New Year Ever!"] Step #7 = HABIT! (Cosmic Habit Force, Habit Alignment & P.A.R.R.) Step #1: Decide Step #2: Assess Step #3: Values, Mission and Vision Step #4: Passion & Purpose Step #5: Energy & Enthusiasm Step #6: GOALS! And, now we delve into... HABIT! HABIT. HABIT. HABIT. It's worthwhile to keep in mind that when The Habit Factor® was first introduced, habit was an afterthought if any thought at all when it came to goal achievement. This was primarily due to its negative connotation, "smoking, drinking, drugs," etc. Even in what is regarded as one of the best self-help books of all time, Think & Grow Rich, habit, as a force for goal achievement was NOT identified, not as a specific process to develop and align habits to one's goals. In fact,
How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #6)
21/12/2017 Duración: 17min"Success is goals, and all else is commentary.” ~Brian Tracy [STEP #6, (week #6) in the BREAKTHROUGH mini-series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best, Breakthrough New Year Ever!"] Step #6 = GOALS! Step #1: DECIDE. Step #2: Assess Step #3: Values, Mission and Vision Step #4: Passion & Purpose Step #5: Energy & Enthusiasm And, now we're on to step #6, GOALS!!! BT is a hero and a living legend in the personal development space and I'm fairly sure NOBODY has created more quality personal development content than Mr. Brian Tracy. Point is... the man is a walking 'master-class' in personal development and if he's suggesting goals are (equal to) success, than we probably ought to pay more attention to them, right? So, in this episode we do just that... Zig Ziglar used to say, "Don't be a wandering generality, you must become a meaningful specific." Goals allow us to become a meaningful specific. What is your #1 Goal right now? Where is that goal written? Is it posted somewhere were you can see it? Do you revisit
How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #5)
14/12/2017 Duración: 17min"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” ~R.W. Emerson [Here's STEP #5 (week #5) in our BREAKTHROUGH mini-series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best, Breakthrough New Year Ever!"] Step #5 = Energy & Enthusiasm! Step #1 was about Deciding. Step #2 was about Assessing Step #3 was about Values, Mission and Vision Step #4 was about Passion & Purpose And, now we're on to Energy & Enthusiasm! It's simple math really... YOU are energy and your goal is going to require energy in order to be achieved. Mark twain once quipped, "And what is a man without energy? Nothing— nothing at all." It cannot be over-stated... the quality of your energy and enthusiasm will have a direct influence upon the achievement of your goals. The quality of your energy and enthusiasm will have a direct influence upon your goals! #habits #goals (tweet that one ; ) So, when it comes to your "energy being" what do you do DAILY to optimize your energy? What is your diet like? Have you fine-tuned your diet lately? Are you track
How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #4)
06/12/2017 Duración: 15min"The unexamined life is not worth living.” ~Socrates [This is STEP #4 in our BREAKTHROUGH mini-series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best, Breakthrough New Year Ever!"] Step #4 = Passion & Purpose. Step #1 was about DECIDING. Step #2 was about ASSESSING Step #3 was about Values, Mission and Vision And, now we're on to passion and purpose! You may be thinking... "Oh no! More work!?" Recall Lao Tzu's famous statement, "Knowing others is wisdom, knowing our self is enlightenment"" So, in this episode, we do exactly that, further examine ourselves; our passions, strengths, weaknesses and in the process may just discover our purpose. The good news is this, if you've been struggling to identify your purpose, chances are these exercises are going to help get you a lot closer. Finally, to underscore the significance of this important step, "Your purpose in life is to find you purpose and give your whole heart to it." ~Buddha So, get AFTER IT! Be sure to click on the F RE E resources: PDF's (pdf 1 and 2- Strength &
How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #3)
04/12/2017 Duración: 20min"Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. When you work hard on your job you make a living and when you work hard on yourself you'll make a fortune.” ~Jim Rohn [NOTE: This is our NEW YEAR BREAKTHROUGH Series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best Breakthrough New Year!"] Step 1# is about deciding. Step #2 is about awareness and assessment. So, STEP #3 is... YOUR CORE VALUES. MISSION and VISION That sounds like some work doesn't it? Which is why 95% of people never go through these exercises. They require deep introspection, humility and courage. But, it's no coincidence that the greatest organizations and companies do these exercises they have figured this out. Truth is, it was only after doing this exercise for my company that I realized I HAD TO DO THIS FOR MYSELF and it was a game-changer! Thus, it's part of the FOUNDATION for our Personal Breakthrough Series. Why don't most people do these exercises for themselves? First, they require work (time and energy). The other reason is people begin to doubt themsel
How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #2)
28/11/2017 Duración: 18min"Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh [NOTE: This is our NEW YEAR BREAKTHROUGH Series (at least 8 new episodes, taking you step-by-step, "How to Make 2018 Your Biggest Breakthrough New Year!"] If Step # was about DECIDING (and it was), this week is all about awareness and assessment. STEP #2: Assess. This episode we're reminded that all information is good information if we're honest and courageous enough to shine the light on ourselves. To that end, Martin shares another Jim Rohn classic quote, "Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job you can make a living, but if you work hard on yourself you'll make a fortune." Turns out, we ALL tend to go bust our butt at our jobs working 40+ hours every week but how much time are we spending on our own personal development and improvement? The point is, now that we've DECIDED we are going to change, it's time for US to get to work on ourselves and become the change we s
How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #1)
19/11/2017 Duración: 17min"You cannot change your destiny over night but you can change your direction.” ~Jim Rohn [NOTE: This is the first in our, NEW YEAR Series (at least 8 NEW episodes, taking you step-by-step, "How to Make 2018 a Breakthrough Year!"] Most people "want" some change and / or improvement in their life. But "wanting" is not the same is making a clean and clear delineation. DECIDING what specifically will change for the better is entirely different than wanting or hoping. STEP #1: DECIDE. Martin shares a Tony Robbins' great quote, "A real decision is backed by action." This helps to take us out of the realm of "wishing" or "wanting" and moves us toward a definitive DECISION and gaining some real momentum. Turns out, the Latin root and meaning of decide is to "cut-away". "To me that means we are intent on cutting-away from our old habits and eager to setup/begin new behaviors/habits that we can align to our new goal!" Deciding is the beginning of transformation! Deciding is that fundamental first step and a real decisi
Why Adding Controls & Constraints to Your Life is Essential
23/10/2017 Duración: 18min"The freedom of tomorrow lies in the discipline of today." The "BIG" idea for this mind-bullet Monday revolves around the importance of implementing controls and constraints into our lives. "Controls and constraints!?" You may be saying, "That sounds horrible, uncomfortable and pretty lame!" Well, it turns out that controls and constraints tend to be precisely the types of parameters that can help you forge new behaviors (habits) to assist you in achieving your goals more quickly. Even The Habit Factor's P.A.R.R. methodology demonstrates this with its frequency per week, minimum success criteria, and tracking period (4 weeks). Perhaps more importantly (and paradoxically): It turns out that freedom is born from controls and constraints. Consider the person who never develops and institutes any controls and constraints in their life (diet, exercise and or/finances, etc.). This is a person who will likely struggle for a long time. Conversely, the person who institutes controls and constraints (disciplines) relat
Burning Ships Not Bridges
18/09/2017 Duración: 19min"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” ~Douglas Adams By: Martin Grunburg It's great to be back in the saddle and while this is NOT the official kick-off of Season 4 (Habits 2 Goals Podcast), it is my effort to get you caught up and share at least one of the great lessons I recently experienced. Admittedly, you're gonna have to be a little patient (it takes a while to set the table here) but coincidentally patience is a component part of this lessons anyway! ; ) Today, I share a bit about my long-standing partnership (23+ yrs) and it's official separation... all good, mostly. The fact is we'd been partners (3 of us) longer than most marriages exist and with our company's recent win of a prime contract award (defense) AND, given that they are in the neighborhood of 70 years old an exist strategy presented itself. How and why this may relate to you. Entrepreneurs (people in general) love to cling to motto's, slogans, trite and not so trite sayings, that guide and drive them and
S3-41: FAF - Got Any Advice!?
12/05/2017 Duración: 24min"God changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls and coal into diamonds using TIME & PRESSURE. He's working on you too” ~Rick Warren [NOTE: Henry and I set out to complete 35 episodes for Season III and this is episode #41. If you've enjoyed the season as much as we did putting it together, PLEASE leave a review on iTunes ; ). Also, there are more shows coming! Be sure you are subscribed! Great news is on the way! Thank you!] **Technical audio note: Apologies, we had tech issues again on Henry's end and he was forced to use a different device. At times, connection picks up various background noises. Apologies and appreciate your understanding! ; )** Coming off the heels of the recent metamorphosis episode, MG shares what he considered might be his #1 tip/piece of advice as he responds to an email. The emailer is excited about The Habit Factor and asks MG, "Do you have any advice?" At first Martin isn't too happy about the question, given the amount of "tips" and information already published.
S3-40: Casey Wright: Opportunity Meets Creativity
10/05/2017 Duración: 01h06min"Corey and I have two qualities that I think unite us. One, we are eternal optimists; we always believe our best day is coming. The other thing is that we have a high risk tolerance. We’ll keep rolling the dice. We like the idea of saying, ‘We’re going to bet on ourselves a little longer.'" ~Casey Wright Few entrepreneurs seize an opportunity as quickly and as creatively as Casey Wright. He and his brother Corey, guided by their parents, were encouraged to explore this "internet thing" in the early 2000s, and in particular, how email marketing might help their real estate firm. Their parents came to them and said they wanted to stop spending $100K on print marketing per year; the brothers thought email marketing might be the answer. To everyone's surprise, the strategy worked and Casey and his brother were off and running...sort of. "The first year was exciting, and then you have six years of things not going the way you wanted them to; I'm seeing my friends working half as hard and making twice as much money
S3-39: MBM - Metamorphosis
08/05/2017 Duración: 29min"There is nothing in a catapiller that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." ~Buckminster Fuller [Note: *Apologies* The sound quality at times is compromised in this episode. Henry had to use his cell phone and there a a few moments (briefly) where background noise interferes. Thanks for your patience and understanding.*] "Habit is a cobweb at first and a cable at last." ~Spanish Proverb Martin and Henry get after this one on the heels of a keynote presentation Martin recently did for IREM (institute for real estate management). He talks to Henry about how he inserted these same "two themes" at the front of the presentation because they applied so well to the REstart graduates who were being honored at the luncheon. MG then discusses this powerful idea of transformation (preferring the term, "Metamorphosis") and our individual capacity to turn virtually any weakness into a strength using the force of habit. Today it's popular in the personal development world to "ignore your weakness and just focus on you
S3-38: FAF - How Can I Control My Temper?
05/05/2017 Duración: 13min"If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape one hundred days of sorrow.” ~Chinese Proverb Not to long ago we had an entire episode about enhancing mindfulness. Today's topic is very related and it has to do with some ideas, tips and best practices, even mindsets around how to best control one's temper. MG and Henry trade some tips and share some stories... Henry talks about his experience recently where he was so upset he had to go hit a punching bag (NOT people) for an extended period of time. "Try that for just one minute and you'll be winded and you'll also be addressing your 'fight or flight' natural response to anger and stress. It's a great way to address the pent up energy." Martin then reflects on the very powerful and insightful statement: "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." Viktor E. Frankl Then, MG shares this gem from Thomas Jefferson, "When you are angry count to ten,
S3-37: Eric Berman: Entrepreneur Extraordinaire
03/05/2017 Duración: 51min"If you're listening to this...I want you to try this for twenty-four hours. Think about every situation, and say to yourself, 'I am responsible.' If you don't do that you'll stagnate and never get ahead." ~Eric Berman A varied and enviable background, EB has been a bachelor on the hit reality show Millionaire Matchmaker. He's stood in the winner's circle multiple times at Del Mar as part of the winning horse's ownership group. He's part owner in multiple popular restaurants throughout San Diego, and perhaps best of all (at least according to MG), he is long-term business partners with the personal development legend Brian Tracy. EB begins the show sharing how some early career success with a Facebook-like company ( in the '90s goes terribly sideways as it collides head first into the exploding dot-com disaster of the late '90s. As "guy #3" in the fast-growing company, he was close to all the action when his company failed to qualify for a bridge loan amid the market collapse; before long they
S3-36: MBM - Intention.
01/05/2017 Duración: 19min"True nobility isn’t about being better than someone else, it’s about being better than you used to be." Dr. Wayne Dyer Martin tackles this Mind Bullet Monday solo and labels it a bit of a hybrid episode since he bridges concepts and ideas from a couple prior episodes. This episode is on the heels of the synchronicity/serendipity episode where Martin and Henry compare theories on ways to create an increased frequency of such events in our lives. Martin then adds some of the late, great Dr. Wayne Dyer's thoughts via his bestseller, The Power of Intention. Specifically where Dyer reviews the importance of aligning with the "FACE" of the "Creative" source. In his book, Dr. Dyer spells out the "Seven Faces of Intention" Creativity, Kindness, Love, Beauty, Expansiveness, Abundance and Receptivity and how Dr. Dyer believed deeply that creating alignment / "matching up" with sources "Faces" of energy was essential. Martin then takes the entire process a step further, and perhaps makes it sound/concrete by recommen
S3-35: FAF - Seeking Mindfulness
28/04/2017 Duración: 13min"Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh Mindfulness matters. This is the age of distractions! "Smart" phones, social media, texting, etc., our attention span continue to shrink and yet the demand for our focus and attention (in order to achieve our goals and be more productive) has never been greater! In this fun episode Henry and MG discuss some of their favorite tips to become more present and mindful. MG starts though with the important idea that BOTH habit and mindfulness (by design) are intended to work together. The way to cultivate any mindless or subconscious behavior (habit) is often via repetition and practice so it becomes "automatic!" Think, "wax on" "wax off". They exchange thoughts on various breathing exercises and MG tells Henry his favorite tip might just be to "tune in" to his senses; smell, touch, sight, sound, etc. Henry mentions a neat visual, breathing exercise and his intention to be very present and aware with encounters with others. MG and Henry both di
S3-34: Sarah Hardwick: Creativity, Courage & Values!
26/04/2017 Duración: 57minIt was really out of frustration... I needed some tools and I made it my mission to become the world's first values-based marketing agency!" ~Sarah Hardwick Sarah Hardwick understands the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and what it means to persevere, be resilient and succeed! A gifted and talented student from Durango High in Colorado (her father was a forest ranger in the area for 30 years!). Sarah attended University of Denver (scholarship) and decides on a marketing and business major instead of theater... "the more practical decision." Her senior year in college she visits sunny San Diego (Mission Beach) for spring break and is instantly intent on relocating as soon as she graduates. In this episode, Sarah provides keen insight into the incredible power of values and why they are so important, beyond just marketing! "When you start to act in ways that are not in alignment with your values, than it is really hard to be happy!" Sarah also touches on some incredibly difficult moments and what she consider
S3-33: MBM - Talk, Talk, Talk
24/04/2017 Duración: 16min"Silence is the source of great strength." Talk, Talk, Talk. Speaking for the most part is easy. Particularly about things we are GOING to do. However, doing them and the work they entail is hard. Which do you choose? While today’s topic has been touched upon… from various angles in prior seasons: In Season I it was SILENCE and CONCENTRATION and how silence is the source of GREAT strength and wisdom! Then, in season II’s FAF, MG addresses the question, “Should we announce our goals?” Today’s episode though is really inspired by Ryan Holiday’s latest book, “Ego is the Enemy”. A fantastic book where he’s devotes an entire chapter entitled, Talk, Talk, Talk to this idea that so many of us succubm to the easy— the idle, valueless, chatter. How easy is it to post on twitter, “I’ve just signed up for my first marathon!” Versus, the challenge to actually sign-up and NOT post anything. Instead, to get busy training and save the big announcement for when the work is done and the goal is accomplished. There is power