If youve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element H A B I T! That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!Theres a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhDs and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.This is your chance to learn and apply The Habit Factor's insights and specific goal achievement methodology (plus, habit alignment technology) to achieve your biggest and most important goals faster than you ever thought possible! Check it out learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.comLook for our series: Step-by-step: How to Make 2018 a Breakthrough Year!
S5: 27: 2018 Take-Aways
04/01/2019 Duración: 16min“Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, and the grass grows, by itself.” ~ Zen proverb "Don't just do something — sit there." As we settle into our brand-new 2019, this Frequently Asked Friday episode addresses what we gleaned from last year: What lessons have we learned from 2018? Lesson number one: The FUNDAMENTALS. Take a look at the things we do every day. Are we doing them right? Never be afraid to backtrack and hone, strengthen and improve the fundamentals -- even breathing! MG's Lesson number two: MEDITATION. After years of trying to be expedient and efficient with meditation, a talk with Fred Gratzon, author of The Lazy Way to Success, brought new insight into the power of not trying so hard. Sometimes pulling back is the lesson. What gifts and lessons did 2018 bring to you? Listen in for more lessons from last year, and learn how living life like an experiment may bring the biggest rewards in 2019. Enjoy the episode! ***** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone numb
S5: 26: 5 Keys to Successful Resolutions
02/01/2019 Duración: 15min“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” ~Abraham Lincoln On this Wednesday Mind Bullet episode, we wish our listeners a Happy New Year and share five ways to make sure YOUR resolutions are successful! Whatever we RESOLVE to do (these are, after all, resolutions), it is our job to set our goals. No one else is going to set our goals for us! What does your heart desire? If we begin with the end in mind, as the late, great Dr. Stephen Covey advises in his 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we can ask ourselves: If I were to die tomorrow, what experience would I most regret not having? You may want to reduce debt, run with the bulls, lose weight — this exercise unveils your DESIRE. What comes after DESIRE? Listen in for the rest of the key ingredients that will make your goals a reality--whether it takes one year or 10! Enjoy the episode! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack
S5: 25: 2018 Highlights and Lessons Learned
31/12/2018 Duración: 27min"The unexamined life is not worth living." ~Socrates Habits2Goals welcomes in the New Year with a look back at 2018. It's a time to reflect on a brilliant year, with thoughts, highlights and lessons learned. As important as it is to look forward and set goals, it is just as crucial to reflect. And reflecting and assessing is, of course, part of PARR (Plan, Act, Record, Reassess) and habit building. MG looks back on his personal 2018 highlights and reflects on the importance of learning new skills and putting yourself out there -- reinforcing the idea that "life is an experiment, and the more experiments you make, the better." Are YOU viewing life as an experiment? Listen in for some inspiration to live YOUR best life in 2019 as you reflect back on your accomplishments of 2018. Enjoy the episode! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here:
S5: 24: What Are Foundational Habits?
28/12/2018 Duración: 11min“Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character.” ~ Stephen Covey For this Frequently Asked Friday Habits2Goals episode, we ask a burning question that speaks to the core of goal achievement: What are foundational habits? Sometimes referred as keystone habits, these are the habits that, over the course of a lifetime, will have the greatest compounding effect. Think about the habits we perform every day — eating, breathing, how we sleep, drinking water. Since they are performed every day, they have the greatest impact on our life AND our other habits. The compounding effect is powerful! These habits influence — and infiltrate — all the other habits of our day. Knowing this, when we set out to design our lives, and achieve our goals, we must first look to these foundational habits. Join us for a reminder of how these keystone habits must be in alignment with our goals and how leveraging them can giv
S5: 23: Heat-Seeking Missile
26/12/2018 Duración: 14min"You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” “You cannot make it as a wandering generality, you must become a meaningful specific.” ~ Zig Ziglar This special Wednesday Mind Bullet episode has us pondering our goal achievement via an analogy: You are a heat-seeking missile. Goals are not optional -- we were designed for accomplishment! Climbers don't end up on the top of Mount Everest by accident. Authors don't write a book by accident. You don't complete a marathon by accident. Goal achievers go out and complete that goal -- once they know what their target is. A heat-seeking missile must have a target to go after -- even a moving target. The missile corrects when necessary, never wavering. It is self-correcting because it knows where it is trying to go! It's hard to hit a target you can't see, and as goal-seekers, we need to figure out where we're trying to go and how to get there. Listen in to be inspired by our unique predilection for goal achi
S5: 22: The End
24/12/2018 Duración: 13min"Everything will be OK in the end, and if it's not OK, it is not the end." ~John Lennon This Christmas Eve Mind-Bullet Monday episode ponders a sobering and seemingly heavy topic: The end. Every morning for the last 13 years, MG takes his dog out for a frisbee session on the beach, complete with audience and aerials. But on a chilly recent morning, when Roxy the dog pulled up a little cramped and lame, the thought occurred: The end is coming. Not today, not tomorrow, but the beginning of the end is here. The end is all around us and it's happening all the time -- bittersweet, but an integral part of the dynamism of life. The one great constant in life is change, so the end is often just a transformation -- a metamorphosis. Listen in for an inspiring conversation about embracing the sometimes bittersweet metamorphosis of life. Enjoy! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can do
S5: 21: What Are the Three Rules?
21/12/2018 Duración: 10min"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." ~ Dalai Lama On this Fantastic Frequently Asked Friday episode, we ponder a question that applies to family, business, goal-setting and all other aspects of life: What are the three rules? Rule number one: Be Responsible. Own it. Take responsibility. No blaming or shaming. Rule number two: Be Grateful. Change your expectations for appreciation. Rule number three: Be Kind. These rules serve as a simplified winning formula to make each day your masterpiece! Listen in for a reminder of some simple ways to find happiness and calm as we take our place in this world -- and how PARR can play a role. Enjoy the episode! ***** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: Feel free to share the episode and leave a review on iTunes! ***** Subscribe iTunes here! Subscribe: Android | RSS ***** RES
S5: 20: Enlightenment
19/12/2018 Duración: 14min"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” ~ Zen quote On a special Wednesday Habits2Goals Mind Bullet, we ponder a topic we somehow haven't gotten to in five seasons: Enlightenment. The perplexing quote above shares with us that once we reach enlightenment, the work "out there" doesn't change. What changes is the "in here" -- what goes on within us. We go about our day, but we see things differently. So what is enlightenment? Is it oneness? An understanding of universal principles? Unity, love, kindness? Unifying principles that create a lens through which you see life? Or, does enlightenment mean something else altogether? Listen in for a fascinating discussion about a literal translation of enlightenment -- a "lightening of the load" when negativity is cast away. Enjoy! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it her
S5: 19: Time!
17/12/2018 Duración: 13min"We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next 10. Don't let yourself be lulled into inaction." ~ Bill Gates Why are we overly ambitious in the short term but woefully shortsighted as we envision our long-term future? In the goal-setting arena, we impatiently set our sights on short-term success. Who has time for 10 years of planning and hard work? We want success THIS year! But when we view the idea of reaching our goals as a process, we see that daily efforts compound over time and our ultimate success is greater than we could have imagined -- if we stick to the process. Listen in for a fascinating discussion of patience and persistence, and reaping the rewards of taking the slow road.. Enjoy! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: Feel free to
S5: 18: Why Do I Suck?
14/12/2018 Duración: 11min"Ask a Garbage In question, you get a Garbage Out response." This Frequently Asked Friday was inspired by a Google search gone awry. When typing, "Why do I . . . " the search engine autofilled a tragic question: "Why do I suck? The quality of our questions directs our focus, attention and energy. So if we're asking "Why do I relationships," etc., this is not a quality question. Our energy is clearly in the wrong place. Asking a better question is a good place to start. Ask positive questions. Remember, where your attention goes, your energy flows! Begin with the end in mind: How do you create a quality question when you know what your goal is? Listen in for a fascinating look at reframing your questions to create momentum and energy, looked at through the filter of Covey's great book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Enjoy the episode! ***** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit devel
S5: 17: Resistance
12/12/2018 Duración: 16min"What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.” ~ Carl Jung Is frustration and futility really worth it? Too often we get caught up in frustration and cling to what should be happening — we resist — instead of accepting what is and finding a solution. What are you resisting? Resisting can make things worse and often complicates your true end goal. Whether it's something as significant as hearing impairment or insignificant as a NEW pen that doesn't work, if we respond positively to what we perceive as a negative experience, the frustration dissipates. Listen in for some revelations about how to positively respond to a bad situation, accept the circumstances, and go about finding a solution -- bringing light (acceptance) to a dark (negative) situation. Enjoy! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: Feel free to shar
S5: 16: Seeking Simple Mind
10/12/2018 Duración: 11min"The successful man is the average man, with laser-like focus." ~Bruce Lee "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." - Henry Ford Today's Mind Bullet Monday brings us back to the fundamentals: the benefits of being simple-minded. It's not what you may think. A "simple mind" refers to a calm mind, full of concentration. Simplification is often the key to success. Too many brilliant, talented people are getting so caught up in overthinking — what might happen, what could happen — that nothing gets accomplished. That's energy and attention wasted! Listen in to hear about keeping it simple and focused, and how the Habit Factor works because it "dummies down" the process of habit development and goal achievement. Enjoy! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: Feel free to share the episod
S5: 15: What's the Best Way To Meditate?
07/12/2018 Duración: 15min"All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone." ~Blaise Pascal This Fantastic Frequently Asked Friday episode is a topic near and dear to MG's heart — especially these days: What is the best way to meditate? The answer isn't cut-and-dried, but the first step is to BEGIN. Just do it! Meditation is a practice, so don't forget to track it. Secondly, experiment! There's no one right way to meditate. Don't get caught up in form and function, how to sit, etc. Maybe you stretch. Maybe you don't want to close your eyes. Who cares? Just experiment and track it! Listen in to hear about common meditation mistakes (don't try to be efficient), and how to experiment with your surroundings, hit your meditation stride, and find the tools to bring stillness and clarity to your life. Enjoy the episode! ***** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: th
S5: 14: The Hardest Thing in the World
05/12/2018 Duración: 15min"To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe On this special Wednesday Mind Bullet episode, we explore a topic rooted in the great quote above by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. To paraphrase: Thinking is easy. Acting is hard. But to act as you think is the most difficult of all! Taking action is a common theme here at Habits2Goals. Recall Napoleon Hill's words: "Action is the real measure of intelligence." How often do we "think" we should eat a certain way. Do we always act that way? We think we should save money. Do we? Acting as we think is difficult! But this is more than discipline or willpower: Are we acting in coherence with our thinking? The beginning of acting as we think is the (drumroll) . . . establishment of a habit! Listen in for a discussion of why goal-setting sometimes crumbles and how self-efficacy -- the ability to produce a desired result -- is the direct product of PARR. Enjoy! *** New listene
S5: 13: Impatience
03/12/2018 Duración: 13min"It is the height of stupidity to believe that in the course of your short life, your few decades of consciousness, you can somehow rewire the configurations of your brain... time will mercilessly expose your weakness and impatience." ~Robert Greene On this Mind Bullet Monday we revisit a topic that can't be addressed enough: Impatience. In short, there are no shortcuts to greatness. Robert Greene's fascinating work, Mastery, offers a brutal take on the subject: Essentially, he says, it's the "height of stupidity" to be impatient -- to think you can rest on your laurels and not actively pursue mastery. We're all a little bit impatient — it's ingrained in us to some extent. We of the microwave generations have become wired for instant gratification. But we cannot translate this impatience and reliance on any shortcuts to reach true mastery -- success. Listen in to hear a fascinating angle on impatience, and how to actually embrace the process of reaching true mastery and following the process -- for as long as
S5: 12: Sequential Days for Habit Development?
30/11/2018 Duración: 08min"Consistency over time vs. a short burst of activity is what ultimately encourages and supports the development of any habit." Today's Frequently Asked Friday episode aims to bust a myth: "To form a habit you must perform the behavior every day." That is absolutely NOT true! The worst part, believing such a myth might actually prevent you from trying to develop new, positive habits! What is important -- above all else -- is consistency over time! Remember P.A.R.R.: Plan, Act, Record Reassess. The process of habit tracking for 28 days will allow the "seedling" of your habit to take root. Raising the minimum success criteria and going another 28 days will instill it even further! Listen in to hear what actually has to happen to create a habit and develop a skill. Enjoy the episode! ***** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: Feel f
S5: 11: John Assaraf, Innercise!
28/11/2018 Duración: 01h54s"Are you interested in achieving your life's goals and becoming successful or are you committed? Understanding that difference changed my life!" ~ John Assaraf Habits2Goals is proud to present a personal development, living legend, Mr. John Assaraf — bestselling author, CEO of NeuroGym, business growth expert and leader in the field of brain research and brain retraining. When John was 19 years old — broke, jobless and spiraling downward — he met a business mentor who asked him a question that changed his life: "John, are you interested in achieving your goals or are you committed? If you're interested you'll take the easy way, but when you're committed you will do whatever it takes. You will change your beliefs about yourself." John never looked back and found that we all have the power to change our lives. Learn about "Innercise" neuroscience of success and goal achievement — and how John Assaraf became the poster child for how dramatically your life can change once you learn to master your mindset. Enjoy
S5: 10: The Mind Creates the Abyss
26/11/2018 Duración: 08min"The mind creates the abyss; the heart crosses it. " - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj This Magnificent Mind Bullet Monday is inspired by a powerful quote: "The mind creates the abyss; the heart crosses it." Sometimes our thoughts and our reasoning can create problems, especially when it comes to goal setting. When we overthink things, the "abyss" gets bigger and bigger as we rationalize our way out of our hopes and dreams. But when we quiet the mind, instead of focusing on the obstacles, we can commit -- and then solve the problems along the way! Listen in to hear how dialing down your thinking and throwing your heart into your goals can bring you untold rewards! Enjoy! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: Feel free to share the episode and leave a review on iTunes! ***** Subscribe iTunes here! Subscribe: Android | RSS ***** TOOL
S5: 09: What Are the Worst Self-Help Cliches?
23/11/2018 Duración: 15min"Remember, it's rarely either/or; it's BOTH!" This Frequently Asked Fridays episode comes on the heels of our "What Are Your Favorite Self-Help Quotes?" episode. This week, we go the opposite direction: "What are the worst self-help cliches?" Some of these platitudes are regurgitated so much they are actually painful to hear, misunderstood and detrimental to our well-being. The problem is, our life views don't have to be an either-or situation. Don't get caught up in a train or tract of thinking that may trap you! Listen in to hear the top three worst self-help cliches and why they are both true and missing some key ingredients -- and how they fall victim to dichotomous thinking. Enjoy the episode! ***** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: Feel free to share the episode and leave a review on iTunes! ***** Subscribe iTunes here
S5: 08: Joe Apfelbaum: Mojovation
21/11/2018 Duración: 56min"In my awareness journey, I had to rewire how I looked at health and how I looked at my energy. The better my energy is, the better my life is." ~ Joe Apfelbaum Today's powerful Habits2Goals interview features Joe Apfelbaum -- a phenomenal entrepreneur, CEO, Google Certified trainer and coach who lives and breathes personal development. His work has been featured in Business Insider, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Entrepreneur and more. Besides incredible business accomplishments, Joe has one of the greatest personal development stories around: Six years ago he was 260 pounds, smoking, overeating, not exercising. He had a successful business but was abusing his body and ultimately his mind. Listen in to hear about Joe's journey toward taking his energy -- mind body and spirit -- up a notch, finally feeling complete with who he is, and see how habit played a key role. Enjoy the show! RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE Visit Joe's Website and sign up for his newsletter Join Joe's Mojovation Group on Facebook Find