Get Fit With Jodelle



The Basics of Weight and fat Loss, how to lose weight, tips and tricks to enhance fat-burning, primal health, holistic nutrition, exercise, metabolism, overall health and wellness mixed with a lot of fun and laughs!


  • 7 Cancer Causers Lurking in your Life & more nutrition facts


    Do you know what things you could be using or doing in your life that may be causing you cancer without you knowing it? This podcast will tell you those 7 things and what you can do to prevent cancer. We talk nutrition for cancer, cancer prevention, have loads of fun with some new supplement ideas, and announce the winner of the itunes review! We also hear a real story from a listener that is so inspiring. Listen learn and laugh!!!

  • OMG...Dangers of GMOs and Weight Gain & Nighttime snacking!


    How do GMOs effect weight gain and health? In this podcast we talk about the top 10 foods to avoid that are GMO. And are you a nighttime snacker? Could it be keeping you from losing weight? Also, updates from Bunny and her daughter about how their weight loss and meal plan is going! This one is an hour and not to be missed - so hop on your treadmill and laugh and learn your way through your workout! Be sure to check out the end of the podcast to find out how to win one of Jodelle's cookbooks!!

  • Fat Burners, what mermaids eat, & butter for metabolism?


    Bunny has lost 15lbs and she will tell you how! Garcinia Cambogia is a new touted fat burner, but is it really? Bunny and I also talk about other popular weight loss topics trending now. What does corn do to your body, and what do mermaids eat to look svelte and lean? Don't forget: We Heart Jon Stamos! Please come on our show Jon! Greek yogurt is good and good for you! And thank you Vermont Peanut Butter for being so delicious!!! Listen for jam-packed fun and info from Certified Nutriton Coach Jodelle Fitzwater, and recently slim-downed Bunny!

  • Margaritas, Weight Loss after Baby, stress eating & more!


    On this episode, April is Alcohol Awareness Month and with our special guest, Ashley Gates (Bunny's daughter and mother of twin girls), Bunny and Ashley and I discuss how alcohol effects weight, how to workout with baby at home, what possibly are the culprits holding you back from losing baby weight, and Jodelle discusses with Ashley a nutritional meal plan, as an example of how she consults with clients. Of course, lots of laughs and lots of love too (especially for John Stamos). Listen up!

  • What is Your Poo Telling You about your Health?


    Do you know what's going on with your digestive health is telling you based on what your poop looks like? What does the "hue" of your poo mean? Is a healthy poo a floater or a sinker? Is your poop normal or are you at risk for something? Get the "scoop on poop" and learn what's going on inside so you can learn what your body needs in order to have better digestive health and thereby better metabolism! Let funny Bunny and Certified Nutrition Coach Jodelle fill you in!

  • 12 So called "Healthy" Foods Sabotaging Your Fat Loss


    Is fruit juice healthy? What about nuts? What kind of nuts? What chemicals in my food could be causing me weight gain? What's the truth about tap water? Learn the answers to these and more while we humorously but informatively let you in on food secrets that are sabotaging your fat loss. By the way, we love greek Yogurt and John Stamos....mmmm....

  • Heart Rate, Cardio, and Calorie Deficits for Fat Loss


    How does heart rate effect fat loss? What is fat burning zone and how do you get there? What is a calorie deficit and how do I do it? Wanna know how to get the fat off? Listen to Jodelle and Guest host Stephanie, two crazy gals that will have you laughing off the weight as you learn how to get rid of it with cardio and calorie deficits as well! Bonus: 3 tips to stop mindless eating for fat loss as well! Special guest Stephanie is filling in for Bunny while Bunny is sick in this episode and brings a new perspective on calorie counting and exercise!

  • No Excuses and Diets that Work!


    Jodelle and Bunny lay all excuses on the table and blast through them all, giving you tips and motivation along the way for achieving all your goals in 2013 and making yourself a priority. Also, they discuss diets that work and which ones don't work! More fun, more laughs, more fitness and nutrition knowledge for you, so hop on your treadmill and get to listening!

  • Do's and Don'ts of Breakfast for Metabolism!


    is your breakfast making or breaking your weight loss efforts? What is the ideal breakfast? What is keeping your weight loss stagnant and what foods are best for breakfast! The do's and don'ts of this delicious time of day! Listen and learn (and have fun) with Bunny and Jodelle!

  • Get Fit with Jodelle Episode #2 - Diet Soda and Weight Loss


    Ready to learn how Diet soda and artificial sweetener effects weight loss, and metabolic function, then listen up! Bunny and I will take you through the ins and outs, and the trials and triumphs of giving up diet soda for good (for the good of your body!) Be sure to rate our show after you listen and visit for more tips and tricks!

  • Get Fit with Jodelle Episode #1


    A humorous and informative podcast about the basics of nutrition and weight loss!

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