Kelly and Marsha came at yarn and fiber from different directions, but both love it. Marsha is an accomplished knitter, learning to dye yarn. Kelly is a spinner who knits and weaves. Fiber is one of the many shared interests after over 30 years of friendship. The show is about our adventures in knitting, spinning, dyeing and other fiber arts.
Ep 88: Two Ewes Unplugged
15/04/2018 Duración: 42minLots of knitting to talk about and then we're off to the NoCKRs retreat. An unedited episode to catch you all up on our adventures before we rush off to another fun time. Visit our Two Ewes Fiber Adventures shop.
Fiber Adventures in Scotland
03/04/2018 Duración: 01h07minThe intrepid fiber adventurers have filed a few more foreign correspondent dispatches. And this time there's yarn! Also whisky, department store gin, interesting food, sheep, and castles. Join Marsha and Kim on this yarn lover's journey.
Bonus! Argyle Socks and Edinburgh Sights
18/03/2018 Duración: 01h09minKelly answers a few listener questions about the Argyle socks and then there are two dispatches from our foreign correspondent Marsha and her partner in travel, Kim. They see the sights, drink great Whisky, and eat wonderful food. And the Yarn Fest hasn't even begun! Here is a link to Kelly's Argyle chart for a 72 stitch sock. If you have a Stitch Fiddle account you should be able to download and edit your own version of this chart. Here is the link to the free vintage knitting patterns.
Ep 87: Argyle is the New Combo-Spin
12/03/2018 Duración: 01h07minNo show notes this time. We talk about what we finished to wear at Stitches West and then we talk about our fun weekend. Since this is late getting out to listeners, we are dispensing with show notes to just get this episode out!
Ep 86: Events, Knitting Tips, and Bee Talk
13/02/2018 Duración: 01h09minA little knitting and a lot of planning for upcoming events on today's show. Plus a couple of knitting tips, the perfect spirit buttons, and some bee talk. To see these show notes with photos, go to our website. Marsha's Projects Marsha started her second combo spin sweater so she'd have something going when the Opteka is finished. She is quite close to finishing Opteka. Kelly's Projects Kelly continues to work on the Indigo Frost poncho. Another careless moment led to a mistake. Instead of ripping back 8 rows of over 300 stitches, she attempted to rip out and re-knit only the section of 66 stitches that contained the mistake. It worked really well and the poncho is back on track. Since the poncho had a mistake that needed to be repaired in a quiet time period, Kelly pulled the linen Summer Fjord top back out and put about an inch on it. It has a few inches to go before the bottom ribbing and will be finished in time for warmer weather. Kelly also found the perfect buttons for her Curious Cardigan. The
Ep 85: A Two-Ply of Joy and Sorrow
28/01/2018 Duración: 01h02minKnitting and spinning are so therapeutic for the difficult times in life. They also bring joy and a community that enhances the good times. Join the Ewes in this episode that includes a little of each. Plus, they talk about the Two Ewes Shop and some of their learning experiences with this labor of love connecting local shepherds, mills, and small-batch yarns to knitters and crocheters. If you read these show notes on your podcast app and want to see pictures, go to our complete show notes here. Kelly has two finished projects. She finished the Aztec Cupcake socks made with beautiful Duren Dyeworks yarn using the Slip and Swirl Socks pattern by Kristi of the In a Sknit podcast. The pattern and yarn are a perfect pairing and created this great design. She also finished the black Molly hat for her sister using spirit yarn from Marsha's stash. That leaves her with only one active knitting project, the Indigo Frost poncho. Marsha is also down to one active project. She's almost finished with her Opteka sw
Winter Weave Along 2
20/01/2018 Duración: 47minThis weaving lesson episode is audio. Winter Weave Along 3 will be an accompanying pdf. If your podcast app doesn't deliver the pdf, visit the Weave Along thread in the Two Ewes Fiber Adventures Group on Ravelry. The episode was recorded "on location" in Marsha's weaving studio (aka dining room) in Seattle. The Ewes talk about Marsha's first weaving project from start to finish. As a beginner, Marsha asks questions and provides insights into the experience.
Ep 84: Fiber Friends and Sweater Study
14/01/2018 Duración: 01h09minThe Two Ewes are both in Seattle! Assembling spinning wheels, meeting listeners, weaving, knitting, and comparing notes on sweaters are just some of the activities from their fun week. Project Updates Marsha is knitting a new project since the last episode. The pattern is Opteka by Isabell Kraemer and the yarn is Imperial Yarn Tracie Too. This is Marsha's second long-sleeved pullover. She is wearing her Combo Spin sweater so much she decided to make another sweater with similar characteristics. Marsha has also finished a project already this year. In fact, it was finished in two days! Her first weaving project was a huge success. There will be more information about this in the next Winter Weave Along episode. Kelly is almost exclusively working on the Indigo Frost by Isabell Kraemer. The Ewes are definitely enjoying her patterns these days! Kelly's version is a vivid spring green cormo yarn from Sincere Sheep in the Virid colorway. The color work portion is being done with handspun left over from
Ep 83: One Ewe's Year in Rev-EWE
31/12/2017 Duración: 39minKelly looks back over the year 2017 and shares her best projects, the most popular podcast episodes, and interesting facts about the listener base. Marsha has a bad cold with a cough, not a good mix with podcasting. The shop is back open after a short break for the Christmas holiday. Upcoming Events January 6, 2018: The St. Distaff Day Spin-In at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, from 10 am until 4 pm. January 7, 2018: Seattle Crafternoon starting at 1 pm. Contact us on Ravelry or email us here for location information. February 22-25: Stitches West in Santa Clara. On Saturday afternoon the Yarniacs and 2 Knit Lit Chicks meet-up will be in the hotel lobby of the conference hotel. March 15-18: Edinburgh Yarn Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland. Marsha will be attending and is hoping to meet some of our UK listeners! Kelly's project year ended up with 23 finished projects and 5 of them are adult sweaters! A 6th should be finished by the time we ring in the new year. The Handspun Cowichan was fin
Ep 82: Finished, Finished, and Nearly Finished
17/12/2017 Duración: 01h06minTwo finished projects and an almost finished project are the big knitting topics this week. Marsha continues to combo spin and Kelly starts a weaving project. Thanks to all who visited the Two Ewes Shop during the Shop Small sale and supported the making of this podcast! Marsha's Projects Marsha has finished her second Among the Shadows Shawl by Kelene Kinnersly. The yarn is Stonehedge Fiber Mill Crazy, made from mill ends. Marsha has also finished her Beeline Compost Spin pullover using the Beeline pattern by Heidi Kirrmaier. Marsha's second combo spin is underway. She thinks the skeins look similar to her last one even though her color planning was very different. These skeins will have a variety of fibers, including silk, and the yarn is quite lustrous. Kelly's Projects Kelly is almost finished with her Handspun Cowichan sweater. It is the Orca Run by Beth Brown-Reinsel. She is adding an applied i-cord edging to the fronts to give the sweater a little more room, provide a neat zipper placket, and
Ep 81: Compost Bins and Combo Spins
03/12/2017 Duración: 01h08minMonogamous sweater knitting, a little yarn dyeing for the Two Ewes Shop, and some weaving homework for Marsha are all featured this episode. Click here for complete show notes with photos. Marsha's projects Marsha is now obsessed with knitting with her combo spin yarn. She is knitting Beeline by Heidi Kirrmaier. She has renamed the project Compost Spin after listener GloriaMcC from Michigan reported that she had been hearing this project as the Compost Bin project. Combo Spin... Compost Bin. Guess it's a good thing we have show notes so people can see what we're saying! Kelly's projects Kelly is back to working on the Handspun Cowichan sweater. She has the body done and is ready to work the sleeves and collar. Like Marsha, she has been focused only on this knitting project over the last two weeks. Kelly has also been doing some dyeing. Right after Thanksgiving new colors were added to the shop and new items for spinners are coming in the upcoming week. The shopsmall2017 discount code is good for free
Ep 80: Shop Small Flocks--special episode
21/11/2017 Duración: 08minVisit the Two Ewes Shop, between November 24 and December 10. Use the promo code shopsmall2017 to get free shipping on all orders of $20 or more. The shop will be updated throughout the promotional period with additional items.
Ep 79: Busy as Bees in November
18/11/2017 Duración: 01h16minThe Ewes are busy and so are the bees! Knitting with yarn from the Two Ewes Shop, combo-spin mania continues, charity hats, camping trips and a host of other topics make for a bonus-sized episode. Marsha's project updates Marsha finished her Recoleta by Joji Locatelli made with Neighborhood Fiber Company Studio Worsted. Marsha loves this sweater! After testing several hat patterns for our Single Shot contest, in the end Marsha made up her own hat pattern using Two Ewes Raucous Rambouillet from the shop. Marsha is obsessed with combo spinning. She cast on Beeline by Heidi Kirrmaier with her first combo spin. She is loving knitting with her yarn and seeing the colors change. Marsha started her second combo spin with rovings she bought from vendors at Fiber Fusion Northwest. At Fiber Fusion she also bought a breed study sampler pack of 32 fibers from Fleeber Fibers. Kelly's project updates Kelly has been knitting charity hats and cowls. So far five hats are finished, all using very old spirit yarn. Another hat
Ep 78: The House Cleaning Episode
05/11/2017 Duración: 01h01minMarsha and Kelly have been off the airwaves for about a month. Marsha was cleaning house when we last recorded and Kelly did some housecleaning instead of editing this episode. Thus the two week time warp. Wait, what? Cleaning house? Instead of podcasting? Who are these podcasters and what have you done with our regular hosts????? No further show notes this time since it is just time to GET THIS PUBLISHED! Join us on Instagram @1hundredprojects and @betterinmotion and chat on our Ravelry Group to hear more about our current projects. To get some of our Two Ewes Fiber Adventures yarn, go to the Two Ewes Fiber Adventures shop.
Ep 77: Well, They Have No Choice!
09/10/2017 Duración: 01h02minCombo-spin mania has overtaken Marsha and meanwhile, Kelly is weaving again. There's also some knitting. In the pet arena, Marsha and Enzo have earned their Canine Good Citizen Award and Kelly has a stray cat that seems to have adopted her family. Marsha's Projects Marsha continues working on the Recoleta by Joji Locateli and she is having no difficulty following the pattern. It isn't social knitting, but it isn't as hard as she first thought. Her Among the Shadows by Kelene Kinnersley continues to get a little work as well, but most of her time is being taken up by Combo Spin Mania! She has completed two skeins of 3-ply yarn and is beginning a third. The Two Ewes talk about all the variations on the theme of the combo-spin, including using only warm colors or only cool colors, or randomly selecting not only colors, but different fibers. This reminds Kelly of an artist, Amanda Salm, who wove many different variations of horsehair baskets while they were in weaving class together. Amanda's work exp
Ep 76: Raw and Unfiltered
24/09/2017 Duración: 01h02minAn unedited episode full of knitting, dyeing, spinning, weaving, and future escapades! Enjoy! Click here to visit the Two Ewes Fiber Adventures shop where you can support the show and get beautifully sheepy yarn at the same time. Projects Kelly is almost done with the body of the linen Summer Fjord. The pattern has a drop shoulder and no sleeves. She is thinking about picking up stitches and adding a sleeve. She has also been working on charity hats. One hat, Molly, has been finished. It's a simple textured stitch background with one large cable going up the hat. The second hat is her own pattern started flat and then joined in the round after doing a button tab brim. Both hats are made from leftovers in the stash. Weaving off a cotton dishtowel warp that's been on table loom for almost 10 years. Marsha has made good progress on her Recoleta by Joji Locatelli and has starting the waist shaping. Marsha has been sidetracked knitting by her new obsession: combo spinning. She did not have any dyed braids but had
Ep 75: Advent-ewes in Learning
14/09/2017 Duración: 58minAdvent-ewes in teaching kids to knit, updates on finished projects (Kelly has two very exciting finished projects!), the Monterey County Fair Wool Auction, a visit to a mill, and some yarn shops in Washington. Kelly attended the Monterey Wool Auction and spun all week at the County Fair. Such fun! There were also some finished projects. Kelly finished the Octopus! The pattern is so lifelike you have to check it out. It is Opus the Octopus by Cate Carter-Evans. Kelly's version is named Orson. Also finished is the very interesting Wolkig cowl. It was a perfect pairing of yarn and pattern, with the ripples in the fabric enhancing the shine of the yarn. One finished project was done by Kelly's husband, but is no less exciting: toilet installation. Now all toilets in the house are in working condition (with the 4th purple one still disconnected and in need of retrofitting). Still on the Kelly's needles in active status is the Summer Fjord tee in Sincere Sheep Linen. Marsha finished her Twice Born shawl by Magdale
Ep 74: Sharing About Our Shop
26/08/2017 Duración: 01h04minA little knitting, a lot of knitting planning, and details about the scrumptious yarn and fiber in the Two Ewes Fiber Adventures shop. Kelly has taken a break from the Summer Fjord tee by Trin-Annelie She had made great progress, but then found a new fun project. Wolkig is a really interesting and EASY cowl by Martina Behm. It's a perfect pairing yarn and pattern. The yarn is a super shiny yak/silk blend handspun. Marsha is continuing to work on her two shawls, Twice Born by Magdalena Lorentz and Among the Shadows by Kelene Kinnersly. Meanwhile, she has swatched for three different sweaters so there will be a new project on the needles soon. The Two Ewes talk about the process of having yarn made from their fleeces and they describe each of the yarns that is available in the shop. There are three different gray yarns, a Merino, a Romney, and a Shetland. All are available in gray and also in beautifully overdyed colors. There are two white yarns that are available in hand-dyed skeins, a soft, fluff
Ep 73: Summer of Sweaters
12/08/2017 Duración: 01h04minMore sweater knitting for the end of summer. Two kinds of linen and a cotton/llama blend--we're trying all the fibers! We also talk about organizing strategies for the transition into the school year. Marsha's Projects Marsha has started a new shawl with her Stonehedge Crazy! The yarn is fabulous.The shawl is the Among the Shadows and she is making it for the second time. Marsha has also finished her sweater using the pattern 221 Summer Cardigan by Diane Soucy. And since she has finished one sweater, she is ready to cast on another using the linen that she has been swatching. After swatching the linen biased so she is looking for a pattern that will mitigate the tendency to bias. Kelly's Projects Kelly has finished very little. One Mother Bear and one swatch of handspun are all she has to show for two weeks. The swatch will be submitted along with her county fair entries. It is a precursor to the Orca Run sweater that she has planned once the fair is over in September. She has started a new linen tee since t
Ep 72: Swatching and Washing Linen
30/07/2017 Duración: 01h05minPlanning and swatching for linen sweaters, a round-up of Tour de Fleece spinning, and our listener appreciation drawing winners are the main topics of this episode. Kelly's Projects Kelly's Tour de Fleece was successful and she will be entering a skein of Santa Cruz Island yarn in the Monterey County Wool Show. She also made progress on two different weights of California Variegated Mutant yarn and now has a sweater quantity (or close) of each. Her other finished projects for this episode are bears for the Mother Bear Project. She has crocheted 4 bears and knitted 1 bear. Marsha's Projects Marsha has made good progress on her Summer Cardigan and her goal is to finish it by next episode. She continues progress on her Twice Born Shawl and is enjoying the knitting. As part of the Tour de Fleece Marsha tried to spin every day. She didn't finish spinning the Targhee roving but made good progress. Marsha swatched the Done Roving Yarns DK Sweater Pack with #4, #5, #6 needles. Marsha wanted to make the cardigan call