Two Ewes Fiber Adventures: A Podcast About Knitting, Spinning, Weaving, Crochet, Dyeing-- All The Ways To Play With Yarn And

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 257:06:21
  • Mas informaciones



Kelly and Marsha came at yarn and fiber from different directions, but both love it. Marsha is an accomplished knitter, learning to dye yarn.  Kelly is a spinner who knits and weaves.  Fiber is one of the many shared interests after over 30 years of friendship. The show is about our adventures in knitting, spinning, dyeing and other fiber arts.


  • Ep 123: The Real Us, Warts and All

    10/11/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    Technology troubles meant you almost didn’t get to hear this episode. But here we are! Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of  our shop website: Come join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. This episode was recorded back on October 29 and is just now getting published due to Kelly's ancient Macbook finally showing its age. Learning a new audio software on a different computer platform meant little editing and a long delay in getting this out to you. We know you'll forgive our recording imperfections so we wanted to get this out to you! Marsha’s Projects I'm continuing on Shared Rib cowl by Anne Hanson .  Old Maiden Aunt fingering that in the colorway Crimson Lips that I bought at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival. I'm also working on Daphne’s Skull designed by Ellen Sibelius owner of Wooly Wonders. To hear more about her designs check out Episode 109. My progress has slowed way down because I got sick w

  • Ep 122: It Takes 2 Brains to Make a Skull

    20/10/2019 Duración: 51min

    Troubleshooting a tricky pattern, productive struggle, and planning to Fix It or Nix It are the topics for this week. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of  our shop website: Come join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Marsha’s Projects I finished 1898 Hat by Kristine Byrnes with worsted weight.  Leading Men Fiber Arts Box Office Worsted in the colorway Wild Goose Chase. The pattern is available for free on the Seamen’s Church Institute: Christmas at Sea website.  I restarted Shared Rib by Anne Hanson as a cowl. I'm using Old Maiden Aunt fingering that in the colorway Crimson Lips that I bought at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival. I also started Daphne’s Skull designed by Ellen Sibelius owner of Wooly Wonders. To hear more about her designs check out Episode 109. Keep your fingers crossed I finished this by Halloween. ;-) Kelly’s Projects My only project is the pair of Seabrook Socks out of Little

  • Ep 121: Knitting Funk vs. Inspirations

    05/10/2019 Duración: 52min

    Reviewing the WA Coast Meetup, a fiber mill, inspirations to cure a knitting funk, weaving plans and patron appreciation prizes round out this episode. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of  our shop website: Come join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Thank you to Jean Chambers at  String Theory Yarn and Fiber for helping us put on the Washington Coast Meetup! We had a great time meeting new fiber friends who felt like old friends right away. The unexpected theme of the meetup was dogs! All the attendees were dog owners, the shop has a new puppy, Marsha brought Enzo, and two of the attendees also had their dogs with them. So a beach run with the dogs was a highlight of Saturday afternoon. On our way to Seabrook we stopped by Olympic Yarn and Fiber Mill for a tour by the owner Lynn Lipski. She is also the creator of Lina Yarns. We toured her current mill and had a sneak peak at the new fiber spin

  • Ep 120: (K)Not Along, Crochet Charts, and Beeswax Wraps

    08/09/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    Kelly is making crochet charts and modifying a cardigan to a pullover. The (K)Not Along was a smashing success with beautiful projects and fun prizes. Hear some great listener feedback about non-gaping button bands. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of  our shop website: Come join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Save the Date for the Two Ewes Washington Coast Meet-up at  String Theory Yarn and Fiber in Seabrook, Washington, September 20-22. Friday 9/20 late afternoon/evening wine and cheese. Saturday 9/21 knitting and walking the beach. Shop opens at 10 am. Sunday 9/22 morning knitting. Shop opens at 10 am. Come for the day or knit the weekend away!  Here is an RSVP form so you can let us know if you’re coming! We want to make sure we have enough goodie bags for all. Find lodging for the weekend at Seabrook or in nearby Pacific Beach or Ocean Shores. Or join us for a day if you are nearby! Se

  • Ep 119: Dog Days and Sweater Closures

    24/08/2019 Duración: 01h21min

    New puppies, cute babies on pattern photos, and LOTS of discussion and conjecture about button bands, zippers, and grosgrain ribbon. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of  our shop website: Come join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Save the Date for the Two Ewes Washington Coast Meet-up at  String Theory Yarn and Fiber in Seabrook, Washington, September 20-22. Here is an RSVP form so you can let us know if you’re coming! We want to make sure we have enough goodie bags for all. Find lodging for the weekend at Seabrook or in nearby Pacific Beach or Ocean Shores. Or join us for a day if you are nearby! Seabrook, Washington Thank you to Jean at  String Theory Yarn and Fiber for helping us put on this fun event! Marsha’s Projects I finished the Lace Market T-shirt by Marie Green using Schoppel-Wolle El Linio several weeks ago. The neckline was too big and yesterday I finally reknit it. Fits perfec

  • Ep 118: Stash, Natural Dyeing, and Spinning Tips

    08/08/2019 Duración: 01h30min

    Lots of travel knitting, a natural dye workshop with fiber friends and some listener questions about spinning and stash are the topics for this week. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of  our shop website: Come join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Save the Date for a Washington Coast Meet-up! September 20-22.  We'll be meeting to knit and chat at String Theory Yarn and Fiber. Find lodging for the weekend in Seabrook, Washington or in nearby Pacific Beach or Ocean Shores. Or join us for a day if you are nearby! Click here to RSVP so we can reserve your goodie bag! Here is a link to the Ravelry thread about the meet-up. We just spent a week together in Seattle! Kelly came up to join Marsha and some fiber friends for a natural dye workshop.  The dyes used were coreopsis, lichen, avocado, and cochineal. They were dyed on a variety of natural colored yarns using different strengths of dye. We als

  • Ep 117: Secret Message if You Listen Backwards

    21/07/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    Crochet critters, punch needle projects, finished sweaters, and listener questions are the topics for this episode. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry,  or email us with your thoughts at Marsha’s Projects Finished Lace Market T-shirt by Marie Green using Schoppel-Wolle El Linio. The neck is too big. I intentionally didn’t weave in ends because I thought this might be an issue. I'll reknit the neckline with smaller needles, picking up fewer stitches, and doing a slightly less loose bind off. I finished first sock using Schoppel-Wolle Das Paar. Cast on for second and knit about 3 inches. I cast on for a summer weight sweater, Fine Sand by (of course) Heidi Kirrmeier. The yarn is Fibra Natura Unity. The yoke and about 7” of body are finished. Nice yarn with some thick and thin sections that give it character.  Kelly’s Projects My Assam Cardigan is finished and I d

  • Ep 116: Shameless Finishing Techniques

    09/07/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    Answers to your questions about finishing knits-weaving in ends, washing, blocking. There is no shame in not weaving in ends and you can be a little reckless with your washing. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry  or email us: or contact us on our website.  This episode's topics come from questions in our community on Ravelry: Finishing Knit and Crochet Projects Marsha: Two quick stories. 1. In the 80/90’s when Kaffe Fassett’s colorwork was the rage, he wrote that he didn’t bother weaving in any ends because they were on the inside. 2. Bought a shetland hat on Orkney and the woman who knit it just knotted the ends and left them. No weaving. She said after a good wash the ends stayed put. I’ll report back after wearing the hat. I always wash my finished project and lay it out on a towel on the spare bed in the shape of the pattern schematic. I then pin it in that

  • Bonus! Last of the Scotland Adventures

    03/07/2019 Duración: 20min

    Castles and gardens share the spotlight with food and drink as Marsha and Kim wrap up their Scotland adventure on the East coast of Scotland. Marsha also fills us in on her project progress during the trip.  Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Come join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Marsha’s Instagram feed Forse of Nature The Bay Owl Gary Rhodes Sticky Toffee Pudding Recipe Dunbeath Castle Garden Tour King Craig Fabrics Dunrobin Castle Kincraig Castle Hotel Dovecot Studios and the Orla Kiely exhibit GPO Cafe and Rooms Be Inspired Fibres in Edinburgh

  • Bonus! Dispatch from the Orkneys

    27/06/2019 Duración: 48min

    Neolithic sites, wool mills, and sticky toffee pudding are the highlights of the Orkneys part of Marsha and Kim’s Scotland trip. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of  our shop website: Come join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Kirkjuvagr Orkney Gin in Kirkwall A Yarn from North Ronaldsay wool mill North Ronaldsay lighthouse See Orkney Skaail house Brough of Birsay Viking settlement Brough of Gurness Viking settlement Barony Mill   Foveran restaurant

  • Bonus: Dispatch from John O'Groats

    20/06/2019 Duración: 47min

    Travel to John O’Groats and the Caithness Craft Retreat with Marsha and guest-host, Kim. Fiber, food, and drink adventures in the far north of Scotland! Kelly gives a (K)Not Along update and draws a prize winner from our patrons. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of  our shop website: Come join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Trip Details Unlimited Color company in Ullapool Caithness Craft Podcast John O'Groats Natural Retreats Castle of Mey Kirkjuvagr Orkney Gin in Kirkwall St. Magnus Cathedral Knot Along Update Kelly has finished the quilt top she started in high school (maybe 1978?). It may be awhile before the backing and quilting part of the project begins, but she’s determined to finish this memory quilt.

  • Bonus! Dispatch From Inverness

    11/06/2019 Duración: 26min

    Food, drink, wool, and more in Inverness with Marsha and guest-host Kim as they travel in Scotland. Visit  our shop: , join the community on Ravelry, or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Inverness Whisky Tours Knockando wool mill Video: Knockando Wool MIll- Our Story Loch Ness Knitting shop and Loch Ness Knitting on Ravelry

  • Ep 115: Marsha and the Muscle Car

    02/06/2019 Duración: 43min

    Learning new things as adults can be challenging, but also fun. Besides the usual topics, Marsha learns how much fun driving can be. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry  or email us at or contact us on our website. Project Updates Marsha finished the pullover Cobblestone by Jared Flood for her brother. She washed and blocked it but he want the sleeves 1” shorter so some ripping back will have to be done. She used New Lanark Mill DK she bought in Scotland last year. It is nice to knit with and and becomes more beautiful after washing. She also made progress on her T-shirt, Lace Market by Marie Greene. She finished the yoke and joined the body. She is using a linen yarn call El Linio by Schoppel Kelly has been working on the Assam by Laura Chau. She is using Sockotta held double.  It looks like she will have enough yarn. She also finished a pair of shortie socks

  • Ep 114: Planning the (K)Not Along

    09/05/2019 Duración: 58min

    Kelly is healing and Marsha is having fun with dog agility.  Oh,yeah! We're also playing with string! Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry  or email us with your thoughts at or contact us on our website. Project Updates Kelly finished some shortie socks with her Bee Yarn (Sunflower colorway from Duren Dyeworks). She also finished the  The Double Trouble Reversible Beanie by Petite Knitter. Kelly is experimenting with color changes in her version. The inside layer has some tension issues, seeming to be a more loose gauge than the outside layer. More practice needed! Kelly also started a side-to-side cardigan called Assam by Laura Chau.  She found this by doing an advanced pattern search for cardigans with the gauge from a swatch of Sockotta held double.   Marsha has been working monogamously on the pullover Cobblestone by Jared Flood Two days ago she attached the

  • Ep 113: Knitting with Friends Cures Pain

    29/04/2019 Duración: 01h16min

    A fabulous knitting retreat contrasts with a horrible injury, but the fun outweighs the pain in this episode. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry  or email us with your thoughts at  or contact us on our website. Project Updates Kelly is plugging away at  Koru by Aroha Knits using the Dragonfly Fibers Dance Rustic Silk. It is in timeout due to a dropped stitch and will need to have about 4 to 5 rows ripped out and reknit. Meanwhile Kelly started some shortie socks with her Bee Yarn (Sunflower colorway from Duren Dyeworks). She will finish them before the episode goes live.  She also is knitting a The Double Trouble Reversible Beanie by Petite Knitter. Kelly is experimenting with color changes in her version. Marsha has made progress on the T-shirt called Lace Market by Marie Greene and she is using Schoppel El Linio (linen) in Indigo. She finished the body of t

  • Ep 112: A Diversity of Designers

    07/04/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    Celebrating member weaving projects and highlighting the work of designers who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. You’ll definitely add patterns to your queue after this episode! Doing our part for World Fleece! Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry  or email us with your thoughts. Use email or contact us on our website. Project Updates Kelly is plugging away at  Koru by Aroha Knits using the Dragonfly Fibers Dance Rustic Silk. The patterned sections have become almost routine and she is approaching the length where she will begin armholes. Kelly also finished a small shawlette/cowl out of handspun.  The project was started and finished in one weekend trip to San Francisco to see the musical Hamilton. Marsha has cast on two projects. The first is a T-shirt called Lace Market by Marie Greene and she is using Schoppel El Linio (linen) in Indigo. She also

  • Ep 111: Dyeing Techniques

    31/03/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    The Ewes talk knitting and then have a discussion of dyeing techniques in answer to a listener question. A little Enzo and a little bee news round out the episode. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry  or email us with your thoughts. is our email address or you click contact us on our website. Project Updates Marsha finished Mountain High by Heidi Kirrmaier using The Croft Shetland Tweed by West Yorkshire Spinners that she bought at the The Yarn Cake in Glasgow. The sweater fits beautifully and she’s happy with her modifications. She is still looking for a pullover pattern for her brother using New Lanark Wool & Textiles DK that she bought at the mill in New Lanark, Scotland last March. Kelly continues to work on Koru by Aroha Knits using the Dragonfly Fibers Dance Rustic Silk She ripped out the mistake and is now making good progress. She also finished 5

  • Ep 110: Whisky Tasting, Waltons, and What Have You

    17/03/2019 Duración: 52min

    Whisky tasting, a trip to the Scottish Highlands, a knitting mishap, and podcasting in pajamas are some of the tangents this episode! Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry  or email us with your thoughts. is our email address or you click contact us on our website. Project Updates Marsha has finished the body and one sleeve of a pullover Mountain High by Heidi Kirrmaier (again!) using The Croft Shetland Tweed by West Yorkshire Spinners that she bought at the The Yarn Cake in Glasgow. She also swatched with New Lanark Wool & Textiles DK that she bought at the mill in New Lanark, Scotland last March. She is looking for a sweater pattern for her brother. Kelly continues to work on Koru by Aroha Knits using the Dragonfly Fibers Dance Rustic Silk that she bought last year at Stitches. Somehow she began using the left chart on the right and the right chart on the

  • Ep 109: Skulls, Friends, and Fun Fur for Grown-Ups

    03/03/2019 Duración: 01h27min

    A Stitches recap with a Two Ewes twist.  We’ll let the others tell you about the popular knits at Stitches West. We fell in love with skulls, knitted plants and animals, and furry jackets! Plus we met some great listeners. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry  or email us with your thoughts. is our email address or you click contact us on our website. What did we wear on the Stitches West carpet? Marsha wore her cardigan Cloud Cover and her handspun combo spin sweater made with Simple Summer Tweed pattern. Both patterns are by Heidi Kirrmaier. Kelly wore the  Mystery Knit Along with Cozy Up Knits using the Two Ewes Replenish Rambouillet and the Running Water cardigan by Claudia Eisenkolb. What did we work on at Stitches West? Marsha exclusively worked on a pullover Mountain High by Heidi Kirrmaier (again!) using The Croft Shetland Tweed by West Yorkshire Spin

  • Ep 108: One Noise After Another

    18/02/2019 Duración: 01h19min

    Despite the noises and interruptions the yarn talk continues! Through downpours, laundry, head shaving, a neighbor coming by and odd thumping in the background, the show goes on.  Hear the Ewes respond to the Fiberuary Challenge and Yarn Love Challenge prompts. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry  or email us with your thoughts. is our email address or click contact us on our website. Project Updates Marsha finished her cardigan Cloud Cover by Heidi Kirrmaier and loves it. Marsha double checked the label on her fleece and it is Wensleydale x Cormo x Merino fleece. After our last episode Marsha ordered another skein of worsted yarn from Thirteen Mile Lamb and Wool to have extra for dyeing for the colorwork pullover, Snowflower by Heidi Kirrmaier. She is still in the planning stage for dyeing the yarn. Plus she wants to take a colorwork class. Marsha is almost d

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