Cityreach Cumberland



City Reach Cumberland uses unlikely people in overlooked places doing extraordinary things to lay claim to that for which Jesus has already PAID!


  • Work with God pt2 Pastor Fred

    10/11/2020 Duración: 52min

    Jesus has called us into a place of co-laboring with Him where He literally writes us into equation of bringing His will to pass. However, when you’ve had people telling you your whole life that you’re inadequate, it’s not uncommon to start thinking that you’re not qualified work with God. The good news is that God has already qualified you and when He qualifies you, you’re never unqualified, underqualified or even disqualified.

  • Working with God Pastor Fred

    05/11/2020 Duración: 50min

    The Apostle Paul said that we are co-laborers with Christ.  We know that God can do anything that He wants, completely independent of us, but He chooses not to.  What an incredible thought - that we actually get to partner with Him and have the opportunity to shape history by having a creative effect on our surroundings.

  • Walking in Newness How the Renewed mind thinks PastorFred

    22/10/2020 Duración: 48min

    A renewed mind doesn't merely think the thoughts that God thinks, but actually thinks those thoughts from the same perspective that God thinks from.  In other words, the renewed mind thinks from a different direction and a different reality.  However, having a hardened heart will limit the degree to which your mind is able to be renewed.  In today's teaching, you will be able to evaluate your own thought processes as we look at three different encounters that Jesus had with His disciples in which their hardness of heart affected how they responded to a particular situation.

  • Walking in the Newness of Life Renewing your Mind Pastor Fred

    16/10/2020 Duración: 48min

    If you think that your lifestyle choices only affect you, then you’re forgetting that we are all part of the same body.  In order for the whole body of Christ to reach the fullness that God intends, each member must do his or her part and that includes our lifestyle.  Only when we allow our minds to be renewed and our attitudes to be changed can we be successful in putting off the former way of life and putting on our new self.

  • Walking in the Spirit Pastor Fred

    30/09/2020 Duración: 49min

    Do you ever struggle with saying "No" to the wrong things that your flesh wants to do? God's Word says that the solution for not carrying out the desires of the flesh is to walk in the Spirit. But what does that mean? If you want to experience absolute victory in your life, listen to today's teaching and hear about seven practical ways that you can walk in the Spirit.

  • Walking in Newness of LIFE pt 2 Pastor Fred

    07/09/2020 Duración: 46min

    Jesus didn’t save you so that you would be stuck in your sin for the rest of your life. In order to help us to live in newness of life, the Apostle Paul tells us that there are a couple of things that we need to know. Since the old man was crucified with Christ, sin no longer has any power in our lives. So much so, that we are to consider ourselves as dead to sin and as alive to God as Jesus is. You now have a brand new nature that is completely righteous, just like Jesus, and He empowers you to live a life free from sin.

  • Walking in Newness of LIFE (Baptism Sunday)

    07/09/2020 Duración: 30min

    Water baptism is not a requirement for salvation, but since it is a commandment of Jesus, it should be one of the first steps of obedience a Believer takes after receiving Him. It symbolizes the spiritual realities that occurred the moment that you accepted Jesus; that you died with Him, you were buried with Him and you were raised to life with Him. You are in reality saying “Goodbye” to the old man and “Hello” to the new and now because of what Jesus has done, you can live and act differently.

  • A Stronghold In The Day of Trouble Pastor Fred

    16/08/2020 Duración: 52min

    If you’ve ever wondered, “Where is God in all of this,” then this message is for you. The prophet Nahum lived in a time when Judah was being oppressed by Nineveh and in the middle of his prophecy of judgment against that city, he also proclaimed a promise of hope for the people of God that still holds true today. He said, “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.”

  • The Helper Spirit and Truth 2 Pastor Fred

    10/08/2020 Duración: 01h39min

    Three out four times that Jesus called the Holy Spirit, the Helper, He also referred to Him as the Spirit of truth. Today, Pastor Fred continues with The Spirit of Truth, Part 2, and talks about how important of a role truth plays in being victorious over the schemes of the enemy. The more truth that you receive, the more victory that will manifest in your life.

  • The Helper Power and Love

    10/08/2020 Duración: 44min
  • The Helper Spirit of Truth Pastor Fred

    29/07/2020 Duración: 47min

    Three out of the four times that Jesus called the Holy Spirit, the Helper, He also referred to Him as the Spirit of truth. There are many things today that people consider to be the truth, but real truth never changes. So despite what someone’s personal preference might be or what might be popular at the time, you can be confident knowing that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth

  • The Helper Pastor Jay

    24/07/2020 Duración: 58min

    We often ask ourselves? what is the line between right and wrong? How do I know what choices to make? Thankfully we have the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and acts as a moral compass, helping us to make the toughest decisions. When we follow His lead, we are promised to have the fruits of the spirit enrich our lives and make life complete.

  • The Helper Conviction Pastor Fred

    19/07/2020 Duración: 41min

    Jesus said that when the Helper comes, He will convict the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment.  Quite often, our view of conviction is shaped based on our understanding of or experience with our legal system.   Today, Pastor Fred teaches on these three convicting works of the Holy Spirit and how He operates in the lives of both non-believers and believers.

  • The Helper Pastor Fred

    08/07/2020 Duración: 42min

    Jesus perfectly represented the Father while He was on the earth. Since He had to leave, He told His disciples that He would send them another Helper - another One just like Him. Pastor Fred begins a new series this week entitled, The Helper. In today's teaching, he explains how the Holy Spirit is not only with you, but also desires to be in you and upon you.

  • I AM the true vine Pastor Fred

    29/06/2020 Duración: 54min

    Jesus said that He is the vine, the Father is the vinedresser and we are the branches. His ultimate desire is for us to bear fruit that remains, but there’s a process in getting there. The key for us is staying connected and in total dependence on Him. If you want to be brought into a place of more fruitfulness, then listen to today’s teaching by Pastor Fred as he explains how He repositions and prunes us to accomplish His purpose through us.

  • I AM the good shepherd

    18/06/2020 Duración: 50min

    This week, Pastor Fred  teaches on several aspects of Jesus being our good Shepherd.  The Shepherd leads us with His voice, protects us from the enemy and holds us securely in His hand.  If you’ve been getting led astray by other voices or experiencing attacks from the enemy, listen how your good Shepherd will lead you out and will never run from a fight.    

  • I AM the resurrection and life

    18/06/2020 Duración: 51min

    When the answer to your prayer is delayed or isn’t exactly what you asked for, it doesn’t mean that Jesus didn’t hear you or doesn’t love you. Quite often, He has something greater in mind for you.  As you listen to this week’s teaching by Pastor Fred, you’ll see that just because you have experienced death or decay in some area of your life, doesn’t mean that it is beyond the resurrection power of Jesus.     

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