Meditation And Visualizations With Dr Kathy Gruver



Relax and heal with meditation and guided visualizations led by Dr Kathy Gruver, PhD, health and wellness expert. Go deep into a state of relaxation for pain reduction, immune boosting, stress busting and general relaxation. Enjoy beautiful music by Rick Reifenstein.These are not meant to take the place of medical care and there is no implied curing or diagnosing of illness. Please consult your physician before starting or stopping any medication or physical program.


  • Ep 215: I will get to you when I'm done with me.

    07/09/2023 Duración: 21min

    In today's episode we discuss the importance of self care.  It's very easy for a lot of us to be living our lives for other people. A common example would be a mother who is constantly doing things to take care of their kids, or the work-a-holic that is constantly working to appease their boss.  It's not a bad thing to be doing things for others, however, there is a certain point where we need to take a step back and just spend some time dedicated to ourselves for the sake of our own happiness and mental health. 

  • E214 Stopping Negative Self Talk

    20/01/2023 Duración: 28min

    On average we have 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those 60,000, 50,000 of them are NEGATIVE! It's a surprising metric to hear, I know! But in today's episode we're going to try and help people turn this around and start thinking more positively. 

  • E213 How to Give Bad News

    20/01/2023 Duración: 13min

    ave you ever heard the saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"? Well... Someone had to tell you that you're getting lemons, and from time to time, you may be the person that needs to be giving that information to someone else. So what do you do when you have to dish out some bad news?  Whether it's sugar-coating things or just bluntly telling someone the bad news, there are some fine nuances that make such a delivery much easier on both parties, and today we are here to discuss exactly that! So "don't take this the wrong way... but..." Click the link below to listen in!

  • E212 Stop Beating Yourself Up at the End of Relationships

    20/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    hether we're brothers, mothers, nephews, cousins, boyfriends, wives, employees, roommates, or neighbors, we all have one thing in common. This commonality is the fact that we all go through various forms of relationships in our lives. A lot of our relationships can end and it's quite common for people to blame themselves for the various shortcomings and pitfalls that may have led to that end.  "Why did I stay with him for so long", "Why couldn't I have worked harder" or any kind of "shoulda woulda coulda" are certain things that maybe you have thought to yourself regarding an instance or two in your life. So in today's episode we're going to discuss how relationships can fall apart and how we can learn to grow from these instances. 

  • E211 Snuggle Down or Go Out and Play?

    20/01/2023 Duración: 13min

    What would you rather do? A lot of people may enjoy doing one thing more often than another, however we all have our reasons for doing what we do. So what conditions lead you to want to get cozy at home to just relax, or to go outside and play?

  • E210 Are You in a Hypnotic Trance in Your Life?

    20/01/2023 Duración: 18min

    Believe it or not, you may actually be in a hypnotic trance right now! Many things that we are exposed to on a daily basis are actually designed to put us in a suggestive hypnotic state. The fact that you're looking at a screen and reading this may indicate that you have been hypnotized by the very device that you're using!  Being in such a state certainly doesn't need to be a bad thing, however there are some situations where you may wish to snap yourself out of it and become more lucid! Take a listen to today's podcast and see just how you may or may not be in a hypnotic state!

  • E209 There Are No Small Parts in Life, Just Small Actors

    20/01/2023 Duración: 17min

    In today's episode the burning question is: Are you a leader or a follower?  Kathy and Jason discuss the difference between these two roles, along with what people's tendencies (including their own) are and why. 

  • E208 What is the Difference Between Reactive and Proactive?

    20/01/2023 Duración: 29min

    Reactive vs. Proactive seems like a black and white subject matter, however you may be surprised to hear that the line between the two may be a little more obfuscated than we think. Kathy and Jason discuss some interesting scenarios that actually seem to blur the line between the two.  So what do you think? Give this episode a listen and let us know what you think these instances would be classified.

  • E205 Expanding Your Consciousness with Travel

    20/01/2023 Duración: 26min

    elieve it or not there is actually an entire world out there! For a lot of people the only world they know is just their neighborhood. Today Kathy and Jason are here to share some stories of their travels around the world, and to share the benefits that travel can have for other people. So where have you gone to? Where do you want to visit next? and if you haven't got the means to travel internationally, stay tuned to hear a little tip for how you can experience various cultures of the world without having to go too far!

  • E204 Going with the Flow of Synchronicity

    20/01/2023 Duración: 20min

    Ever hear the saying "things happen for a reason"? Well today we're going to be talking all about that! Sometimes life gives you lemonade, simply because you're supposed to end up with lemonaide!  Life can be confusing and tough to navigate at times, and when these moments have you upset, just remember that in the end everything will work out just fine.

  • E201 Get Your Message Out There with Laurie-Ann Murabito

    20/01/2023 Duración: 33min

    We have Laurie-Ann Murabito with us to discuss the world of public speaking!  Laurie-Ann shares with us some helpful tips to get started as a speaker, along with some various pitfalls and their solutions when delivering your message.  Reach out to Laurie-Ann at and listen to her podcast: Speak and Stand Out with Laurie-Ann at:

  • Giving Back from a Place of Potential with Loddie Foose

    15/10/2022 Duración: 29min

    We have Loddie Foose join the show with us today, to discuss a cause that not only she is involved in, but also Kathy! "Women in Healthcare Give Back" is a group that's main goal is to help women serve their communities while promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion for women in the workplace. Join the HBA Women in Healthcare Give Back group on LinkedIn at: and learn more about Healthcare Businesswoman's Association at:

  • Trying New Things Adds Spice to Your Life

    15/10/2022 Duración: 15min

    Sometimes life can get very repetitive. Some people may be fine with the normal everyday routine, but that can lead to one's life feeling stagnant. If you're feeling bored with your day to day life, today's podcast can be a good one to check out!

  • Psychedelics and Sacred Medicine with Carlos Casados

    15/10/2022 Duración: 44min

    Are you curious about Psychedelics or Sacred Medicine? There is a lot of recent scientific research and documentaries about the topic and many people are curious and starting to experiment. Perhaps you've been doing your own research or feeling curious. Look no further. We have Carlos Casados on the #fireandearth #podcast who has 32 years of experience working with sacred medicines and guiding others on this path. He has shared his Medicine Work with early psychedelic researchers and pioneers of psychedelic medicine as well as with traditional Medicine Workers from Mexico and Peru. Additionally Carlos is a master hypnotist, NLP expert, and developmental coach. He co-founded Sacred Medicine Journeys and is the owner of Hypnotherapy Breakthrough in Orange County CA. Reach out to Carlos at:

  • Emotions in the workplace

    15/10/2022 Duración: 17min

    Is there ever a good time for emotions to be present in the workplace? Most of us would probably say "no" and leave it at that. Well in today's episode Kathy and Jason are going to discuss when... Or IF emotions can be a good thing in a work setting!

  • Naughty words and being yourself

    15/10/2022 Duración: 16min

    As time has gone on, swear words have become more and more acceptable. Just a few decades ago many of these words were seen as taboo. Shit... George Carlin was thrown in jail because of it! So in today's day and age, what is your stance on swear words?

  • Emotional Intelligence with Robert Grossman

    15/10/2022 Duración: 32min

    Emotional intelligence is recognizing that we are emotional beings that initially respond to life events emotionally rather than rationally. Through this recognition of our human tendencies this allows us to instead ignore the emotional reactions to things, and come up with a rational response to any event that may arise. With that being said, we have Robert Grossman with us today to discuss how we can become emotionally intelligent individuals! Learn more about Robert, and register for one of his upcoming webinars at:

  • Let's talk about hair

    15/10/2022 Duración: 12min

    Today's episode has to do with embracing who you are and being unapologetic about it! Long hair, no hair, red hair, comb over... It's all about being proud of who you are and living your life however you wish!

  • 190 Are you messy or neat

    05/08/2022 Duración: 19min

    Kathy and Jason take on one of their short questioned episodes discussing how they organize their lives and the benefit of piles files and lists.

  • E187 It's Your Story Not Your Situation

    05/08/2022 Duración: 14min

    Today Kathy and Jason are discussing rejection and how they both interpret it.  Often times the fear of rejection can hold people back in life, and how difficult it may be, we can train ourselves to become okay with hearing "no"! Once that fear is overcome we can open many new doors that may not have otherwise been available to us. 

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