Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.
1067 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—not a spring chicken
08/08/2022 Duración: 06minToday’s English expression and dialog: Not a spring chicken Let’s go running! What? I haven’t run in years. Come on! Just a mile or two. I know I look young, but I’m no spring chicken! I’ll ride my bike! GET FREE LESSONS: I’m on iTunes and everywhere else they have podcasts! Coach Shane? I'm from the USA, I make videos and podcasts for
1066 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Not up to scratch
27/07/2022 Duración: 05minToday’s English expression and dialog: Not up to scratch Why don’t you start your new podcast? Well, the format is not up to scratch. Why do you have to change the format? Should I use the old format? Yes! It was great~ GET FREE LESSONS: I’m on iTunes and everywhere else they have podcasts! Coach Shane? I'm from the USA, I make videos and podcasts for
1065 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to BE GONE
19/07/2022 Duración: 04minToday’s English expression and dialog: To be gone Hey, Shane. Watching TV? Huh? Can I change the channel? The what? Are you okay? Oh…yeah. I’m gone, dude. I’m so tired~ GET FREE LESSONS: I’m on iTunes and everywhere else they have podcasts! Coach Shane? I'm from the USA, I make videos and podcasts for
1064 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Talked my ear off
15/07/2022 Duración: 04minToday’s English expression and dialog: Talked my ear off How was the party? It was okay. Okay? I thought you were having a great time with Tom. Well…he talked my ear off. And I couldn’t escape~ GET FREE LESSONS: I’m on iTunes and everywhere else they have podcasts! Coach Shane? I'm from the USA, I make videos and podcasts for
1063 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Guns are Gone
08/07/2022 Duración: 05minToday’s English expression and dialog: Guns + GONE / GUN 58…59…nope! Come on!! My guns are gone, man. WEAK! ONE MORE! GET FREE LESSONS: Click on “Get Your Free Lessons & Newsletter” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos and podcasts for
1062 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—my bad
24/06/2022 Duración: 06minToday’s English expression and dialog: Have a nice day! Thanks for shopping at Walmart~ Thanks! Uh, I asked for this to be double-bagged~ Oh, my bad! There you are! Great~ Thanks a lot! GET FREE LESSONS: Click on “Get Your Free Lessons & Newsletter” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos and podcasts for
1061 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—going full Monty
14/06/2022 Duración: 09minToday’s English expression and dialog: going full Monty Are you ready for the polar bear swim?! Yeah! But where can I get a wetsuit? A wetsuit? We’re going in our birthday suits! ARGH!!! B-b-birthday suit? Full Monty! Bare naked! Nothing on but a smile! In the buff! In the raw~ GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1060 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to Take In
03/06/2022 Duración: 11minToday’s English expression and dialog: Take in (5 uses!!) Where are you going? I’m taking in these pants to be taken in. You? I thought I’d take in a movie with Minty. The cat you took in? You can’t take a cat in to the movies! GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1059 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to BITE the BULLET
24/05/2022 Duración: 10minToday’s English expression and dialog: bit the bullet WOW! Your head is blinding me! Referred Ha-ha! Very funny! What happened? I bit the bullet and shaved my head! GET FREE LESSONS: OR email me! Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1058 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—on top of that
13/05/2022 Duración: 06minToday’s English expression and dialog: On top of that Coach Shane’s E-cubed expressions are so great! Really? Yes! They’re useful, educational and on top of that, they’re funny! Coach Shane is great! I’ll have to check them out! GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1057 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—going commando
03/05/2022 Duración: 06minToday’s English expression and dialog: going commando I like these pants. They’re nice. Try them on. Are you kidding? What if the last guy that tried them on was going commando? Gross… GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1056 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Nothing to sneeze at
28/04/2022 Duración: 06minToday’s English expression and dialog: Nothing to sneeze at Coach Shane—he’s an okay English teacher. Okay? He’s been at it for 30 years. 30 years? Hmm… Yeah~ That’s nothing to sneeze at! GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1055 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—catch my drift
19/04/2022 Duración: 07minToday’s English expression and dialog: catch my drift Aren’t these shoes nice? Yes, very nice. I’m thinking about buying them as a gift~ Well, they’re in the clearance section. Yeah, the price is so cheap. They were possible last year, if you catch my drift! GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1054 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—
05/04/2022 Duración: 05minToday’s English expression and dialog: on clearance Nice light. I got it on clearance. How much? 20 bucks—regular 80! GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1053 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Way to go!
29/03/2022 Duración: 08minToday’s English expression and dialog: Way to go! I only made two mistakes on the last DDM! Way to go! Yeah! I’m really pleased. Your English listening has improved SO much! GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1052 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—by the book
25/03/2022 Duración: 07minToday’s English expression and dialog: by the book I got an A in English, but I still can’t speak. It’s because you go by the book? Huh? You follow the rules to closely! GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1051 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—ivory tower
15/03/2022 Duración: 11minToday’s English expression and dialog: ivory tower She controls everything from her ivory tower~ The people are getting angry. When’s the next election? Not soon enough~ GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1050 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—bootstrapper
08/03/2022 Duración: 09minToday’s English expression and dialog: bootstrapper—a person who solves their own problems with their own resources How can I start a company? I don’t have any money! Be like me—a bootstrapper. I hate boots. No! Use what you have—don’t use other people’s money. GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1049 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—doohickey
25/02/2022 Duración: 09minToday’s English expression and dialog: doohickey NO! What’s wrong? I broke this doohickey here on my boots! Damn! You mean the bootstrap? GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for
1048 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—out in the bush
15/02/2022 Duración: 05minToday’s English expression and dialog:. out in the bush I heard you moved! Yeah, I’m out in the bush now. From the city to the country? Yeah! I love it! I feel at home^^ GET FREE LESSONS: Say, “Free lessons, CS!” Subscribe on iTunes and get my English podcast FRESH! I'm from the USA, I make videos for