Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

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  • Editor: Podcast
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Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a Welsh Protestant minister, preacher and medical doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century.


  • The Testimony of Christ


    1 Corinthians 1:4-9 — Many people claim to be Christians but they are truly Christ-less. A Christian is one who has received and believed in Christ, one who has fellowship with Him, and one who is waiting for His return. Christ came to bear witness to the truth. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:4–9 titled “The Testimony of Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the testimony of Christ and the importance of foundational principles. What did Christ have to testify about? The question of the person of Christ is crucial – two natures in one flesh, God’s own son. No one is their own, and they have no right to do what they want with themselves. They have been rescued by Christ. If anyone has the Son of God, then they have eternal life. This gospel is not simply a theory or personal opinion; it is the testimony of God Himself. It is a tragedy to deny these things. This sermon teaches what Christ says about God and humanity, and the only way of being right before God.

  • God Is Faithful


    1 Corinthians 1:4-9 — Is it possible to be confident and filled with a sense of assurance about the state of the Christian church today? The Apostle Paul had great confidence and certainty in the faithfulness of God as he wrote to the church in Corinth: “God is faithful.” Do Christians desire the assurance that Paul seems to have in his writings? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches this sermon as an introduction to 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 so that the listener may be helped and strengthened both at the current state of the Christian church, and in evaluating the manner in which Christians live. Dr. Lloyd-Jones asserts that Paul’s confidence is based upon the fact that he knows that salvation is entirely of God. Paul did not have confidence in the Corinthians or himself, but in God and His grace alone. It is God who calls His people up from spiritual death into His salvation. The Christian has been called and quickened by God and can have confidence today knowing that it is God who calls, confirms, and keeps each Chris

  • The Cross that Divides


    1 Corinthians 2:6-8 — The crucifixion of the Son of God, who the apostle Paul called the Lord of glory, is the most profound paradox in human history. Because it is foolishness to those who are perishing and wisdom to those being saved, it automatically divides the world into two groups. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 2:6–8 titled “The Cross that Divides,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones elaborates on the mystery of the cross and explains why it divides humanity. The great divide the cross creates comes down to the hidden element in the cross and the necessity of divine illumination produced by the Holy Spirit. While the rulers, princes, authorities, and the natural people see only a failed prophet from Nazareth hung on a tree, revelation given by the Holy Spirit gives spiritual eyes to see it is the God-man Jesus Christ dying for sins in order to bring His people to glory. Hear Dr. Lloyd-Jones challenge the people of God to meditate, spend time on, and “survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died”.

  • The Message of the Bible


    Romans 15:4 — It is a great error to think that the Bible is just another ancient book. In this sermon on Romans 15:4 titled “The Message of the Bible,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shares about the unique nature of Scripture as the very word and revelation of God. God’s revealed will to His people is found in the pages of the Old and New Testaments. This should cause all to read Scripture as one divinely gifted message that has been given for the edification and building up of all believers. All must believe Scripture because it is the very word of God and carries the fullest authority possible. What does God reveal to His people in Scripture? The one overarching theme in Scripture is the salvation of God’s people by His Son, Jesus Christ. Scripture must be read as one whole work by one author with one message. This message is one of victory and salvation wherein Jesus Christ dies upon the cross for the salvation of all who believe and the redemption of the whole world. Jesus is making all things new by His death,

  • Kingdom of Righteousness


    Romans 14:17 — Is the kingdom of God about political or social change? Is it about making men and women more ethical? According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, the answer is absolutely not. In this sermon on Romans 14:17 titled “Kingdom of Righteousness,” he says that the kingdom of God is about the true righteousness of Jesus Christ that comes through the gospel. The mistake of many is thinking that the kingdom of God is about the externals of religion, and Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that reduces the Christian life to a matter of external affairs. According to Scripture, being a Christian is not about going to church or being a good person, but it is about the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is a sad thing when Jesus is replaced by the good deeds of people. It is Jesus that saves from sin and darkness and grants true righteousness. This sermon asks the questions: “what is Christianity to you? Is it a lifeless external thing that you do, or is it the power and grace of God made manifest in Jesus Christ?”

  • The Principles of The Faith


    Romans 14:17 — What does one consider central to their Christian life? In this sermon on Romans 14:17 titled “The Principles of the Faith,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones suggests this could be an indication of what they think Christianity is all about. The church at Rome had much to say about observance of days and whether a Christian can or should eat this food or drink this drink. Paul abhors such pettiness in the church at Rome, and through God’s inspired word, the reader can see He is not pleased with such smallness in the church today. Dr. Lloyd-Jones brings the gospel back to center of a church that is often divided over pettiness. He cautions on the subtle loss of proportion or a sense of balance on secondary matters. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains in this message how zealous and well-intended Christians can over-concentrate on matters like eating and drinking and miss what the kingdom of God is all about. This does not mean those secondary issues are unimportant or should not be discussed with full conviction. Ins

  • The Gospel of Peace


    Romans 10:15 — What is the nature of true peace? Many say that peace is simply the absence of war or conflict. In this sermon on Romans 10:15 titled “The Gospel of Peace” however, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that there is a better peace that God gives. The Bible says that all are in sin and wholly corrupt. They fight each other because they are sinners who are alienated from God. This wrong relationship with God is the source of all strife and hostility amongst people, and until people are made right with God, they will not be made right with one another. This is why God not only provides a way for all to be redeemed from their sins, but also to restore their relationship with God. This right relationship is what gives true and lasting peace because it gives the knowledge that God loves humanity and has died for all. This peace shows that one can rest in God and not themselves. It shows that while this world is passing away, one has hope in the world to come when Christ returns to bring the new heaven and the

  • The Wonder of the Resurrection


    Romans 8:34 — What is in two words? In this sermon on Romans 8:34 titled “The Wonder of the Resurrection,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on the apostle Paul’s words “more than that” (or in the KJV “yea rather”). These words represent a summary of the central affirmation of the glory of the Christian position. They recall the triumph and victory of the Christian gospel itself. In this Easter message on the wonder of the resurrection, Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches that to be a Christian is to be a person who has a sense of victory, joy, exhilaration, and assurance. What causes such rejoicing and assurance? It is the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds the meaning and beauty of Paul’s words in Romans 8:34 and demonstrates what is proved and established by Christ’s resurrection. In the resurrection, Christ is proved to be the Lord. The resurrection proves Christ’s cross work was complete and He has power over all enemies. The resurrection of Christ establishes His asce

  • We Shall Be Like Him


    Romans 8:18 — Why does the church of today seem to be so ineffective and weak? In this sermon on Romans 8:18 titled “We Shall Be Like Him,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers that the church does not behold the glory of God, and so they are not transformed by the glory of God. The modern church focuses on plans and schemes in order to reach the world. But Dr. Lloyd-Jones explores the fatal flaws of this approach to ministry. The world needs to see a church that looks to God and beholds His power and glory. The church should come to see the futility of worldly means of evangelism and outreach, and they should see the power of God working in Christ as not only the greatest means of reaching the world, but as the only power that the church has. The church must rely on the Spirit’s working in the life of believers and the gospel message to reach the world. Dr. Lloyd-Jones argues that this has always been the case. The greatest revivals were not brought about by the plans of people, but by the Spirit working in the li

  • Modern Pharisees


    Romans 8:3-4 — In this sermon on Romans 8:3–4 titled “Modern Pharisees,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows how Jesus came in order to fulfill the law that no one could. Modern day Pharisees are those who reject Christ’s sacrifice and try to justify themselves by their own works. Regardless of how carefully one tries to uphold the law, they cannot obey the First Commandment to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. The beauty of the gospel is that Christ came to redeem the wicked, not the self-righteous. Anyone who is burdened with the guilt of sin and feels unworthy can find peace in Christ’s blessing of those who are poor in spirit and avoid the folly of the modern Pharisees.

  • What is Christianity?


    Romans 8:3-4 — What is Christianity all about? Many have a sentimental view and say that Christianity is about nothing more than love. Others say that Christianity is about morality and good works. In this sermon on Romans 8:3–4 titled “What is Christianity?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that both these answers are wholly inadequate understandings of biblical Christianity. Christianity begins with an understanding that humanity is fallen and in sin; people are unable to know God and serve Him rightly. All are under the condemnation of God’s law because they have rebelled against their maker. In response to this sinful nature that is in all people, God has sent His Son to die upon the cross of Calvary so that all who believe might be forgiven of sin and inheritors with Christ. This message of atonement and redemption is in contrast to all sentimental and shallow distortions of Christianity. But it is the message of Jesus Christ dying that alone can bring true salvation and peace. There is no other message of sa

  • Science; Morality and God


    Romans 7:22-25 — In 1961 an incredible feat of man took place when man orbited earth for the first time. This momentous occasion held the world in awe. In this sermon on Romans 7:22-25 titled “Science; Morality and God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones urges the listener to pause and reflect on this historical moment. What does it mean and what is its real significance? How does this moment affect us? Many view this extraordinary achievement as proof of the human capability to liberate itself. If man can succeed in this staggering technological advancement, there must be no limit to his power and capacity to make the world perfect. It causes man to be optimistic of its progress. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out, however, an examination of the history of civilization shows marvelous discoveries by man while also confronting us with a staggering fact — whatever man may do in his brilliance to achieve physical greatness, his achievements give a false optimism for his capacity for moral accomplishment. Man cannot escape the

  • Biblical Accountancy


    Romans 6:21 — The Bible gives a framework for determining whether or not one currently lives a successful or a foolish life. In this sermon on Romans 6:21 titled “Biblical Accountancy,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps the listener figure out for what or who they are living. There are only two choices that the Bible gives when one answers this question: they are either living for the world—in sin and death—or they are living for God and eternal life. If one is living in sin, Dr. Lloyd-Jones pleads with them to consider the end of their work. This is the unavoidable question that all must face, and yet are tempted to put off answering until it is too late. Anyone who is tired of shame, from being a slave to the world, and the overall burden of sin are encouraged to know there is hope in the life of God. Come, listen to what the truly good life is.

  • Believe God


    Romans 4:18-25 — What does it mean to believe in God? This question is at the heart of the Bible’s teaching on salvation and redemption; it is vital that everyone come to a clear understanding if what it means. In this sermon on Romans 4:18–25 titled “Believe God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at the apostle Paul’s example of Abraham. Abraham trusted in the promise of God that He would bring a savior from his seed who would redeem the whole world and break the power of sin and the devil. Though Abraham and Sarah were old and had no child, this did not stop them from trusting in God that He was able to bring about what was promised. This salvation comes when Jesus Christ is born of a virgin under the law and dies a death of propitiation for all who believe. Now all who are saved are those that believe in the promises of God made complete in Christ Jesus, and these are the same promises that Abraham believed in those thousands of years ago that have now been fulfilled in Christ. Trusting in God is the opposite

  • Delivered for Our Offences


    Romans 4:23-25 — In this sermon on Romans 4:23–25 titled “Delivered for Our Offences,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines why one cannot take the teachings of Jesus as moral philosophy to improve the world, but instead examine who the person of Jesus is. Jesus did not come into this world to be a moral teacher, but instead came so that the wrath of God could be satisfied in His death so that all could be forgiven. Humanity’s biggest problem is not the fears of this world, but the fact that all will soon die and face God. On that day when one dies, how will they stand before God? Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that all are guilty of not loving God as they should, and that they can do nothing in themselves to get rid of sin. It is in this truth that one can rightly examine why Jesus came, and that the greatest problem is not the chaos of the world, but the sin inside hearts.

  • Declared with Power


    Romans 1:1-4 — As the West continues to turn its back on Christianity, Christians wonder what their response should be. What is the church’s answer to the powerful forces of unbelief? In this Easter sermon on Romans 1:1­–4 titled “Declared with Power,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones reminds Christians of the Son of God in power. How did the Son of God attain such power? If the incarnation is characterized by Christ’s humiliation, the resurrection of the Son of God is characterized by His power. But Dr. Lloyd-Jones warns that there is no power if one denies the literal bodily resurrection. As liberal Christianity reduces the resurrection to a “spiritual” resurrection by asserting His followers experienced Christ in a dream, vision or trance, Dr. Lloyd-Jones corrects such skepticism by pointing to the apostolic preaching in the early church. The apostles preached the fact of the resurrection. The resurrection, according to Paul, was an event where the Son of God was openly appointed in power. Without the fact of the re

  • Are You a Christian?


    How can someone know that they are a Christian? In this sermon on Acts 24:26­–29 titled “Are You a Christian?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones presents one of the most important ways one can know that they are living like the apostle Paul. Paul speaks of how Christians can and should live a life that does not depend on external circumstances for happiness. This is because Christians are to find their hope, happiness, and comfort in who God is. Unbelievers are always distressed because they have nothing to trust; they have no firm foundation for life. Paul wished that all men, women, and children trusted in Jesus for their happiness as he did. The Christian message has a very practical application for all of life. It tells that all can be free from worry and fear because of how great God is. This sermon calls each and every one to forsake their sins and believe in Jesus. It tells that there is no other hope in this life, or in the next, other than what is found in Jesus Christ. Only God can grant true happiness.

  • Why is the Gospel Rejected?


    Acts 26:25 — Why do people reject the only message of salvation? All throughout Scripture, men and women confront Jesus and His message of forgiveness and absolution from all sins, yet they reject it. In this sermon on Acts 26:55 titled “Why is the Gospel Rejected?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones seeks to answer the question. If one believes the Bible, then they know that all are in sin and enslaved to their selfish desires. They do not love or seek what is good and godly. So even in the undeniable fact of their need for sin and of Christ dying and rising again for the salvation of sinners, people are still unwilling to come to God. Even though all are destined to die, they still refuse to come to their only source of salvation: the gospel. Holy Scripture tells that no one can come to the Father unless Jesus draws them. No one can believe in the gospel because they are enslaved to sin, but in God’s grace they can be saved. God can open the eyes of sinners to believe and receive new life in Christ.

  • Righteousness; Temperance; Judgement


    Acts 24:24-27 — The gospel makes fallen sinners uneasy because it condemns all sin and unrighteousness that defiles God’s law. In this sermon on Acts 24:24–27 titled “Righteousness, Temperance, Judgement,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shares that the message is not one of comfort but one that rightly condemns all who will not repent and believe in it. This is the case of Felix and Drusilla when the apostle Paul preaches the gospel to them. They are living in an adulterous relationship and unjustly holding Paul in prison. Paul does not try to convince them of the reasonability of Christianity and its claims, but tells them the need for righteousness and the great wrath when all will be judged for the deeds done in the flesh. This is why the gospel is such an urgent message, for all are appointed to die and suffer judgement. It is only by believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ that any can escape the righteous wrath of God. However, as Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains, often times the church is more concerned with politics

  • What Is a Christian?


    Acts 24:14-16 — Many in modern times say that Christianity is the kind of belief that is undefinable and unexplainable: it is not about propositions, but feelings. In this sermon on Acts 24:14–16 titled “What Is a Christian?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains why this is the wrong conception of Christianity. The apostle Paul says that at the center of Christianity is the resurrection of Christ. Because Christianity is a religion based in God’s revelation, it is God who defines what it means to be a Christian. God has told that to be a Christian is not merely a subjective feeling, but it is a belief in the truth of the gospel. It is a belief that Jesus has died upon the cross for sinners, and rose from the dead so that all who repent of their sins and believe in Christ are forgiven of all their sins. This sermon contains the message that everyone needs to hear; it is the message that all can have peace with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is the message that Christianity is about both subject

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