Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast



Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a Welsh Protestant minister, preacher and medical doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century.


  • Reconciled to God


    Matthew 9:1-8 — What is the greatest need in life? Perhaps a person is in a financial bind, has some broken relationships, or a physical ailment. But if those all were fixed, would they have a perfect life? In this sermon on Matthew 9:1–8 titled “Reconciled to God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches through the account of the paralyzed man whose greatest need was fixed by Jesus. This man had heard that Jesus could heal him and had faith that Jesus could do it. His faith brought him to have his friends lower him through a roof to get to Jesus; he was a desperate man. Yet Jesus offers something so much more than just the physical healing of the man—Jesus forgives his sins. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds listeners that unless sins have been forgiven, no one is able to live a truly happy life regardless of how “good” their situation may be. Jesus is the only one who has the power and authority to forgive anyone of their sins. He alone can save, and all must come to Him with faith like the paralytic. The Savior is always r

  • Right Priorities


    Matthew 6:33 — In this age of anxiety, does the Christian gospel offer a distinct message? Is the Christian life a different way of looking at the world? In this sermon on Matthew 6:33 titled “Right Priorities,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones argues that humanity’s trouble in life is due to a false view of the world. In this way, the Lord Jesus Christ offers Christians an entirely different way of understanding the world around them. The Christian does not think like the Gentiles do. Instead, they have different priorities. The Lord teaches that while food, drink, and clothing are essential to being human, these things are not the priority in the Christian life. Rather than having fear, worry, and anxiety about such things, the Christian life is marked by their relationship to God and His kingdom. The Christian seeks after the kingdom of God and His righteousness rather than material goods. But how does one obtain the righteousness of God? How do they become heirs of God’s kingdom? Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones lifts the

  • Seek Ye First


    Matthew 6:33 — Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33 seem simple: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones reveals in his sermon on Matthew 6:33 “Seek Ye First,” they are in fact a profound statement on the priorities of the Christian life. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains the impact “seek ye first” can have on a Christian’s life and how seeking God and his righteousness can change perspectives for the better.

  • The Gospel of the Kingdom


    Matthew 4:23 — What is the gospel is? A great tragedy today (even among professing Christians) is not knowing what the gospel of Jesus Christ is. In this Christmas sermon on Matthew 4:23 titled “The Gospel of the Kingdom,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the message that frames the beginning and end of the Lord Jesus’s ministry. By looking at both Matthew 4:23 and 24:14, he explores the message of the gospel from the perspective of the kingdom of God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that the greatness of the gospel is the good news of God’s kingdom (or His rule and reign). People are often guilty of reducing the gospel to subjective terms such as personal happiness or peace. They often start with themselves and end with themselves. But as Dr. Lloyd-Jones teaches, the gospel of the kingdom reminds that the whole world is involved in God’s redemption. The good news of the kingdom reminds that the Son of God came to this earth not to simply make people respectable, but to make them obedient to God. This obedience to

  • The Promise Fulfilled


    Matthew 1:1 — Lists of names or genealogies can seem quite obscure, boring, and irrelevant. In his message on Matthew 1:1 titled “The Promise Fulfilled,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says the essence of the Christmas message is found in Matthew’s genealogy. If Christianity was just a teaching or philosophy then historical events in the Bible would not matter. If Christianity was merely a new outlook on life, then dates would be no concern. Since Christianity is based upon and concerned with the person of Christ, one can recall that there was a given day when Christ was born. Because Christians are concerned with a person and not just a teaching, they remember that this event really did happen. Take away the event and Christ is taken away. Take away Christ and there is no Christianity. Dr. Lloyd-Jones highlights the names of David and Abraham in the genealogy in order to connect the coming of the Messiah with the Old Testament promises. The essence of the Christmas message can be summarized in the fulfillment of the

  • O Come Let Us Adore Him


    Micah 5:2 — The story of the human race points to Bethlehem. The focal point of history is Bethlehem. Everything in the Scriptures points to Bethlehem. In this Christmas sermon on Micah 5:2 titled “O Come Let Us Adore Him,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones brings out the marvelous character of the season. But how does one respond to the Christmas season? Do they marvel at it? Are they amazed by it? Often people are distracted by many other messages during this time. Listen as Dr Lloyd-Jones looks at Micah 5:2 in order to move the church to adore the great Savior Jesus Christ. In this message, Dr. Lloyd-Jones says Christians marvel at Bethlehem because it is where God’s promises are fulfilled. In Bethlehem, God the Father was vindicating His character and proving Himself to be faithful, beginning in Genesis 3. What is more, it is in Bethlehem that the eternal counsel by the triune God was made manifest as the Son of God came to earth. Jesus Christ was just like every other babe, for He was fully human. But He was unlike

  • Outside the Word of God


    Amos 8:9-12 — God made humanity for Himself and His own pleasure. In this sermon on Amos 8:9–12 titled “Outside the Word of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at the warnings of sin and the promises of obedience God gave to Israel. The Christian message starts with personal condemnation and exposure of sin, but it does not stop there. Hear the gracious message of God making a way for people in spite of their grievous sin. God’s only Son came to deliver humanity from the wrath they deserved. Why do people ignore the word of God? They think they know better. This is the same today as in Amos’s time with the children of Israel. Humanity doesn't like the word of God because they don’t like what it commands and what it prohibits. This is a moral problem. Is religion just a parachute to fall back on in time of need? God sends His word and speaks, but people ignore it. God chastises and punishes, but He gives hope by calling people back to Himself through famines. Learn about the worst famine of all—the silence of G

  • The Prophecy of Daniel


    Daniel 7:9-14 — In this sermon on Daniel 7:9–14 titled “The Prophesy of Daniel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the relevancy of this prophesy and the Bible as a whole. Humanity’s sinful state is explained and there is a prophecy of what is yet to come. Much of what Scripture conveys has already become part of history. The Bible’s future prophesies are verified by this history taking place as it was foretold. Learn to distinguish between two types of history—the perspective of humanity and of God. Daniel’s prophecy combines both. A glance at history shows an array of wars as Daniel prophesied. A shift from the war of the beast to that of the intellect occurs. Humanity is trying to change laws, time, and nature. This history is written in rebellion to God, proclaiming that control belongs to humanity. God’s perspective shows the vanity of this. God only permits humanity’s free hand for a time. This kingdom will be utterly destroyed, as it has been throughout history. One must look at Christ’s kingdom as this

  • The Kingdom that Cannot be Removed


    Daniel 2:44, Luke 2:1 — Why is the birth of Christ important? In this sermon on Daniel 2:44 titled “The Kingdom that Cannot be Removed,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains why the birth of a baby in the little town of Bethlehem changes the whole course of human history. While this may sound like a grand claim, it is no exaggeration. For the baby that was born to Mary was none other than the long-awaited Messiah that was to bring the kingdom of God. While people put their hope in what looks good, God is quite different. He sent His Son to be born in a lowly place. He was not born amongst kings and the powerful. It is this Jesus who has died not only to forgive sins, but also that He might inherit the whole earth and rule all the kingdoms of the world. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains how Jesus conquered through suffering on the cross. Only in Jesus is there salvation and true peace with God.

  • Saved By Grace Alone


    Ezekiel 36:35-36 — Sin pollutes and perverts—it is an attack on God’s greatness and glory. In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:35–36 titled “Saved By Grace Alone,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones speaks about Israel's example when the heathen looked on Israel’s desolation and mocked God. Humanity is designed to bear God’s image, but sin always distracts from the glory of God and taints the image of God. God’s plan is to punish sin and to restore His people. Listen to this preview by Dr. Lloyd-Jones on the Christian gospel and God’s way of salvation. Salvation vindicates God’s name and displays His glory. Many agencies in this world can give peace, healing, and happiness, but only up to a point. Salvation restores humanity to its created position. Forgiveness is merely the beginning—all the effects of the Fall become undone. God deals with both the guilt and power of sin; Christ bore the punishment. No one can deal with their own sin because they continue in it. The gospel makes the weak strong. Regain not only a knowledge of

  • The Unproductive Age


    Ezekiel 36:34-35 — Discover the benefits that come when one forfeits sins for the glory of God. Exceeding riches of God’s grace are found to be endless in Christ. In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:34–35 titled “The Unproductive Age, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses the sin that ruins humanity and defaces the image of God. Listen to the hope of the gospel in undoing these effects of sin. Sin wastes life; it is not just “negative,” it is devastating. Nothing in a person is left unaffected. Both in general and in particular, sin makes utterly useless that which was designed to be productive. This is an unproductive and barren age. History shows great productivity in ages of great faith. What is the condition of souls today? Look at sex, work, drinking, gambling, and beauty and see how happiness and pleasure become ends in themselves. Taken out of context and isolated from the glory of God, these become idols. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reveals the real and abhorrent nature of such sin. Sin always produces a crop of misery, sham

  • The Temple in the Soul


    Ezekiel 36:33-35 — In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:33–35 titled “The Temple in the Soul,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims that there is one God and one message of salvation that runs consistently throughout the entire Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, God is working to bring His plan of salvation to its fulfillment in Christ Jesus. The prophet Ezekiel looked forward to this fulfillment when God would rebuild what was lost in the fall. God does this through the gospel and forgiveness of sins. All were born in sin because of the fall and this fallen nature is wholly given over to sin and corruption. Humanity’s will, mind, and every action are tainted by sin. Relationships are twisted and marred by the effects of the sinful nature and disposition. Ignoring it doesn’t change the presence or reality of sin. The good news is that there is hope in Christ. Dr. Lloyd-Jones teaches that it is only in Christ that anyone can have true fellowship with God and neighbor. In the gospel people are made right with God and human

  • The Foolishness of Man


    Ezekiel 36:31-32 — God provides emancipation and deliverance from the captivity of sin, but the devil is also trying to provide a “solution.” The Bible is careful to tell and teach how to discern what is true. If this world was the only one, it really wouldn’t matter what one seeks for happiness, but all will have eternal life somewhere. In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:31–32 titled “The Foolishness of Man,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones dives into the many parts of God’s one way of salvation. Peace, plenty, and joy are all characteristic of this salvation. However, what about self-loathing over sin? Christianity doesn’t start or end with people like the cults do, but rather it brings people to see God and thereby loathe themselves. There is a fountain of evil within all. One does not disdain evil naturally. They crave sin and find entertainment in it; sin is not a result of external circumstances. The world sees Christianity as a kind of “narrowness.” Don't reject the love of God. This is the greatest issue of all.

  • Man in a State of Famine


    Ezekiel 36:29-30 — “I come to a place of final satisfaction.” In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:29–30 titled “Man in a State of Famine,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones rejoices in the fullness of the Christian life and hope of the gospel. Christianity doesn’t call God’s people to scorn the luxuries and pleasures of life. The “laws of nature” that one discovers are simply rules God has put in place. God’s dealings with humanity and the delivery of His people from sin demonstrate His plan. God always works upon a plan. God will do nothing with His people until their guilt has been dealt with: forgiveness is first in salvation. God’s way is through Christ alone, then continues on in sanctification by the Holy Spirit. Humanity’s real need is to know God and to know how to come to Him. The tragedy of today is that people don’t know the cause of trouble because they are ignorant of God. A life not looking at God invariably leads to famine. God is what people were made for. The most terrible thing to happen to a human is to be a

  • A Great and Complete Salvation


    Ezekiel 36:28 — The greatest tragedy in the world is the neglect of the Christian message. This neglect causes so much unhappiness and distress. Everything God does is a perfect work and in His salvation nothing is left undone, but many people, even Christians, fail to recognize this greatness. They need a new attitude toward holiness: “Ye shall be my people.” In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:28 titled “A Great and Complete Salvation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones seeks to view this Scripture from God’s perspective. There is nothing more terrible than to be without God in the world; to do so is to belong to a realm that is dying and decaying—this is a tragic position, yet one the sinner delights in. Gain the assurance that God is a personal God, and that He will not let His people go. Salvation brings a certainty when the Christian goes to God in prayer. “In Christ, we are brought to an inheritance that is incorruptible and undefiled,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones shares and encourages that this is reserved in heaven by God for His

  • I Will Put My Spirit Within You


    Ezekiel 36:27 — If one fails to understand the completeness of the gospel and Christianity, they will fail to reap the benefits given by God. First, all need forgiveness and to be washed of their sins. One cannot receive help from God until they receive forgiveness. They must be in a right relationship with Him to receive anything from Him. But, after being made right, how can the Christian live to His standards? In this commentary on Ezekiel 36:27 titled “I Will Put My Spirit Within You,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches the glorious truth that God says He will put His spirit in His people and cause them to walk in His statutes. This is a promise. It is all God’s work from beginning to end. This power is seen in the apostles—the acts of the apostles are really the acts of the Holy Spirit. The cowardice of people is now replaced with a unique confidence. Christ not only justified His people, but He also forgave them and then made them holy. God does not halfway complete His work; He gave His Spirit to solidify

  • A New Heart


    Ezekiel 36:26 — What does it take to change a person? Many in modern society say people simply need political change, or to change their environment. In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:26 titled “A New Heart,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that Scripture gives a very different answer. Scripture tells that a person’s greatest need is not that they should be wealthy or emotionally fulfilled. The greatest need is to be made right with God. For all are naturally born with a sin-hardened and corrupted heart. They desire sin continually and reject God and His ways. This cannot be remedied by shallow and external change, but it requires true change. What is this change? According to the prophet Ezekiel, it is a change brought about by God granting a new heart to sinners. This is when God miraculously changes people from sinners to children of God. This wholly new orientation frees people from the bondage of sin and immorality, and gives them new desires for what is righteous, beautiful, and good. This is the free gift of sa

  • Ye Shall Be Clean


    Ezekiel 36:25 — In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:25 titled “Ye Shall Be Clean,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tells listeners that all humans are born into slavery to sin. The first reality that sinners must come to in order for them to be saved by God is their sinfulness. Sinners stand dirty before God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches the good news of the gospel; that all who come to Jesus Christ and repent shall indeed be cleansed by His holy blood. Since God is light and there is no darkness at all in Him, sinners must be first cleansed before entering Heaven. The wonderful news is that Christ washes His people clean as soon as they turn to Him and repent. The Lord Jesus Christ came into this world specifically to atone for sins. He did not only teach or provide an example, though He did do these things. He came to be the propitiation for the sins of the world. Dr. Lloyd-Jones exhorts that the only way that a sinner can enter Heaven is through the eternal blood of Christ, which is sufficient to atone for all sins.

  • Out of Babylon into Canaan


    Ezekiel 36:24 — What is the gospel and how does it reveal God’s glory? In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:24 titled “Out of Babylon into Canaan,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches how one’s blindness to the truth about sin is what enables them to continue in it. God’s punishment of sin is very clear. The gospel comes in where all hope seems lost. God set out to restore His own name that humanity profaned. This is not merely an act of morality and kindness, nor is it the choice of anyone; it is entirely the work of God. Learn of the immense distance between the depth of sin and the height of God’s glory. God deserves the praise of ten thousand tongues. Nothing less than the power of God can do such amazing work; all of humanity could not conjure up enough power to make one single person a Christian. All must stand in the power of God, rather than the wisdom of humanity. The first thing the world needs to be delivered from is their ignorance of God. Sin puts people in the wrong relationship with God, but salvation resto

  • The Act of Rebellion


    Ezekiel 36:16 — Is humanity responsible for all the evil in the world? The Bible says that humanity was made in the image of God and they were made upright, but they sinned and become corrupt when they put their own wisdom above that of God. Ever since, all the children of Adam and Eve have been born in sin and corruption. In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:16 titled “The Act of Rebellion,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that this sinful nature lies at the heart of all false worship and rebellion. What is the cure for humanity’s sinful and depraved nature? Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that it is none other than the death of God’s own Son upon the cross of Calvary. Human depravity is so thorough that it must be removed by Jesus Christ dying for sinners so that they would be clean. No moral improvement, no amount of education, and no good deeds can ever atone for sin. Only Jesus can cleanse from all sin and make anyone holy before God. All must repent and believe upon the crucified Son of God in order to be freed from death

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