Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast



Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a Welsh Protestant minister, preacher and medical doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century.


  • The Acceptable Year of the Lord


    Luke 4:19 — What is the acceptable year of the Lord? In this sermon on Luke 4:19 Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at the year of jubilee in the Old Testament where every seven years slaves were set free and land was returned to its original owners. He shows that this looks forward to the day when God’s chosen would be redeemed in Christ and set free from sin. People in sin are like those in bondage and awaiting the year of jubilee to set them free. It is Christ Jesus who is the ultimate fulfillment of this promise and it is by His death, burial, and resurrection that salvation comes to all who believe. This shows clearly that salvation is not brought about by one’s good works or even initiative, but salvation is wholly something God has done for His people. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains, this is what it means for salvation to be a work of God’s grace apart from human merit. This is why it is a grave error to reduce Jesus Christ to nothing more than a moral example, because Jesus came to die for the sins of many, no

  • Bruised by Sin


    Luke 4:18-19 — What does it mean that a person is bruised by sin? In this sermon on Luke 4:18–19 titled “Bruised By Sin,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on Jesus’s teaching that people are slaves and victims to sin. They are so blinded by their own deceitful hearts that they are unable to see the need for salvation and grace. They believe that they do not need a savior. All of humanity’s faculties, the mind, will, and intellect are subject to sin. This is why Jesus proclaims that He has come to save the captives. Jesus is the deliverer of sinners who are captive to their own evil desires. People are even victims of their own evil, according to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, for a person in sin is like those that are diseased and sick. They are wholly unable to heal themselves. But Jesus as the great healer can free all from all this suffering and pain. He alone can save sinners. What does this message mean for humankind? It means that all can have hope despite their sin and depravity because Jesus has come and died

  • Recovery of Sight to the Blind


    Luke 4:18-19 — In this sermon on Luke 4:18–19 titled “Recovery of Sight to the Blind,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones uncovers the biblical truth regarding the human heart that most do not want to consider. People are wholly corrupt and sinful as a result of the fall. They are blind and unable to see the light of God’s truth because they reject the grace of God and scorn the gospel of Jesus Christ as foolish and offensive. But it gets worse. God has appointed a day when He will come in judgment to condemn all those who will not repent and believe in the gospel. The Bible is clear that no one escapes this final judgment. There are no second chances. But as Dr. Lloyd-Jones proclaims, there is hope. By repenting and believing in the message of salvation given in God’s word, anyone may be made right with God. This powerful work is what the Holy Spirit does inside of people, giving the blind sight and the dead new life. This gospel of grace, repentance, and redemption in Christ Jesus by the work of the Holy Spirit is the

  • Divine Knowledge


    Luke 4:18-19 — The glorious truth of the message of Christ is that people can know God and come into a relationship with Him. God has not created humanity and left them to themselves, but has revealed Himself. This revelation does not come through human reason, for Paul tells that the message of the gospel came to those that were not considered wise by the world. God has revealed Himself through Christ in grace. In this sermon on Luke 4:18–19 titled “Divine Knowledge,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on this truth that God can be known not because of human wisdom, but because God is gracious. It is because God so loved this sinful and evil world that He has sent His Son so that all who repent of their sins and believe in Jesus might be saved. This is not merely theoretical knowledge, but it is a knowledge of God and what He has done. How is one to respond to this revelation? The answer of this sermon from Scripture is that they must believe God. They must believe that Jesus Christ is God’s son who has come to

  • Deliverance to the Captives


    Luke 4:17-19 — Why does the Bible tell that people are captives? This is an odd statement to many today, just as it was in the time of Jesus, but this truth is at the heart of the gospel. In this sermon on deliverance from Luke 4:17–19 titled “Deliverance to the Captives,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the glorious truth that Jesus has come to save the captives from sin. God Himself came into the evil world to die upon the cross for the salvation of His enemies so that they might become His children. When God saves sinners, He not only frees them from sin, but also makes them new creatures with new desires for righteousness and the things of God. In His grace, God takes people out of their sin and makes them a new creation. The call for all who have believed in Jesus is to stand in faith and resist the devil, pursue godliness, and flee all sin. This sermon contains the most important message any can ever hear because it is the message of grace and salvation. It is the message of the good news of Christ.

  • To Heal the Broken-Hearted


    Luke 4:18 — In this sermon on healing the broken hearted from Luke 4:18, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the disease in humankind—sin. This disease has many symptoms, and there are numerous manifestations of sin. “Do you regard this gospel as the greatest good news you have ever heard?” One must know they are sick if they are going to be healed. “Sin is something that leads to a broken-hearted condition.” Christ’s coming does judge, but He did not come only to judge. He brought salvation and healing. How does Christ heal and what does salvation contain? Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims the word of the ultimate physician. Christ came because humanity was a failure. Christ came not only to offer comfort, but to cure people of the disease of sin and reconcile His people to God. “You are not healed by Christ if you are not rejoicing.” This perfect and complete work turns ashes into beauty and the listener is encouraged to not rest until they are clothed with the pure white garments of Christ.

  • What is the Good News?


    Luke 4:18-19 — What is Christianity all about? There is no one better to get an answer to this question than Jesus Himself. In this sermon on Luke 4:18–19 titled “What is the Good News?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at Jesus’s statement concerning Himself. Jesus tells that He has come to bring good news to the poor and to give sight to the blind. What does this mean? First, Jesus brings healing not to the self-righteous, but to those that know they are weak and poor in spirit. Only those who know they are poor seek the riches that Christ brings. Secondly, Jesus is the source of blessing and wisdom. From an early age, Jesus confounded the teachers of the law with His wisdom and knowledge of the things of God. What then is Christianity about? According to Jesus Himself, it is about Him and His gospel message of salvation for sinners. All Christians must look to Jesus Himself for an understanding of what Christianity truly is, not tradition and culture, but the person and work of Jesus Christ.

  • Think About Good


    Luke 3:1-2 — God’s law was given after the fall of humanity and His communication with humanity continued until it suddenly halted for 400 years. Silence for 400 years left humankind waiting for God’s word to come again. In this sermon on Luke 3:1–2 titled “Think About Good,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the message that broke this silence. God’s revelation is the exact opposite of discovery: humanity does not have access to anything that was not first revealed by God. Learn about spiritual history and how this always works exactly according to God’s plan. Redemption and the scheme of salvation were in the mind of God even before the world was formed. The hand of God runs throughout Scripture alongside the plan and history of humanity. See how the Old Testament is constantly pointing forward to Christ Jesus and how sin demands punishment. Humanity’s sin is such terrible rebellion that God cannot simply pretend He has not seen it. Jesus Christ came to taste death for everyone. Indulging in temporary pleasu

  • Are You a Christian?


    Luke 2:44 — In this sermon on Luke 2:44 titled “Are You a Christian?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gives listeners a sober reminder. Just as Joseph and Mary supposed Jesus was in the crowd when He wasn't, many people assume they are Christians when they are not. Joseph and Mary went on their travels without examining whether or not they had Jesus by their side. This, Dr. Lloyd-Jones argues, is what people do when they convince themselves of their salvation without examining themselves. Christianity is not attaining a high ethical standard for living, but rather an inward transformation by the Holy Spirit upon receiving Jesus Christ. Dr. Lloyd-Jones asks, “What do you have when everything else is taken?” If one does not think of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is likely that they do not have new life in Him. In times of turbulence and war, the Christian can be assured that Christ will walk with them. To meet Jesus, Dr. Lloyd-Jones adds, is to be humbled by Him. Listen in as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones encourages about the only

  • As Little Children


    Luke 2:7 — The Christmas message as found in Holy Scripture is full of mystery. As one meditates on the true meaning of Christmas, one wonders why the eternal Son of God came in the particular way He did. Why was He born of a virgin? Why was He not born in a palace? Why did the Son of God live such a humble existence on earth as a carpenter? In this sermon on Luke 2:7 titled “As Little Children,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explores these questions in this thought-provoking Christmas message. He reminds the listener that the manner in which the Son of God came to earth stands in direct opposition to the pride, pomp, and outward show of fallen humanity. Dr. Lloyd-Jones teaches that the coming of the Son of God condemns the world. It condemns the world in how it evaluates greatness, in its belief in wealth, and belief in itself. But, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, the Son of God coming to the world offers hope to the world. Although Christ comes in an entirely different manner than the world might expect, He comes to point t

  • ... Laid Him in a Manger


    Luke 2:7 — There is a vast difference between the good news of the eternal Son of God taking on flesh to rescue sinners and the vague commercialized cultural Christmas message of good cheer. The authoritative word of God does not present a Christmas message about the brotherhood of humanity and vague encouragement to have the Christmas spirit. In contrast are the facts about the Son of God and the significance of those facts. In this Christmas sermon on Luke 2:7 titled “…Laid Him in a Manger,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones calls the church to hold firmly to the historicity of the babe, born of a virgin, in Bethlehem, in a stable, and in the manger. Christians must rid themselves of false sentimentality about what Christmas is truly about and tell the truth about the world . The world, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, is blinded to their real need. The world is cold and full of selfishness. The Son of God is humble and was born in the lowliest of situations. Even with the facts, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, all should be amazed that G

  • Those days ...


    Luke 2:1 — Every Christmas season a battle rages. For Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones the battle rages over the historical facts about the birth of Christ. While many deny the facts of Christmas altogether, Dr. Lloyd-Jones says there is a much more dangerous message distributed among the culture during the Christmas season. It is a message which says that it does not matter whether the Son of God actually was born in a particular location and in a particular year. Whether the birth of Christ is true or historical makes no difference at all because we can still say we have a noble teaching in the Christmas story, and it can still help people have a better life. This psychologizing of the Christmas message, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, sounds wonderful, but in the end it is the most hopeless message the world has ever heard. Why? Because sinful humanity is left with nothing but an exhortation to live a moral life. But the historical, biblical facts of the Christian Gospel is about what God has actually done in time through the

  • The Light of God


    Luke 1:76-79 — If one begins the Christmas season by acknowledging that the world is in darkness without Christ, and admitting that there is fear of death, illness, pain, and, war, then they can truly praise the coming of the Son of God. In this sermon on Luke 1:76–79 titled “The Light of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on the father of John the Baptist, Zacharias, who understood the condition of the world and the significance of his son’s ministry in preparing the way for the Messiah. John the Baptist’s ministry brought a word concerning the world’s real need, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones. John’s message of salvation to the Jews was one that challenged the leading conceptions of how and from what God was delivering His people. Humanity’s sin and rebellion against God is the problem. Christmas, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, is not about a principle but a person who brings peace—peace with God, peace with self, and peace with others. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains why Jesus Christ is the light of God in a dark and re

  • The Wisdom of Man


    Luke 1:51-53 — How does Jesus shatter thinking of what it means to be great? In this sermon on Luke 1:51–53 titled “The Wisdom of Man,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at Mary’s song of praise and what it tells about Jesus. Worldly people look to what is outwardly strong and impressive. They look to what is grand and dignified. Yet the Bible tells that God uses the weak and the seemingly unimpressive things to shame the wisdom of the world. There is no better example of this than Jesus Christ. He was born as a baby to a family of no reputation in the land of Judea. But it is this Jesus who is the Savior of the world and the Redeemer of humankind. He did this by dying a humiliating death upon the cross of Calvary and rising from the grave three days later. This is a message of salvation, not to those who are prideful and arrogant, but to those that know they are weak and poor of spirit. It is a message for the outcast and the despised. This gospel asks the question of everyone: “do you believe in Jesus or do you

  • Choose Wisdom


    1 Kings 3:9 — Everyone is given the choice of wisdom or pleasure in this life. This is the choice Solomon was given and he chose wisdom. In this sermon on 1 Kings 3:9, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that when the world is chosen over wisdom, humanity is guaranteed to experience emptiness. Humanity was created to be fulfilled most fully in the Lord and Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that to choose anything but wisdom is short-sighted and, in fact, an insult to humanity’s nature. So what is it that makes a person choose wisdom? When a person truly understands the greatness of the task ahead in this life, wisdom is chosen. The world will call for attention and promise its comforts, but it will not satisfy. God alone is strong enough to guide through this life and into the next.

  • Not Far from the Kingdom


    Mark 12:34 — In this sermon on Mark 12:34 titled “Not Far From the Kingdom,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the matter of the kingdom of God. No one suffered in this world like the Son of God. Biblical Christianity is not vague or indefinite. Either one is in the kingdom of God or they are not. Everyone will have to come to stand before God alone — it is a very straight gate by which one can enter. Learn how far one can travel and yet not be in the kingdom. Though there are various positions occupied by those outside the kingdom, they have no advantage over one another. Many people think that Christians are merely ignorant and unintelligent, but this is not true. Learn the true mark of intelligence. God cannot be bought by good deeds or sacrifices; the mere external acts of religion do not please God. Learn of the essential demand of God’s law. One cannot simply be intellectually interested in religion – religion must move from theoretical to practical, or else there is great danger. The law of God is not h

  • Love Thy Neighbour


    Mark 12:28-31 — Chaos, conflict, and crisis are a regular part of the world. All of humanity’s attempts to bring peace and reconciliation fall short. In this sermon on Mark 21:28–31 titled “Love Thy Neighbour,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shares that humanity’s priorities are misplaced. Humankind tries to appease their own desires with their own answers. This human-centered approach is unbiblical because it does not start with God in order to understand the nature of humanity. Only when people see themselves as created by God and in need of redemption and reconciliation with God can they properly diagnose themselves and their problems. Until a person recognizes their sin and rebellion before God, they will never understand the depth of their alienation from one another and God. It is only the gospel that can free anyone from their guilt and sin before a holy God, and it is only by believing in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that they can truly live in fellowship and communion with one another. It is only by divine

  • The Way of Entry


    Mark 10:17-25 — All try to find satisfaction in this life, but they must first seek God’s kingdom. Do not be deceived—not only will the unrighteousness not enter the kingdom, even the good one does is not enough. It is a peculiar, yet common fallacy. In this sermon on Mark 10:17–25 titled “The Way of Entry,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at the story of the rich young ruler to explain how Christianity is not just an addition to life, but a new life entirely. There are only two inevitable responses to Christ: either go after Him and forfeit everything, or be offended by Him and run away. No one can be indifferent to Christ. Find out how this young ruler was sorrowful due to both what Christ said, and what He did not say. All must come to the one who knows them better than they know themselves. God alone truly knows what everyone needs. Humanity’s problem is not intellectual; it is moral. God makes an impossible request that can only be fulfilled in Christ; do not walk away from Him. The listener is encouraged t

  • The Kingdom of God is at Hand


    Mark 1:14-15 — In this sermon on Mark 1:14–15 titled “The Kingdom of God is at Hand,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones presents God’s message that calls all to listen to the truth. Humanity’s notion of Christianity is wrong. The depth of the knowledge of God’s truth is far from known. The modern position finds humanity without God and without a proper guide. Humanity is always ready to worship itself, but this must not be. Learn that all questions have already been answered, and the problems have already been solved. Listeners are encouraged to receive the revelation of God; His gospel announces a plan and a purpose and all that is needed has already been given. The problem of humanity today is the same problem that has always been. Christianity is the plan of God acting out in history. Salvation depends on what God has done in Christ, not on what a person can understand. Humanity is a slave of sin, but Christ has broken the chains to set them free for His kingdom and stand blameless before God in Christ.

  • The Power of the Gospel


    Mark 1:1 — What is the gospel? The answer to this simple question has ultimate meaning for the lives of everyone. In this sermon on Mark 1:1 titled “The Power of the Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches that many look for answers to the problems they face in the world, whether it is religion, politics, or philosophy. The true answer is in the message that came two thousand years ago in the person of Christ. Christ was born a baby in the lowly place of Bethlehem, yet the hope of all is in this one man. Only Jesus can redeem from sin and make all things new. Only Jesus can forgive sins and give peace with God. What then is the gospel? The gospel is the message of salvation that Jesus died in order that all who believe in Him might be saved. It is the only message that God has given; all others are counterfeits. Dr. Lloyd-Jones asks the critical question: “do you believe in Jesus?” This sermon will help the listener answer that question of eternal importance.

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