Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale: B2B sales trainers for the past twenty years share their strategies, frameworks, tips and tricks to help you leverage your talent, grow your skills and create your own sales success. You'll discover how you can shift your mindset, win with prospects and build long-term relationships with your clients so you can thrive and advance in your career. Bill and Bryan's approach to sales is funny, often quirky and always real. Their work has allowed them to help sales professionals, managers and leaders at hundreds of companies all over the world implement successful strategies and build profitable sales teams. Prospecting, sales communication, buyer resistance, proposals and RFPs, pricing, cold calling, sales forecasting, pain points, psychology, positioning, deal coaching, goal setting, leading and managing, achieving your goals and all the other things that work (and don't work) in the world of sales to help you be the best possible version of yourself.
#306: Revisiting Detachment/What We Learned from A Listener
06/08/2015 Duración: 21minWhat does detachment really mean? In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan tackle some of the criticism they receive about the concept of detachment. After hearing a conversation between a loyal podcast listener and his sales manager, they want to set the record straight. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale clarify detachment isn't about not caring or sucking the passion out of your approach. It's about the power and freedom you can get when you don't allow your own emotions into the sales process. Detachment provides you with an opportunity to create more space for the right sales outcomes. This episode also includes tips for embracing detachment even when your manager or sales team doesn't. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#305: Expert Sales Techniques
03/08/2015 Duración: 20minHow can you demonstrate your expertise when you aren't actively selling to a prospect? Is it possible to build expertise outside of the sales process? In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan provide some best practices for strengthening expertise in the second part of this two-part series. You'll hear specific examples of actions they've taken to help their clients. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale provide simple ideas like aligning yourself with other experts and creating a peer group of like-minded people to gathering information and data from potential customers. It's an opportunity for you to stand out from your peers. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#304: Expert Sales Calls
30/07/2015 Duración: 19minWhat does it mean to be an expert during a sales call? Can you change the dynamic with prospects using a different approach? Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale will teach you how to position yourself as an expert in the first part of a two-part podcast series. You'll immediately understand what separates expert sales people from the rest of the pack. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan discuss how to be an expert questioner. They share examples of big picture questions versus precision questions. Finally, they will demonstrate how assertive recommendations and process driven conversations are other ways to demonstrate an expert position. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#303: Perception in Sales Role
27/07/2015 Duración: 20minHow do prospects see you in your sales role? Is it possible to change how you are perceived? In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan share philosophies and exercises you can implement today to strengthen how you are seen or change your perception with prospects. By looking internally at your mindset and seeking out others for feedback, you'll be able to begin to shape your perception. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale give practical approaches like practicing your language and auditing your behaviors to help shape how others see you. Whether you are just settling into a new role or are a veteran, there's always an opportunity to influence how you are perceived by prospects. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#302: Intent in Sales
23/07/2015 Duración: 20minCan intent make or break a sale? Intent is the final piece of the Advanced Selling Podcast Inner Game Trinity. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale share stories of how they came to embrace intent. They'll talk about being taught from an early age to focus on the wrong things, which translates into the wrong approach for sales. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will give you a new way to think about your role in the sales process and how the right intent will improve your sales process significantly. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#301: Detachment in Sales
20/07/2015 Duración: 20minAre you too attached to your sales opportunities? Attachment can wreck your sales process. Detachment is another critical element of the Advanced Selling Podcast Inner Game. In this episode, Bill and Bryan will help you identify if you are too attached. They will offer philosophies to help you be more detached from outcomes. Most importantly, they will illustrate the impact detachment can have when you interact with prospects. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale will show you how detachment can take your sales game to the next level. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#300: Abundance in Sales
16/07/2015 Duración: 26minDo you have an abundance or scarcity mindset? Abundance is one of the core pieces of the Advanced Selling Podcast Inner Game. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale will take a deep-dive and walk through their own definition of abundance. They'll share their personal experiences in observing and overcoming a scarcity mindset. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will give you the takeaways you need to start approaching your life and your profession from a place of abundance. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#299: Sales Process Management
13/07/2015 Duración: 19minSalespeople tend to focus most of their attention on closing the sale, but hardly ever celebrate the sales process itself. What happens when we go right to the close? We vault. In skipping critical pieces of the sales process you jeopardize the sale. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale share the reasons why salespeople vault and ideas for enhancing your own sales process. Being too attached to the sale or receiving mixed messages from your manager can have a big impact on your success. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will equip you with the ideas and approaches you need to win through every step of the sale. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#298: Sales Meeting Acknowledgements
06/07/2015 Duración: 14minWe talk a lot about upfront agreements controlling the sales process. What else should you include in your sales meetings? Acknowledgments. These are the truths, observations or appreciations you must share with others in the meeting to properly manage your process. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will share categories of acknowledgments and the philosophies behind them. You'll get a clear picture of the what's and how's as well. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale will make sure you understand what you need to do to include acknowledgments as part of your sales calls going forward. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#297: Surviving A Sales Scolding
29/06/2015 Duración: 15minAs a salesperson, how do you survive a sales scolding? It comes with the territory and can be delivered by sales managers, operations, marketing, even the CEO. The worst kind of scolding is one coming from a customer or prospect. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale share the emotions around being scolded and the process for resolving the matter quickly. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan walk through a specific scolding incident and discuss how to turn a very public and unpleasant experience into a positive one. You'll understand how to recognize your own mindset when something like this happens. Most importantly, you'll see how you can effectively address the issue and move on. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#296: Important Sales Statements
22/06/2015 Duración: 12minIn sales there's always an emphasis on asking the right questions. Is there anything else you absolutely must do with a prospect? Yes! It's important to include key statements about your business as well. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan provide multiple ideas for the best statements you can make when sitting down with a prospect. This isn't about sharing features and benefits, it's about painting a picture of what you stand for, your ideal client and the processes you follow. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale will provide you with the framework to craft powerful statements to help you win with your prospects. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#295: Introducing New Products
15/06/2015 Duración: 14minYour company has a brand new product or service. You're really excited to share it with clients. How do you avoid the hard pitch and effectively introduce it? In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will share a few ideas to help jumpstart the conversation. Your approach can be as simple as having the right intent and sharing your thinking with your prospect. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale identify unconventional ways to engage at the right level and embrace the reality that not everyone is going to buy. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#294: Sales Knowledge
08/06/2015 Duración: 11minHow do you effectively manage your sales knowledge? It may seem unimportant compared to other aspects of your process. Have you ever been in a sales meeting where someone hammers you with features and benefits? How about the person who gives you a complete oral history of their company? Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale share their philosophies to manage what you know, so you can be effective with your prospects. You'll learn how to deliver your message, demonstrate the right type of knowledge and create space to allow productive sales conversations to happen. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will help you understand why knowing less, not more can be an extremely powerful tool. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#293: Sales Competence
01/06/2015 Duración: 14minWhat does it mean to be competent in sales? It's not just about knowing your industry well or loving the business. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan talk about what it means to be truly competent when it comes to selling. There's value in understanding your customer's challenges, being a "people expert" and taking the sales process to a higher level. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale provide the skills, approaches and knowledge required to become a truly competent salesperson. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#292: Sales Detachment
25/05/2015 Duración: 11minOver the years, we've shared a lot about the idea of detachment. We’re also frequently asked about the difference between detachment and disengagement. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale will share the importance of this distinction. If you practice a healthy sense of detachment, you and your prospects will both feel the difference in your interactions. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will highlight the differences between the two, provide insights into how to shift your thinking and separate internal feelings from external approaches. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#291: Saying "No" To A Prospect
18/05/2015 Duración: 14minWe spend a lot of time talking about getting a "no" from a prospect. What do you do when it flips? How do you say "no" to a prospect? In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan discuss some of the fears we have when it comes to saying "no." From there they cover the words and phrasing needed to say "no" and still be helpful and resourceful for your prospect. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale offer the insights and tools needed to keep your prospect relationship intact. Whether you are dealing with a new prospect or a former/current client, you'll want to keep the opportunity in perspective. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#290: Best Sales Presentations
11/05/2015 Duración: 15minBad sales presentations are the worst. Don't ruin your chances of sales success with a lousy presentation. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale will give you the tools you need to deliver the best sales presentations every single time. Whether you are just starting to make sales presentations or you've been doing this for a long time, these insights can amplify your influence. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan share mental and tactical best practices they've used to win with their audience time after time. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#289: Important Sales Questions
04/05/2015 Duración: 13minWhat are the most critical actions required for a successful sales call? Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale break down the typical sales call and create a framework for achieving success when speaking with a prospect. While there are hundreds of questions you can ask a prospect and many statements you can make about your company, there are only a handful that actually matter. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan reveal three questions and three statements that absolutely must be included in every successful sales call. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#288: Generating Client Meetings
27/04/2015 Duración: 12minHow do you book a meeting when a client or prospect isn't ready to buy? In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan share some clever ideas to generate interest today. Whether you want to book the meeting today or want a way to stay in touch, you'll have insights into methods that can turn a "no thanks" into something better. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale will help you position your language and expertise to become a valuable asset to your clients. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.
#287: Sales Training On Your Own
20/04/2015 Duración: 11minHow do you grow and develop as a sales professional when you don't have the internal support? Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale guide you through a process for creating your own sales training plan. When you find yourself in a situation where you don't report directly to a sales manager, your company doesn't invest in sales training or you are worried you might plateau in your career, following these suggestions can make a huge difference. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan give you the power to put your sales success into your own hands. Want more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Join the LinkedIn Group or give us a call 317.575.0057 ext. 10.