Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale: B2B sales trainers for the past twenty years share their strategies, frameworks, tips and tricks to help you leverage your talent, grow your skills and create your own sales success. You'll discover how you can shift your mindset, win with prospects and build long-term relationships with your clients so you can thrive and advance in your career. Bill and Bryan's approach to sales is funny, often quirky and always real. Their work has allowed them to help sales professionals, managers and leaders at hundreds of companies all over the world implement successful strategies and build profitable sales teams. Prospecting, sales communication, buyer resistance, proposals and RFPs, pricing, cold calling, sales forecasting, pain points, psychology, positioning, deal coaching, goal setting, leading and managing, achieving your goals and all the other things that work (and don't work) in the world of sales to help you be the best possible version of yourself.
#521: Standing Out From the Crowd
22/10/2018 Duración: 18minHave you every wondered how you can differentiate yourself in the sales world? In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan talk with John Lefler, the outbound Sales Manager at John gives some ideas on how you can use greeting cards to be unique in your market. CardsDirect is a new partner with us and they have some very unique designs and approaches to helping you stand out from the crowd as you manage your clients and seek out new prospects. You can find out more at ========================================= Looking for more sales training like this podcast? Visit to download the ALL IN Program today! Be sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group =========================================
#520: Who's In Control Of Your Sales Process?
15/10/2018 Duración: 16minIn this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale talk about a circumstance that lots of sales forces struggle with, the notion of who controls the sales process. Bill and Bryan riff on such things as correct mindset, correct language, and what your ideal sales process is if you were to create it from scratch. This is definitely one area where most sales people fall short! If you have a sales question you want answered, make sure you send a short voice memo question to and we'll take it on in an upcoming episode.
#519: How Can Customers Believe In Your Value If They Can't See It?
08/10/2018 Duración: 16minIn this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale take on a mailbag question from a listener named Alyx. Alyx is in the Health and Wellness industry and her question was, "how does one communicate value in a market where there are fads and fixes that people opt for?" Bill and Bryan discuss how a lot of this gets back to how you see the world of selling today, and are you part marketer and part seller, or just part seller? Many of the guys' tips and tactics around this question have to do with you putting a slightly different hat than you're used to when you facing this issue. Do you have a question you'd like the guys to address? Send us a voice memo to! ========================================= Looking for more sales training like this podcast? Visit to download the ALL IN Program today! Be sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group ==================
#518: It's a Relief Party
01/10/2018 Duración: 14minIn this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan begin the planning process for 2019, but they start in a completely different way than you're used to. The first step in preparation of next year is to take inventory of the beliefs that we might have in sales that hold us back. Then the next step is to begin to release those beliefs and in their place, insert beliefs that are more conducive to higher achievement. If you're interested in bringing Bill or Bryan or both into your company for a year-end sales training, send us a note at and we'll get back with you to discuss your team! ========================================= Looking for more sales training like this podcast? Visit to download the ALL IN Program today! Be sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group =========================================
#517: How Do You Deal With Loss?
24/09/2018 Duración: 17minOn this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address the topic of rejection, loss, and disappointment. There is a myth that we have to just move on when we get disappointed, and not feel the feelings that comes along with that. But we think that's wrong. Bill and Bryan give you some things to think about when it comes to preventing the feelings that come along with loss and disappointment, and what to what to do when it does happens. ========================================= Looking for more sales training like this? Visit to download the ALL IN Program today! Be sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group =========================================
#516: Understanding the Buyer's Brain - Bryan Gray
17/09/2018 Duración: 18minOn this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Brayan Neale sit down with a long time friend, Bryan Gray, Author and CEO of Return Path Group. They discuss the buyer's brain and how their thinking affects the sales process. Do you know how to get the limbic and reptilian brain to pay attention in any buying decision? Bryan has some tips on how to do just that. Download Bryan's FREE eBook titled, "Sales Is Broken" at ========================================= Looking for more sales training like this? Visit to download the ALL IN Program today! Be sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group =========================================
#515: Morning Routines with Benjamin Spall
10/09/2018 Duración: 15minWhat is your morning routine? And does it prepare you for anything? In this week's episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale interview Benjamin Spall, author of a book titled "My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired." Benjamin interviewed more than 60 successful people to find out what their morning routines are for the day. He shares a few of these with our podcast audience. This is definitely a book we suggest purchasing, ========================================= Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Be sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group =========================================
#514: Things a Sales Person Should Never Say
03/09/2018 Duración: 15minIn this week's episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale share with you phrases and jargon that should never be said in sales today. Most of these things serve to deposition you in the mind of the prospect, so that you appear to be operating from a place of weakness. Bill and Bryan will also give you some things that are okay to say and some replacements for these "bad words." If you have a question that you'd like to get to the guys, send a voice memo to ========================================= Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Be sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group =========================================
#513: You've Lost The Business. Now What?
27/08/2018 Duración: 18minHow do you win back business when you lose it? On this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale give you some tips on what you can do the instant you lose a sale or an account leaves you. This is a listener mailbag question from Aaron in Colorado who had this exact thing happened where he was in charge of all business development, but out of the loop on client success and bad things started to happen. Now it's up to him to go back and re-persuade people to do business with him. If you want your question answered on the podcast, send us a voice memo to! ========================================= Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Be sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group =========================================
#512: How To Turn Podcast Listening Into Income
20/08/2018 Duración: 16minIn this episode, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale take an email from a listener who has refined the art form of taking podcast content and turning it into usable mechanics to help him grow his income. So the guys set off on a journey and give you seven ways that you can listen to podcasts, The Advanced Selling Podcast, or others, in a way that helps you implement some of the ideas that you hear. One of the tips was, email the podcast host with a question, so this offer stands. Send your question to and we will answer it on an upcoming episode. ========================================= Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. Be sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group =========================================
#511: Are You Ready For Your Next Big Thing?
13/08/2018 Duración: 17minIn this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan take a listener question from a police officer who is interested in getting into sales. The guys break down his question a little further and say, "are you ready for your next opportunity?" Whether it's sales to customer success, or sales to sales manager, or any number of other progressions, are you ready? The guys give him some ideas on how to think about it, and some tips on what to do to prepare. They would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, or if you have a question, please send us a voice memo to ========================================= Learn more about how to improve your personal brand with our Personal Brand Makeover Course Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. =========================================
#510: Overcoming "Passivity" in the Sales Process
06/08/2018 Duración: 21minAre you to passive or too aggressive? How you get right in the middle? In almost every sales process there is, "Controlled tension." This happens when there is stress around who's controlling the process, you or the prospect. The reason you should be in control is because you have the solution, but the prospect thinks they should be in control because they have the money. This control tension gives way to the question of, "how assertive should you be in guiding the prospect through the prospect?" In this episode, Bill and Bryan talk about "Passivity" both from a mindset standpoint and a tactical standpoint. ========================================= Learn more about how to improve your personal brand with our Personal Brand Makeover Course Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. =========================================
#509: Are You Sharing Your Perspective With Your Customers?
30/07/2018 Duración: 15minThink about how many prospects you've called on. Think about how many mistakes you've seen people make when they buy your product or your service. Think about how many questions you've been asked by interested prospects. The fact is, you have enormous perspective on the industry you are in, yet I bet you, you don't use it very well. In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan discuss the notion of sharing your perspective with your prospects so that they can become a more educated and sophisticated buyer. Yes, they may buy from you or they may not, but you are doing your job by helping them make a better decision. Have a sales question? Send us an email at listener@advancesellingpodcast and we'll get it on the air. Make it a voice memo question and you'll be even more famous! ========================================= Learn more about how to improve your personal brand with our Personal Brand Makeover Course Looking for more sales training like this? Visi
#508: The Best Sales Advice Ever
23/07/2018 Duración: 17minIn their sales training businesses, Bill and Bryan are both often asked the question, "what is the best sales advice you can give me?" This is usually a pretty difficult question because no one answer will fit every situation. And, with so many different sales methodologies out there, how can you know what's best? On this week's episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, they guys decided to step up to the challenge and put together their lists of the best advice they've either ever gotten or ever given. If you have a sales question you want answered, send us a voice recorded message to and we'll answer it on an upcoming episode! ========================================= Learn more about how to improve your personal brand with our Personal Brand Makeover Course Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. =========================================
#507: What To Do When the Middleman Says No
16/07/2018 Duración: 14minIn this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan take a listener question from Lauren, who asks how she can navigate the sales process better if she is not the low bid. She also asks how to handle the "middleman" in the process who will not let her get to the end user. The guys had some attitudinal and philosophical issues about how she was thinking about it, but they also gave her some thoughts on how she can remedy this difficult situation. ========================================= Learn more about how to improve your personal brand with our Personal Brand Makeover Course Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. =========================================
#506: How To Build Your Own Sales Methodology
09/07/2018 Duración: 15minIn this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, hosts Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale walk you through a framework to help you build your own sales methodology. This is part 2 of last week's episode where Bill and Bryan talked about the big five sales training companies and they gave you some pluses and minuses about why you should or shouldn't have a philosophy/methodology. In this week's episode, the guys go into detail about the eight things that you need to have as part of your new method. if you have any questions be sure to send us a voice recorded message to and we'll answer it on an upcoming episode! ========================================= Learn more about how to improve your personal brand with our Personal Brand Makeover Course Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. =========================================
#505: Which Sales Methodology is the Best?
02/07/2018 Duración: 17minThis week's topic came from a LinkedIn conversation from a VP of sales who asked the question, "What is the best sales methodology to use today?" Veteran sales trainers, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale discuss the largest five sales methodology training firms in the world, and share some thoughts on whether you even need a method, or not. They guys offer their thoughts and on next week's episode, they will give you a framework you can use to build your own philosophy instead of using someone else's. ========================================= Learn more about how to improve your personal brand with our Personal Brand Makeover Course Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. =========================================
#504: What are you really motivated by?
25/06/2018 Duración: 24minIn this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran sales trainers and podcast hosts Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale discuss a question that came in that has rarely been discussed on the podcast, "How Can I Motivate My Team?" The guys walk through several different areas of motivation that can either inspire or hold back your sales team. For you sales leader listeners this is a good opportunity for you to think about your team in a slightly different way and what truly motivates them. If you're interested in getting some more information about how you can assess your team's motivational tendencies, send us an email to with the word feedback in the subject line and we'll get in touch! ========================================= Learn more about how to improve your personal brand with our Personal Brand Makeover Course Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools
#503: When is Persistence a Deficit and not an Attribute?
18/06/2018 Duración: 15minIn this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address a deeper subject of persistence. Often times we can become overly persistent, and it will cost us big money in the sale cycle. The guys also realized they've been calling on the same prospect and they both lost the deal, which adds material for this topic. They discuss some ways to handle the rejection and possibly even learn from the experience. If you'd like to get your question answered on the podcast, send us an email to with a voice memo attached, and we will get it on the air. ========================================= Learn more about how to improve your personal brand with our Personal Brand Makeover Course Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. =========================================
#502: How Do I Keep Deals Moving When Prospects Disappear?
11/06/2018 Duración: 20minIn this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale take two separate CoVideo Mailbag listener questions. One question has to do with, how should a sales professional deal with non-sales issues like collecting accounts receivables? The other question deals with, how do we modify our behavior and our thinking so that deals continue to flow after the initial contact? We'd love to hear your question, so send us an email with a voice memo to,, and we will get it on the air. ========================================= Learn more about how to improve your personal brand with our Personal Brand Makeover Course Looking for more sales training like this? Visit for access to exclusive listener sales tools and resources. =========================================