Pat Flynn from The Smart Passive Income Blog reveals all of his online business and blogging strategies, income sources and killer marketing tips and tricks so you can be ahead of the curve with your online business or blog. Discover how you can create multiple passive income streams that work for you so that you can have the time and freedom to do what you love, whether it's traveling the world, or just living comfortably at home. Although Pat confesses he is not a millionaire, he's been supporting his family 100% with passive income generated online, easily earning a six-figure salary while working only a few hours a week. Automation, outsourcing, crowdsourcing, search engine optimization, building authority and trust, niche sites, social media, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Podcasting, eBooks, online courses, affiliate marketing, getting things done and everything that works (and doesn't work) to help you better understand how to crush it with your online business.
SPI 701: How to Profit by Building Software (With NO Coding Experience) with Spencer Haws
26/07/2023 Duración: 33min#701 Entrepreneurs without programming knowledge tend to dismiss software-based businesses as too complex. Courses and other digital products are often seen as more accessible. But here's the thing—creating digital tools to serve your audience is easier than you think! Spencer Haws, today's returning guest, hasn't been on the show since episode 066. That was over ten years ago! He still runs an incredible blog at and has built and sold several thriving software businesses with no coding experience! In this episode, Spencer brings us up to date on his journey. We hear about his niche sites and get an inside look at his latest venture, Link Whisper—a WordPress plugin that makes internal linking faster and more effective. This fascinating chat covers everything from interviewing potential customers for successful product creation to selling a business for massive profit! Tune in and enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at a
SPI 700: 700 Episodes Later...
21/07/2023 Duración: 12min#700 Wow, we're celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Smart Passive Income Podcast! That's absolutely ridonkulous! Whether this is the first episode you're tuning in for or the 700th, I appreciate you for being here! So what have I learned working on the show for so long? In this session, I share my most important mindset shift for fast growth. You see, a book I'm reading nowadays, 10x Is Easier Than 2x, has reminded me of a powerful story from my architecture days. This perfectly illustrates the path to quick gains I've applied to every aspect of my business and life. Skyrocketing your skill level and growing your business is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and focusing on the things that can move the needle for you in a big way. So listen in on this episode to learn more. And again, thank you for sticking with us for so many years! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
SPI 699: Real Business Talk, Tweet by Tweet with Matt Giovanisci
19/07/2023 Duración: 38min#699 When your business is optimized, you hit a button, and money happens. That said, many entrepreneurs make mistakes that stop them from reaching that level. I'm no different, and it really hurt when today's guest made me realize that. Matt Giovanisci is a classic example of finding riches in the niches with his work at Swim University and Money Lab. In this episode, he returns to the show for a powerful deep dive into the entrepreneurial mindset. You see, the knowledge he shares on Twitter really hit home with me. I had to invite him on the show to go tweet by tweet with us and expand on the vital concepts that can make or break our businesses. This is a wide-ranging discussion about filtering and prioritizing your ideas, building an ATM-like email list, simplifying your marketing, short-form versus long-form content, and even lip-syncing! Today's session will be a game-changer for many listeners, so don't miss out! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at https://art1
SPI 698: Two Weeks Later, and I'm Done.
14/07/2023 Duración: 18min#698 Card Party, my three-day live event in the Pokémon space, is over. With half a million dollars at stake, it's hard to believe the fear I felt is now behind me. I'm exhausted, but I couldn't be happier with how it all turned out! If you've been following my Deep Pocket Monster journey, you know how much I value the fantastic community we've built on YouTube. In previous episodes, I talked all about how we designed Card Party as a celebration of that. I'm now happy to share the lessons learned from our massive success! The response from attendees, creators, sponsors, and vendors, has been incredible. In fact, we've already sold hundreds of tickets for next year's event! So listen in to hear all about how we created an amazing experience and delivered unforgettable moments with our first edition of Card Party! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
SPI 697: How to Build a Thriving Community Online with Heather Angel
12/07/2023 Duración: 40min#697 The transformational power of online communities is no joke. Still, many entrepreneurs overcomplicate things and drag their feet on launching a membership. What, then, is the easiest way to get started right now? Today's special guest, Heather Lynn Angel, is someone whose trajectory I highly encourage you to replicate. You see, the value she has provided as a member of our SPI Pro community is insane. We recognized that and couldn't pass on the opportunity to hire her! Heather and I discuss all that today as we dive deep into building a thriving digital space for your audience. As a community strategist, Heather is a fantastic resource. In this episode, she shares the baseline requirements for successful membership businesses and walks us through every step, from platform choice to next-level member engagement and retention. We cover all the bases to save you from procrastination and get you going ASAP. So listen in and take action! Show notes and more at Privacy Pol
SPI 696: The Toxicity of “Agree to Disagree”
07/07/2023 Duración: 08min#696 When you agree to disagree with someone, you're just avoiding the issue. But there's a better and more productive way to handle conflict. At SPI, we disagree and commit. My great friend and business partner, Matt Gartland, taught me this when we started working together. It's been an absolute game-changer ever since! In this episode, I explore the benefits of this powerful mindset and share the methods we use to implement it. That said, this approach felt counterintuitive at first. If you're anything like me, you prefer to avoid endless fighting. Agreeing to disagree is the civilized way to move on, right? But does that ever solve anything? In fact, many of our most popular products wouldn't exist if we didn't commit despite having doubts. Our fantastic Unstuck newsletter is just one example. So listen in on today's session to learn how to use this mindset shift for incredible results! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California
SPI 695: The Secrets to Working with Anyone with Michael Bungay Stanier
05/07/2023 Duración: 39min#695 You go through a honeymoon phase with every person in your life. Business partners, co-workers, and clients are no exception. Of course, these connections are critical to your success as an entrepreneur! So what can you do to keep the spark alive in the boardroom and maintain the best possible version of your working relationships? Joining me today is Michael Bungay Stanier, bestselling author of The Coaching Habit. This favorite of mine has massively impacted how we do business at SPI. His new book, How to Work with (Almost) Anyone, uncovers the one essential conversation and five powerful questions to help you master relationship-building. Today, Michael shares why your most successful connections should be safe, vital, and repairable. He and I explore the value of knowing yourself, the signals to break off unhealthy relationships, and screwing up as a way to increase customer loyalty. Tune in because Michael's advice will supercharge your communication skills! Show notes and more at SmartPassiveIncome
SPI 694: Two Weeks from Today, It'll Be Done
30/06/2023 Duración: 14min#694 What is the experience you create for your audience? How do you imagine people reacting to your products? What do your ideal reviews and testimonials sound like? Now more than ever, I'm obsessing over these questions because my first in-person event in the Pokémon space is just two weeks away. You see, even with ticket sales going very well and many sponsors supporting us, we might still lose a lot of money on this first event. But that's okay! My main goal with Card Party is to deliver unforgettable moments for our attendees and celebrate this incredible community in a unique way. But, while that's happening behind the scenes, detractors have been popping up online. Tune in to find out how I'm handling these people and why I can't wait for their honest reviews after the event! Enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
SPI 693: Inside a Passive Income Print-On-Demand Business with Christina Umerez
28/06/2023 Duración: 39min#693 How do you build a side hustle that can replace your job in under a year? How do you go from earning $300 to $12,000 per month online? How do you create a profitable passive income business designing, selling, and shipping physical products? Today, we get an inside look at a print-on-demand business that generates incredible revenue. But that's not all. The best part is that this online store runs on just six hours of work per week! Joining me for this chat is the wonderful Christina Umerez. She is an entrepreneur and online business content creator who runs a hugely successful Etsy store. We discuss finding a profitable niche, creating successful designs with AI, positioning and promoting your products for massive sales, the easiest print-on-demand platforms to use, and much more. Today's episode is an in-depth blueprint you can follow to start generating income online immediately. Tune in and take action! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at
SPI 692: Why So Big?
23/06/2023 Duración: 13min#692 I always say the riches are in the niches, but that's not what this episode is about. You see, you can still make the mistake of growing too big too fast, even if you're operating in a super niched-down space. Why is that? It's because bigger truly isn't always better. When we start our entrepreneurial journey, many of us want to become as successful as possible and as rich as possible. But here's the thing. A small business can be optimized and refined to help us reach our exact economic goals! So why take on extra work that isn't aligned with your mission? Why go down a path that can distract you from the vision you have for yourself and your family? Listen in on this session because I want to shock you back on track today. So tune in for a perspective shift to help you understand your journey and enjoy success along the way! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
SPI 691: How to Grow Your Small Business NOW with Donald Miller
21/06/2023 Duración: 39min#691 If your business doesn't bring in enough cash, you can't help anyone. So how do you reverse engineer a big economic objective and build a profitable company around it? I'm very excited because returning to the show today is none other than Donald Miller, bestselling author of Building a StoryBrand. His book is one of my favorites of all time and one I'm always recommending here on the podcast. Donald is back to introduce us to his new book, How to Grow Your Small Business, his six-part framework to succeed and reach your financial goals! This interview highlights the vital aspects that determine the growth of your brand. We discuss everything from scaling a business with the right systems in place to the crucial principle of effective marketing. Donald also shares insights into hiring the right people to uplevel your company and mastering leadership. Listen in on this powerful conversation, and enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at
SPI 690: I Call You to Action
16/06/2023 Duración: 09min#690 These two free opportunities we offer at SPI have already served a massive number of entrepreneurs. If you're not taking advantage of them, you're missing out! You see, networking with people on the same path is vital for the success of your business. To help you scale your brand, the SPI team and I host free monthly meetups at This is your shot to learn directly from us and to form relationships with the entrepreneurs who will support your growth. Listen in on this session to learn how to make the most of these events! The other opportunity I talk about today is my Unstuck newsletter. The response to the weekly stories and lessons I send out has been phenomenal! These are the moments that have shaped me as a person and entrepreneur that are now helping our subscribers change their lives! If you haven't already, join me at! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California P
SPI 689: The Best Way to Grow Your Email List — The Creator Network
14/06/2023 Duración: 36min#689 Many businesses rely on advertising to reach new audiences. But what if instead of paying for sponsored posts on Facebook or Instagram, you could invest in creators like you? On the flip side, what if you could earn real money promoting the content you love? The world of email has stagnated lately, but a new launch from ConvertKit is about to change that in a big way! Today, you'll hear all about The Creator Network, which will help you find engaged followers in your niche without using any social media platforms. Listen in because ConvertKit founder Nathan Barry is here to walk us through this game-changing feature for newsletter growth, monetization, and more! The possibilities are mind-blowing, so you'll hear my gears turning throughout this whole session. You'll also hear Nathan sharing examples from other creators using this strategy to supercharge their email lists and create highly profitable feedback loops. You can leverage The Creator Network at any level, so don't miss out! Show notes and more
SPI 688: It’s the Same Every Time
09/06/2023 Duración: 12min#688 I'm getting those feelings again. Self-doubt, fear of humiliation, questioning why I'm even putting myself through this—and it's been the same every time! No matter if it was starting my business and podcast, speaking on stages, writing books, selling courses, or building a community—I always felt like this at pivotal moments in my life. So what is it this time? When this episode comes out, my first Pokémon live event will be in full swing in Anaheim! CARD PARTY is a massive project, so I want to take a moment to share my thoughts as I record this session a month in advance. With fifteen hundred tickets sold and some of the top Pokémon creators participating, the pressure is on to deliver three unforgettable days. Listen in on my quick update to learn how I'm making CARD PARTY happen and why this has the potential to be a great success! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
SPI 687: What's Going on with John Lee Dumas?
07/06/2023 Duración: 38min#687 Established podcasters are earning millions of dollars in sponsorships every year. My great friend and guest, John Lee Dumas, is one of them. But, with almost four thousand episodes of Entrepreneurs on Fire under his belt, would he even recommend podcasting to grow a business in 2023? Listen in on today's episode because JLD delivers a reality check like no other. His show has amassed over one hundred and forty million downloads, but he's the first to point out that new podcasters are facing an uphill battle. That said, the advice JLD shares in our chat will help you stand out and succeed in any crowded niche! We cover a lot of ground in this incredible conversation. JLD gives us a special inside look at his four-and-a-half-hour workweek and the strategies that help him maintain his free time. We also discuss everything from wealth management and investing to preparing for the worst-case scenario. Enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at
SPI 686: How to Build Your Business Network with Benjamin Yeh
02/06/2023 Duración: 34min#686 Your network is your net worth. That is to say, who you choose to surround yourself with can either support your growth or deplete your energy. So, when was the last time you received a warm lead or referral from your network? When was the last time you extended an opportunity to a friend? This fantastic Teaching Friday session with our guest host Benjamin Yeh will reveal the secret to building impactful relationships and help you connect with the right people in your niche. Tune in to get Benjamin's 5WG framework for meaningful conversations, the top questions to ask when meeting someone new, advice on the relationships you should avoid, and more! I'm always floored by the tips and strategies our SPI Pro members share when they take over the show. This episode is no exception! Download the resources to support you in implementing the techniques discussed today at Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California P
SPI 685: Commit First: The Leap to 7 Figures with Sagi Shrieber
31/05/2023 Duración: 50min#685 Why is it that most people never reach their goals? You see, we all know about the importance of physical fitness. Mental strength, however, is often ignored. That's a problem because our mindset is the number one thing that can propel us forward or hold us back! That's why I had to invite my friend Sagi Shrieber back on the show to share a heavy dose of motivation. This chat perfectly illustrates the timeline of success and gives you the tools you need to take action with the right vision in place. We first heard from Sagi in episode 326. That's when we found out how he bailed his business out of debt by transforming his mindset. This session builds on that conversation to help you supercharge your confidence, develop a long-term vision, and handle setbacks with grace. Listen in because Sagi's strategies will shift your perspective and help you get better results in life and business! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California
SPI 684: The Impact of Impact
26/05/2023 Duración: 11min#684 Content overload is the new normal, so how do we regain control over what we consume and how we learn? This is such an important topic that I'm writing a whole book about it! While Lean Learning is only coming out in 2024 or 2025, I still want to share my strategies to help you right now. Navigating the information buffet can be tricky, so listen in on this episode to find out about the habits I've cultivated to help me stay focused! Here's the thing, though. The big lesson I share today has very little to do with productivity hacks and everything to do with your mission. You see, when you understand the impact of your work and truly believe you're helping people, eliminating distractions is a breeze. That flow state is the key to unlocking your potential and ability to pursue goals, even without a lot of free time! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
SPI 683: A Masterclass on Your Mindset as a Creator with Dr. Corey Wilks, Psy.D.
24/05/2023 Duración: 43min#683 Fear is often the biggest thing holding us back. So how do we neutralize its power over us? What can we do to stop it from manifesting as procrastination and perfectionism? How do we come to terms with uncertainty and move toward success? We tackle all that in this incredible episode with my guest, Dr. Corey Wilks, Psy.D. This session is an absolute masterclass on conquering fear and transforming your mindset! Dr. Wilks is a clinical psychologist and entrepreneur specializing in helping creators reach their potential. This conversation is a deep dive into everything from defeating the Four Horsemen of Fear — failure, uncertainty, ridicule, and success — to using psychology to price your products and deal with trolls and haters. My chat with Dr. Wilks will blow your mind and rewire it to help you reach your most ambitious goals, so don't miss out! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
SPI 682: Short Form Content is a Waste of Time
19/05/2023 Duración: 13min#682 If you're trying to build a brand using short-form videos, I'm worried about you. This goes against most of the advice you'll hear, but I'm taking a stand because long-form content is a much better way to build a loyal audience. In this session, I want to walk you through the thought process and experiences that have led to this conclusion. In fact, I recently spoke on stage at Social Media Marketing World on this topic, and the feedback has been incredible. You see, Shorts are a lot like eating snacks that ultimately leave you unsatisfied. Is that what we want to provide as content creators? I want to be the chef at a restaurant where you sit down for an unforgettable experience. That's what future superfans are more attracted to! So join me today as I make the case for long-form content at a time when everyone else is falling short! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at